A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1253: The Butterfly Effect

Sitting in a brand-new airplane, Yang Yang tasted leisurely wine, but his mood was not as peaceful as he seemed. On the contrary, Gao Yang was a little upset at this time.

Before going to Ukraine, Gao Yang wanted to spend a day with Yelena and have fun, but a sudden news forced him to leave early.

It's enough just to leave early. What makes Gao Yang depressed is that while he is still having lunch with Yelena, he has to tell Yeliana that he has to leave immediately.

It's not pleasant to leave in a hurry under the eyes of the lover's worried and reluctant eyes, but Gao Yang has no choice, he must be in Kiev as quickly as possible.

The unexpected situation came from Ukraine. Just when Gao Yang and Yelena had lunch, he received a notice. Following the decision of the Ukrainian Parliament to remove Victor Feodorovich ’s presidency, the Ukrainian parliament passed it today. Resolution to remove all positions of Victor Feodorovich.

Victor completely collapsed, and if Victor completely collapsed, if he did not want to be sent to prison by the opposition, or even put on the gallows, it would be better to escape as soon as possible.

Gao Yang scolded many times in his heart. It doesn't matter if Victor lost his position too fast, but his plan to harm him was also disrupted.

Victor fled, and the opposition naturally refused to let go, and the Virgin Mary, who is closely connected with the opposition, will naturally not be indifferent.

Clooney sent the news over there. The Virgin of Steel has joined the ranks of Victor. If you do n’t want to lose the opportunity to ambush the Virgin of Steel, it is best to hurry up and take action.

The reason is simple. The opposition will mobilize all forces to hunt down Victor, and the situation in Ukraine is in a state of extreme chaos. The opposition drove Victor off stage, but it is far from complete control of the situation in Ukraine. Especially for the army, the opposition cannot control the entire army too quickly.

The opposition cannot use the Ukrainian army, and Victor cannot be protected without strength. Russia is bound to take action, and at this time, even if Western countries have sent troops to carry out the task of hunting down Victor. But the small number is a factor. What ’s more important is that if the Russians have to fight hard to catch or kill Victor, they really do n’t dare. So, in the chaos in Ukraine, now It's time for mercenaries to start singing the protagonist.

The mercenaries have no fear or fear. Even if the Russians are horizontal, there are always mercenaries who dare to shoot. Even if they need to go deep into Russia to kill Victor, there will be no shortage of cannon fodder.

This is a butterfly effect. The situation is now that Victor has fallen. He is like a magnet, attracting all mercenaries active in Ukraine. The Iron Maiden is no exception, and angel servants who ca n’t be reached The Corps should be no exception.

If all members of the Iron Madonna are dispatched to hunt down Victor, Satan wants to continue to ambush the Iron Madonna. You can only wait until Victor is killed or caught, but the time required for this process is really unpredictable. Victor may go to Russia to seek asylum. It is also possible to hide in Ukraine somewhere and wait for the counterattack. Anything is possible, and no one can guarantee what will happen.

If Victor quickly escaped into Russia, then things would be simple, and the pursuit of Victor could only end here. If Victor was killed, it would be simple, but if Victor hid, then Trouble. God knows when to find him, or those mercenary groups give up looking.

Opportunity is found. Not waiting.

Gao Yang didn't want to and couldn't keep going, so he had to rush to Ukraine as soon as possible. Looking for all opportunities to complete his conspiracy. For example, as soon as he arrived in Kiev, he would have the opportunity to introduce part of the Iron Madonna into the trap. Then naturally he would do the thing as quickly as possible. If there is no chance, then find, Maybe there is a chance to find the Madonna of Steel.

It turned out that Gao Yang always thought it was easy to play conspiracies and tricks, but when it was time for him to dig a trap to find people, it was found that the Yin people are also technical skills, and it is too difficult to make a seamless plan, even if only It's not enough to make a plan to successfully grasp a higher one. The steps they make jointly seem to be full of uncertainty.

Now Gao Yang understands that Clooney is really a genius. Although the road is crooked, the genius who crooks the evil way is also a genius. The mind is full of harmful twists and turns, and a few moments can come up with a few tricks to pit people. No wonder he will be regarded as a left-handed man by Tomler.

After drinking the wine in the glass, Gao Yang put the empty glass aside and sighed a long time. Then he could only take one step at a time. It was useless to think about it. He was a little sleepy and decided to sleep.

Gao Yang soon fell asleep, sleeping soundly along the way, and didn't wake him from his sleep until he felt a shock.

Gao Yang sat up and found that the plane was taxiing. After a short wait, the plane stopped completely.

Having arrived in Kiev, thinking of this, Gao Yang could n’t help but be in a trance. They planned for a long time to enter Ukraine, but no one thought that this was the case in the end, and the reason for coming to Ukraine was not to do business, and in the end did not escape to fight. fate.

No one answered this time in Ukraine, everything had to be on his own. Gao Yang got up from the seat and knocked twice on the small door of the cockpit. After the pilot opened the door from inside, he said loudly: "Kiev is very messy now. After we get off the plane, don't delay, leave here as soon as possible."

The pilot was the stranger that Gao Yang first met ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ He nodded to Gao Yang and said loudly: "Okay, we understand, Mr. Gao."

Gao Yang waved his hands to the people in the cabin and shouted: "Guys, although no one welcomes, we are finally here in Ukraine. Okay, get off the plane."

Gao Yang was the first to get off the plane and pulled out his gun case from the luggage compartment. Of course, some camouflage was done outside, which looked like an ordinary long box.

Carrying a long suitcase on his body, he pulled out a suitcase. The long suitcase contains a gun. Well, the suitcase is his bullet, pistol, shotgun, night vision device, body armor, and communication equipment. , Combat uniform.

There are a whole lot of things in Zero Zero. Gao Yang's suitcase is very big and heavy, but returning to heavy weight makes Gao Yang feel safe.

Kiev is already very chaotic. The order in the airport is much better, but it is still affected. At this time, someone should push a small cart or drive a luggage cart to help with luggage, but in a time of panic chaos, this People are completely missing.

After waiting for everyone to take their own luggage in their hands, Gao Yang snapped his fingers and shouted: "Start!" (Unfinished)

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