A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1168: Build momentum

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Morgan had already chosen the person who introduced him, and this person was the master, Cesis. Full text reading of the latest chapter

This reception is a gathering for the upper class and a very good social occasion. As the host, there will be no enemies on the guest list invited by Cesis.

Gao Yang followed Morgan to the side of Cesis. At this time, Cesis had stopped welcoming the guests and was chatting with people. After seeing Morgan and Gao Yang approaching, Cesis quickly left the crowd he was in, facing Morgan. After nodding with Gao Yang, the three of them walked towards Wilpen who was also talking.

Wilpen is a family, and the New York Mets belong to Fred Wilpen. As for the chief operating officer of the New York Mets, the same surname is Wilpen.

Today at the reception was Fred Wilpen, the boss of the New York Mets.

When they were approached by Fred, Fred Like stopped talking and raised his glass to smile at Sais: "Thank you for the reception, Cesis."

It can be seen that Fred Wilpen is very familiar with Cesis. Cesis smiled and pointed at Morgan. "Fred, please introduce you to a friend. This is Morgan Reeves. . "

Fred Like made a long-cherished expression and held out his hand to Morgan, shouting: "Mr. Reeves, I am very happy to see you, but I have long been in your name."

Morgan and Fred shook hands with a smile on their faces, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone else, Mr. Wilpen, it's a pleasure to see you."

After Morgan and Fred shook hands, Cesis pointed at Gao Yang and said, "This is Gao Yang, Mr. Gao."

Fred and Gao Yang held hands. Laughed: "Mr. Gao. Nice to meet you."

It is nothing more than a few polite words. After he finished speaking, Cesis smiled: "Fred, you have to help you with something, no, it's not really help, it's just for you."

Fred Like put on a very interested look and smiled: "Oh, please say. I listen to you."

Fred made a listening gesture, and Cesis pointed in the direction of Morgan and Gao Yang, showing that the two were together, and laughed: "Let them speak for themselves."

Morgan raised his toast, and Gao Yang chuckled: "That's it. I have a friend. He is a baseball genius. He has enough talent to enter the major leagues. He has been a loyal fan of the New York Mets since childhood. I I would like to ask Mr. Wilpen to provide an opportunity. 800 I would be grateful if my friends can be given a trial training. "

Fred laughed. Tao: "This is really a favor for me. If there is a genius joining the Met, I can't do anything. However, I never directly intervene in any specific affairs of the team."

It can be seen that the smile on Fred's face is a polite refusal, which Gao Yang said is a genius, and others have to believe it.

Baseball is a mainstream sport in the United States. Many children play baseball. As the team owner, Fred must often receive the same request. He should not be surprised at this kind of thing. As for what is said to be a metropolis since childhood Fans, this is even more involved. If you want to play in the Metropolis, can it be said that the Yankees fans are not successful.

Gao Yang was a little disappointed in his heart. He thought Fred might not directly give him a chance to try out the training, but Fred said after sternly saying that he would not intervene in any team affairs, he waved his hand and shrugged. Tao: "But since Mr. Reeves and Mr. Gao come up with it, I must make an exception."

Fred, this is waiting to be sold to Morgan. Morgan raised his glass and chuckled, "Thank you very much for making an exception."

Gao Yang also smiled: "It's great, my friend will be happy and bad, but I am confident that his level will not let you down."

Fred laughed: "You're welcome, trivial. If your friend is really a genius, then you are helping me. Having said that, I have to ask your friend where he has been trained?"

After speaking, Fred shrugged to the crowd and said, "I'm a fan. Now that I'm talking about it, I have to understand the talented players who might enter the metropolis, right?"

Gao Yang laughed lightly: "My friend, he has not received professional training, but he is very talented. Well, he still likes baseball since childhood and has been practicing a lot."

Upon hearing that Gao Yang had not received professional training, Fred's eyes changed slightly, and he seemed disapproved.

Gao Yang wanted to say that Frye ’s pitching speed was fast, but he did n’t have a chance. Fred raised his hand and said with a smile on his face: “It ’s okay, there ’s a lot of players who have n’t received professional training but become superstars. Someone arranges a trial training for your friends. If you have time, when do you think it is appropriate? "

Gao Yanglike said: "You can do it tomorrow, anytime."

Fred nodded and said in a deep voice: "Yes, Mr. Gao, I will give you a call. Tomorrow you can call this and say to Jeff Wilpen. He is the team's chief operating officer. I will Hold him responsible. "

Without pen and paper, Gao Yang carefully remembered a fixed-line number and smiled at Fred: "Thank you very much, Mr. Wilpen."

After thanking him, Gao Yang stood aside and stopped talking. Morgan, Fred and Cesis had a good time. After speaking for a while, the three left together.

After leaving Fred, Cesis said with a smile: "IMHO, Mr. Gao, in New York, most people are Yankees fans, why don't you try to let your friends join the Yankees? I'm very Happy to introduce you to the boss of the New York Yankees, oh, I do n’t really need it, right? Morgan? "

Morgan shrugged and said, "Gao didn't panic. His friends are indeed fans of the Metropolis. If you want to go to the Yankees, that's simple."

Cesis said with regret: "Actually, I am indeed a Yankees fan, Gao, if your friend is really a genius, I still recommend him to go to the Yankees, New York Yankees, what a great team, you It ’s time to recommend Yankee to your friends. At least try something. Maybe he changed his mind. "

Gao Yang was said to be moving in his heart. He didn't think that Frye would change his mind, but why he didn't let Frye have multiple training opportunities. In case the results of the trial in the Metropolis go to bad, there are still multiple opportunities. If the results of Frye ’s training are good, it ’s even better. After all, if both teams want and rush to ask, then Frye ’s treatment will definitely be different.

Gao Yanglike said: "If the training of the New York Yankees is easy to arrange, then let him try the New York Yankees, of course, but is it convenient?"

Morgan shrugged, but Cesis chuckled: "Convenient, convenient, and available at any time, much more convenient than going to the Metropolitan Trial. I'll arrange it for you, who made me New York What about Yankee fans. "

Seths and Morgan have a good relationship, and the two of them are not so polite to speak. Morgan laughed: "Okay, then this matter pleases you."

Cesis happily left, and the big men who had arrived at this time had already arrived, and Morgan whispered to him, "Go, next, it's someone you should know well."

After looking at Morgan, he took Gao Yang to a middle-aged man surrounded by four or five people. When he walked into the crowd, the middle-aged man laughed and said, "Hey, Morgan, Gao, where have you gone? , I did n’t even see you. "

Morgan also laughed and said, "I just said a few words with my friends."

Talking to Morgan is Jonathan, representing the senior senator of New York State.

Gao Yang knew why Morgan said that Jonathan would be very friendly to him. He had obviously not seen Jonathan, and even the name was just heard tonight, but Jonathan was directly saying hello to him and Morgan.

After saying hello, Jonathan Like said in surprise to Gao Yang: "Hi, Gao, I didn't expect you to come tonight, it was a pleasant surprise to see you here, this time I'm not in a hurry leave?."

If it is very polite and polite to say hello, it is too common at the reception. Everyone is this face, and they are very enthusiastic to call their names unless the relationship is good enough.

Jonathan's performance has not only been friendly to Gao Yang, but from his name and attitude to Gao Yang, everyone feels that he is familiar with Gao Yang and has a good relationship, although Jonathan is also the first time to see Gao Yang, so this is not the basic of Morgan. He is showing kindness to Gao Yang, but building momentum for Gao Yang.

Gao Yang secretly sighed in his heart, Morgan really spared no effort to support him.

Jonathan had already indicated that he would build momentum for him, and Gao Yang certainly knew how to do it, so he raised his toast and did not greet each other like a person who met for the first time, but said directly: "This time I will not rush away."

Jonathan Like said with a smile: "Okay, let's go golf if we have time. Oh, let me introduce to you. This is Morgan Reeves. This is Gao Yang. Let's get to know you."

Since you want to build momentum, certainly not in a circle that Morgan is particularly familiar with, or in Morgan's particularly stable allies, to build momentum for the high ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ If that is the case, it is Morgan who should be in charge of the momentum.

Now Gao Yang can determine one thing, that is, Morgan and Jonathan are special allies, and their relationship is so good that Jonathan can build momentum for Gao Yang.

After chatting a few words together and introducing each other, Gao Yang met a few big men.

There were Morgan and Jonathan creating momentum for Gao Yang, and the effect was definitely not extraordinary. After one night, the business cards were collected a lot. After a night of chatting and laughing, Gao Yang's face was sour.

Finally, the reception was over, and Gao Yang and Morgan took the same car and left. When the car finally drove up, Gao Yang couldn't help but say: "Morgan, started to build momentum for me so early, does it make sense? Would it be too Earlier? "

Morgan was tired when he got back in the car. After hearing the high question, Morgan smiled slightly and said, "You have encountered the right opportunity for you to feel it, so this is just a small scene for you to practice. Today, most of the people you meet today are people in the financial industry. If you really have anything to do with your career, you have n’t seen them yet. "(To be continued ...)

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