A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1187: Trial contact

When you have been a mercenary for a long time, you can't leave the gun. No matter what you do, you still have to carry a guy to be at ease. In addition to the remnants of Tomler's surviving, it is also appropriate to bring a gun with you.

Gao Yang sighed and smiled bitterly at Li Jinfang: "Toad, you have fallen, even if you have a gun, you still have two."

Li Jinfang said disapprovingly: "No matter how high the Kung Fu is, it is not death to get a shot. I am not wearing a bulletproof vest. Besides, Peter is so powerful that a bullet has not made him crippled, so he can use a gun. If you do n’t do it, this year, it ’s not the age when the mother **** the world.

Gao Yang waved his hand and smiled, "Okay, it's not about going to war. Why don't you bring that gun? Bring the ump45. It's convenient to use it in the car. Take it and leave."

Li Jinfang put the gun in a bag, and after putting a few more magazines, he lifted the bag and shouted, "Go, go."

Four people went out of the hotel to the parking lot, Gao Yang himself drove a rented car, Li Jinfang and three of them drove one, then Gao Yang drove in front to lead the way, the two cars drove out in tandem.

Gao Yang was going to see the man he recommended to him on the 13th. After arriving in New York, Gao Yang asked Murphy about the situation again, and then came to Los Angeles to find the military doctor.

The role of the military doctor is too important. Andy can work part-time as a military doctor, but Gao Yang thinks it is better to find another professional field doctor or field medical nurse. There is a full-time medical nurse who can't reach the professional level. The degree of the doctor is irrelevant. If there is an individual who can deal with the wounded urgently first, save his life and give it to Andy for subsequent treatment. The chances of survival will definitely be quite large.

After all, it is really a critical situation on the battlefield. It is likely that there are several injuries at the same time. One more person will have more protection, and the person recommended on the 13th is a good military doctor, so. It ’s worth looking up to see if this person can use it.

Gao Yang ’s information on the 13th is quite limited. He only knows that the person recommended on the 13th is Albert. He is a Los Angeles City Police, so if he wants to get in touch with people, he has to ask Murphy for more detailed information.

In fact, Gao Yang originally wanted to get a phone call directly from Murphy, and then directly contact the person recommended on the 13th. He wanted to pull people, but it was still a question whether others would join Satan. Call first to confirm, and then understand the meaning of the other party, then the next contact is best, but it is a pity. Murphy couldn't give the call to Yang.

Albert is a collaborator of the cleaner, and is still very peripheral. At best, when the cleaner needs a military doctor, he will be invited to participate in a mission at the cost of a high commission, but Albert is also a cleaner. Workers ’collaborators and cleaners are obliged and responsible to keep secrets for Albert.

Murphy can't directly call Gao Yang, he can only tell Gao Yang that Albert's full name is Arthur Albert, that's all.

But I knew Albert's full name. Knowing that he was a police officer in Los Angeles, the rest was easy to handle and let Morgan help. Albert can be found in minutes.

Now Gao Yang knows which police station the person he is looking for works, which patrol line is, and he also knows what time the person he is looking for works today, and even he knows the license plate number of the police car that the person he is looking for will drive.

There is no unified police agency in the United States, and there are four main parts of the entire police system, the federal police. State police, city police. County police, this is the main part. These four major policemen do not have a subordinate relationship, but the largest number of them, and the most important part is the municipal police.

The municipal police has a wide range of law enforcement, from patrolling to solving crimes, to catching thieves and issuing fines, and solving family disputes. Albert, who Gao Yang is looking for, is a patrolman. His daily job is to drive a car. It's enough to go around in the urban area and meet anything that is within the scope of responsibility.

Speaking of the police in Los Angeles, there is one more thing to mention, that is, the first s.w.a.t, which is the special weapons and tactics team, and the world ’s first professional and regular special police team, was established by the Los Angeles Police Department.

Today, the lapd.swat group is still famous, but unfortunately the person that Gao Yang is looking for is not from the famous lapd.swat, lapd is the abbreviation of the Los Angeles Police Department, so, Gao Yang is looking for only lapd, but There is no swat as a suffix, but Gao Yang is looking for a military doctor, not a special police, so it does not matter whether there is that swat as a suffix.

City patrols are usually rotated in three shifts for 24-hour patrols. Gao Yang is looking for Albert to work today from 4 pm to 12 pm, so it is appropriate for them to depart at more than three o'clock. After a while in Albert's jurisdiction, you can definitely wait for someone.

Los Angeles is actually a metropolis composed of urban agglomerations, but Albert rate belongs to the Los Angeles Police Department, so it will definitely be in the downtown of Los Angeles when patrolling, and the security in the downtown of Los Angeles is not good. However, although it is not as powerful as Detroit, the poor security can also rank among the best in the entire United States.

Many places in the urban area are very busy during the day and become empty at night, and the good and bad areas of Los Angeles are not clearly separated. Maybe these two streets are good at night, but you can walk by Going out two streets, you will reach a bad area with poor security.

Even the Hollywood Walk of Fame, an extremely famous tourist attraction, is the same. Don't go out at night, otherwise, it is still light to be robbed, even if you get a shot.

Coincidentally, the area that Albert is responsible for patrolling is the famous bad area throughout Los Angeles. The law and order is so bad that you should never go out at night.

Finding a street where Albert will definitely appear, Gao Yang stopped the car, and Li Jinfang they parked the car about 30 meters behind Gao Yang's car. Once something happened, it was easy to carry on to Gao Yang support.

What Gao Yang knows is that Albert is not a good man. In addition, the American police are notoriously arrogant, and they can shoot if they feel that they are in danger, so it is better to be careful.

Gao Yang looked at his watch. The time had come to 4:20. According to the time, Albert had already gone to work and could appear at any time.

Gao Yang sat in the car, watching every car coming across from him. After waiting for half an hour, he met two police cars, but neither of them was the license plate number he was looking for.

The patrol route of the patrol is not fixed, but it will just go back and forth in the area of ​​responsibility. The place is not familiar, it is better to drive to find a place to die, so Gao Yang decided to be patient. Go on.

After waiting another half an hour, Taylor in the car behind suddenly hurriedly said: "The police car we are looking for! Coming from behind!"

Gao Yang looked in the rear-view mirror, but saw a police car pulled by the lights quickly, and when he looked out, the police car had already passed by his car.

The police car drove too fast, and Gao Yang had no time to reach out and stop the car. He looked at the number plate behind him, and Gao Yang hurriedly said, "It's him, catching up."

The car was always running, soaring up the throttle, he drove it out and caught up.

The patrol car is generally driven slowly and slowly, and it only shows that the police need a fast speed, and Gao Yang does not want to wait any longer. God knows when Albert will patrol next time.

Gao Yang drove the car quickly, but the police car he chased couldn't be seen after turning a corner. When Gao Yang turned around and could still see the flashing police lights in the distance, Gao Yang hurriedly said: "On Hurry up, follow me. "

Cui Bo said helplessly on the intercom: "Yang brother, why don't we go directly to the police station to find him, that's so convenient."

Gao Yang said angrily: "You know a fart, it's too inconvenient for people to go to the police station. Can I say something in the police station."

Gao Yang didn't wear headphones, and after throwing the walkie-talkie in the seat on the side, he stopped talking and drove attentively to follow Albert's police car at high speed.

Going out of the street again, Gao Yang saw that the police car stopped, so Gao Yang also slowed down. After driving closer, he found that the Albert police car was parked at the door of a convenience store, and in addition There are also two police cars parked there.

Fifty meters away from the convenience store, Gao Yang parked the car on the side of the road, then he picked up the intercom and said in a deep voice: "It is estimated that something happened ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Several The police, do n’t pass by now, we will go after him when he leaves. "

Gao Yang did not want to contact Albert when there were too many people, so he patiently continued to wait and watched several policemen enter and exit in the convenience store, and then after ten minutes, several policemen got on three more The police car then drove away in different directions, and Gao Yang quickly drove it up.

Gao Yang has been staring at Albert's car. After the car restarted, the speed was much slower this time. Gao Yang picked up the intercom and said in a deep voice: "OK, let's go forward again, I will come up Go stop him, you can just stay in the car, I'm going to pass. "

Gao Yang intends to pass the car over the police car, double-flashes to signal the police car to stop, and then just talk to Albert directly, but he just started accelerating, but saw the police car in front of him suddenly brake.

Gao Yang was very close, the police car suddenly braked, and he quickly stopped with a sudden brake, almost rear-end, and then, the two doors of the police car opened, and the two policemen suddenly jumped out of the car. One of them immediately pulled out the pistol and pointed at it, then shouted: "I order you to put your hand on the steering wheel, hurry up, do as I say!" (To be continued)

ps: At the end of the month, ask for monthly tickets.

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