A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1188: Not much will save people

Gao Yang put his hand on the steering wheel without moving. Although he didn't know how it attracted Albert's attention, it was better to stay still at this time, otherwise, if he was killed by Albert I was wronged. (800) (. Lewen Novels |

Generally speaking, the police will not take the gun immediately, they will put their hands on the handle of the gun, but they will not pull the gun immediately. If they pull the gun immediately, it means he feels threatened.

The two policemen in the car were white, both in their forties, they were all bald, and they both had a beer belly, and Gao Yang couldn't tell the one he was looking for for a while. Special.

Gao Yang ’s car window was open. Two policemen stood in front of the car and pointed at him with a gun. The policeman who came from the driver ’s seat quickly walked to the side of the car ’s door and opened the door of the car. 'Afterwards, the gun was placed in a very back position with the right hand to prevent the gun from snatching up and shouted: "Go down, move slowly, if you dare to have abnormal movements, I will kill you!"

Gao Yang slowly untied his seat belt, and then slowly moved out his 'legs'. After lifting his hand and getting off the car, the policeman who pointed his gun at him pointed the gun into the holster and then grabbed it with one hand. Hold Gao Yang's arm, press Gao Yang to the front of the car, and let Gao Yang lie on the front of the car.

The probe glanced into the car, and after finding the walkie-talkie on the passenger's seat, holding the angry face of the high-spirited policeman, he dragged Gao Yang and quickly moved to the front of the car. Shouted: "Place your hands on the car! The two legs are apart, boy, why follow me! If you don't have a reasonable excuse, you are dead!"

He stretched out his hands and quickly touched Gao Yang's waist. After touching the hidden holster in Gao Yang's waist, Gao Yang said in a deep voice: "Police! I have something to do with Mr. Arthur Albert. I want to talk about it. If you are, can we talk about it? "

The pistol in Gao Yang's waist was pulled out. At this time, after holding the Gao Yang's pistol in his pocket, he continued to search for Gao Yang and said in his ear, "Let your Friends get off the car behind and raise their hands, otherwise, I will blow your head first! "

At this time, the police standing with a gun on the side said nervously: "Man, do you need to call for reinforcements?"

"No need!"

Gao Yangsheng said: "Man, don't be nervous. (.’) I just want to talk to you about something, hi man. Read the full text of the latest chapter carefully, be careful not to let the fire go. "

After continuing to search the body, no other dangerous objects were found on Gao Yang. The policeman holding Gao Yang locked Gao Yang's neck, dragged him from the car, and blocked him in front of him. Then he walked to the car. Then the policeman raised his gun and shouted at the car driven by Li Jinfang: "Roll me down from the car. Otherwise I will blow his head!"

Gao Yang was taken hostage, and was taken hostage by a police officer. This kind of thing is not very common, it can only be said that what the policeman did today is very unreasonable.

Li Jinfang opened the door of the car. Raised his hands and got out of the car, and then stood still beside the car, when the policeman beside Gao Yang hurriedly lay behind the back of the car. After holding a gun and aiming at Li Jinfang, his face shouted nervously: "Man! Do we really not need to call for support?"

"No, just look at them, and listen, all get off the car! Hurry up! My patience is limited!"

Raised with his neck locked, he said helplessly: "Police, I'm looking for Arthur Albert. I'm looking for him to say something, listen, don't mess things up, this is just a very ordinary business, we It ’s not that you are looking for revenge. Do n’t ask them to get out of the car anymore. What do you mean? Dude, let ’s talk about it. Do n’t **** get your attention! ”

Gao Yang intermittently, after speaking hard, the policeman hiding his head behind his head whispered: "Boy, don't want to trouble me! Say, why follow me!"

Gao Yang thinks that the policeman holding his neck is Albert. The reason is very simple. He is too alert and too unscrupulous to do things. According to normal logic, the policeman next to him who always wants to call for reinforcements is in line with one. Normal policeman's performance.

Gao Yang felt that the arm around his neck was a little loose. After he gasped, he whispered: "I want to talk to you about business. Should you understand what I mean?"

After hearing Gao Yang's words, the policeman with his arms around his neck said angrily: "Fak, why don't you contact me in some normal way?"

After the hateful speech, the policeman with arms around his neck did not relax his arms, but he shouted at the nervous policeman: "Man, there is nothing for you here, go back to the police car, wait in front I, listen, do n’t tell anyone about what ’s going on here, do n’t call for reinforcements. I ’m a bit 'private' here, go. "

The policeman who was lying on the back of the car with a gun froze for a moment, but after hesitating for a while, he obediently put the ‘plug’ back in his waist. After returning to the police car, he moved the police car forward and heard the roadside.

At this moment, the policeman behind him whispered: "What the **** are you, make it clear!"

Gao Yangsheng said: "Are you Arthur Albert, right?"

"Since you are looking for me, you should know who I am, stop talking nonsense, just go ahead and say it! My patience is not very good!"

"Someone introduced me to come to you and do some business. I need a good military doctor. You must understand what is going on. Rest assured, guys. There are two guns in the car in front of you, if I was going to Kill you, you are dead, so relax, let's say a few words to the side. "

After Gao Yang finished speaking, the arm that locked his neck was released, and the policeman behind him said in an indignant tone: "Man, who the **** introduces you, you ca n’t come in a peaceful way. Are you looking for me? Well, drive the car to the side of the road, let ’s leave here first. "

Gao Yang ‘kneaded’ and ‘kneaded’ his neck, waved his hand at Li Jinfang, and said loudly, “It ’s okay, drive the car to the side of the road and talk.”

Gao Yang turned back into the car, drove it to the side of the road and stopped, and then got out of the car. At this time, Albert had directed the car they had just blocked to continue driving.

After clearing the temporarily interrupted road, Albert walked up to Gao Yang, stretched out his hand toward Gao Yang, and shook hands with Gao Yang before whispering: "It's not a common occurrence to find me as a doctor. Say, who the **** are you and what do you want me to do. "

Gao Yang smiled and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Albert, will your colleagues have no problem?"

Albert waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter. My partner doesn't have any questions. You can answer my questions."

Gao Yang nodded. After thinking for a moment, he looked up at Albert and said: "I am a mercenary. I need a good military doctor, long-term work, high salary!"

Gao Yang ’s words were simple and concise, but the effect was very good. He made his purpose clear in a few words. After listening to Albert, he was surprised in his face: “Are you a mercenary? Shet! I I thought you were a Chinese gangster. "

Gao Yang laughed: "No, we are not gangsters, we are mercenaries, and we are active all over the world, but we are in a transition period now, maybe we won't fight everywhere again in the future, but we will definitely be doing very dangerous work, so A good military doctor is needed to provide a guarantee for his team. "

Albert smiled and said in a deep voice: "I just offended a Chinese gang these few days. You were wrong when you approached me, and the way was wrong. I thought you were in trouble for me, man, just now. I'm sorry for the matter. Now let's talk about the business you mentioned. Is your business referring to letting me work for you for a long time? Am I not wrong? "

Gao Yang nodded: "Yes, working for me for a long time. Of course, this is only possible after we are satisfied with each other. Also, can I return my gun to me now?"

Salbert shrugged and pulled out his high-speared gun from his "pants" pocket.

After returning the gun to Gao Yang, Albert 'kneaded' and 'kneaded' his chin, his face tangled: "Man, I don't know what your origin is, but I have only done things as a doctor Experience, so I can probably guess who you are related to, to be honest, I know your origin should be 'very big', otherwise you will not find me as a military doctor, well, well, I am willing Hear what your job is all about. "

Gao Yang said with a little surprise: "Have you ever had only one experience as a military doctor?"

With a suspicious look on his face, Albert looked at Gao Yang with a little vigilance: "Don't you know?"

Gao Yang spread his hands ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ said: "I really don't know, I think you often take this kind of job, I'm blunt, I have a friend who recommended you to me, he and you have in San Diego After working together, he thinks you are good, so I will come to you. "

After speaking, Gao Yang smiled bitterly and said, "We don't need to suspect each other. Let's put it this way. We are mercenaries, we earn a lot of money, and we are doing the most dangerous work. It ’s not that easy to be a good military doctor, you should understand it. ”

Albert smiled and said, "That's right, it's easy to find people who can kill people, but not many people who can save people. Then, let's talk about your conditions. Whether you find me to kill or save people, I will be happy to help. , But I always take short jobs, if you want me to work for you for a long time, it is not impossible, but only if the price you give is high enough. "

Gao Yang said: "Are we talking about money first, or what do you need to do first?"

Albert waved: "Whether mercenaries, I don't know, so let's not talk about the risks, just tell me how much money I can give. If I'm not satisfied, then I don't need to say anything." (To be continued. (.))

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