A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1167: Cocktail party

Gao Yang does not want to conquer anyone, but he does want to start a new era of his own. Full text reading of the latest chapter

At the door of the villa with Morgan, the receptionist, the owner of the villa, was welcoming guests at the door. After seeing Morgan, the male host extended his hand and smiled at Morgan: "Morgan, my friend ,welcome."

After Morgan shook hands with the hostess, and then shook hands with the hostess who stood aside, the hostess held out his hand to Gao Yang and smiled: "You must be Gao Yang, Morgan has talked about you many times, Welcome to the hut. "

At this moment Morgan laughed: "Let me introduce, Gao, this is Mr. Cesis Johnny I talked to you, this is Mrs. Johnny."

Morgan had n’t introduced this Cesis to Gao Yang before, but Gao Yang immediately smiled with a big face on his face.

Saisi Haha smiled and shouted: "You are too polite, Mr. Gao."

The middle-aged woman standing next to Cesis smiled: "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Gao."

I simply greeted him and walked into a large parlor.

There were more than twenty people standing in twos and threes in the room. Most of them were talking at all. Morgan raised his hand and snapped his fingers. After the waiter with the wine tray came to the two, Morgan took two glasses of wine. After handing Gao Yang a cup, he whispered, "Why didn't you bring Yelena together?"

Gao Yang took the wine glass and whispered: "Yelena doesn't like this occasion, so I didn't bring her."

Morgan shrugged and said, "Well, then you will be in trouble."

Gao Yangsheng said: "What trouble?"

Morgan chuckled: "Soon you will understand, do you think there will be a lack of beauties on this occasion? Man, you look young and golden, unlike the old guy like me, you will be very popular, so You have to learn how to refuse. Keeping a polite smile is enough, at least do n’t overwhelm your phone number with the chaos of the world. "

After finishing speaking, Morgan smiled at this high, and then said softly: "Stand here with me. I will introduce you to a few people first."

Gao Yang hurriedly said: "Wait, Morgan, how do I introduce myself, I mean, if someone asks me what I am doing. So how do I introduce my profession?"

Morgan whispered: "When you meet for the first time, no one will ask you too much. If you need to let others know, I will introduce it to you. If you plan to introduce yourself, uh, remember to say you are operating mineral resources in Africa, and It ’s enough to run two private force companies, but do n’t introduce it casually, you need to keep a certain sense of mystery. [See the latest chapter of this book, please go to 800] Listen, not everyone here is qualified to know what you are doing . "

Gao Yang whispered: "Don't mention the name, or the detailed work address or something?"

Morgan shook his head and said: "It's not necessary, it's not necessary now. If you need in-depth communication, it won't be here. Frankly speaking, your financial resources and strength are nothing here, so there is no need to say too clearly."

Gao Yang smiled. This is when Morgan took him to the front. That is to say, he has a familiar face before he can really deal with these big men, so it is still necessary to maintain mystery or hide. When he really became a stomping foot and could tremble three times, it was not too late to light up the old man.

Morgan looked around and whispered: "Now the main character has not come yet. You are the first person to enter this circle of communication, so you have to come earlier and let me take you to know a few more people. Listen, don't Do n’t be low-key, do n’t be high-key, just be an attitude to everyone. ”

Before Morgan finished speaking, Gao Yang saw a middle-aged man in his forties walking towards them, so he whispered: "Someone is coming."

Morgan stopped talking, and at that moment, the approaching middle-aged man walked in front of the two and smiled, "Mr. Reeves, I'm so happy to see you here, I hope I haven't disturbed your conversation. "

The middle-aged man looked very humble, but Morgan kept a polite smile, and it can be seen that Morgan's status is much higher than that of the middle-aged man, and after greeting, Morgan is facing that The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Introduce the two, Mr. Moore, this is Mr. Gao, Gao, this is Rich Moore, he is an elite person on Wall Street, if you want to manage money, you should be right. "

When introducing the two, Morgan clearly showed his close relationship with Gao Yang. Gao Yang shook hands with the middle-aged man named Rich. After a few polite conversations, Rich left. Before leaving, Rich left a business card for Gao Yang.

Gao Yang did not prepare a business card, and Morgan did not signal a small action for Gao Yang to exchange business cards. After Rich left, Gao Yang hurriedly said: "Morgan, I do n’t have a business card. Do not anyone who gives me a business card return me A business card? "

Morgan smiled and whispered: "The active business card is for you, you do n’t need to control them, leave the business card, if you find it useful, give them a call, and the purpose of their coming to the party is achieved, high, I I want to remind you again that you are not in the same position as them. You are not here to promote yourself. Oh, someone is here, we will talk about it later. "

Sure enough, another person came over, talked to Morgan, and then met Gao Yang, and then took the initiative to leave without disturbing the two.

Gao Yang saw it, and the rank at the reception was quite obvious. Morgan is definitely the person with the highest status here, so he just stood still, knowing, and people who had relationships would take the initiative to come and talk to Morgan.

Talk to Morgan first, and then get to know Gao Yang, some will leave a business card for Gao Yang, some will not, just a few words.

With the retirement of time, more and more people entered the living room of the villa conference, and the number of people who gathered together in twos and threes chatted more and more, and Morgan and Gao Yang have been standing in a more obvious position, from time to time and new arrivals A few words of greeting.

Morgan and most of the people knew it. What amazed him was that Morgan's memory was so good, so many people, he was able to say each other's name one by one.

Then Gao Yang quickly understood what it meant to say that Morgan would have trouble without a female partner. Although the number of beautiful women who came was not high among all the guests, the number was also quite large.

Successful people are generally not young, so some of the guests come with their own children. Gao Yang has seen at least three guests with daughters, family-based units, and of course with their sons. It's just that Gao Yang doesn't pay attention to men.

There are celebrities brought by their parents, and naturally there are beautiful women who come alone, and such beautiful women usually have a certain position and can be eaten in high society. Of course, this kind of beauty meets the right person, and will not Let go of an opportunity to find a boyfriend.

Gao Yang and Morgan have been standing, and Gao Yang is almost no one sitting, think about it, even a stranger who has no status comes to talk, it is necessary to stand up because of politeness, so unless it is not going to talk to anyone, no People will sit down.

Gao Yang has seen more than a dozen beauties, but no one has asked him to talk, until he stood for more than twenty minutes, and finally a beauty came to the door.

A beautiful woman in a big halter evening gown entered the door and swept her gaze. After showing Morgan, she picked up a glass of wine and walked towards Morgan and Gao Yang in various styles.

"Hi, Mr. Reeves, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm very happy to see you tonight."

After picking up the glass and clinking it with Morgan and taking a sip with a smile, the beautiful woman smiled at Gao Yang: "What should I call you, handsome boy."

Gao Yang shrugged and said, "Beautiful lady, I am very happy that you can call me a handsome guy all night long, but I still have to regret telling you that my name is Gao Yang, Gao is my surname, Yang Is the name. "

The beauty smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Gao, you are very humorous, and I am very happy to always call you handsome guys, because you are really handsome, you can use handsome guys as your own exclusive name."

Gao Yang raised his toast and touched the beauty, and smiled: "It seems I can't ask your name, because you can be a beauty."

The beautiful girl chuckled and covered her mouth: "Although I like you to call me a beautiful girl, I want you to deepen your impression on me. My name is Juliere, please remember my name."

Gao Yang took a sip of a cocktail and smiled, "A beautiful name, as beautiful as your looks."

It seems that this beautiful woman named Juliere has an interest in talking all the time, and Gao Yang casually compliments him at all. At the same time, his brain is turning rapidly, thinking about what is polite rejection.

At this moment, Gao Yang made a wink at Morgan and came to two more guests. It seems that these two are more important characters ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ So Gao Yang apologized to Juliere: "I'm sorry, I saw a friend, and I have to speak in the past."

Juliere smiled: "Please, handsome, it's a pleasure chatting with you. If you have time, I'm looking forward to continuing to chat with you. See you later."

Juliere turned and left, and at this moment Morgan smiled in a low voice: "Man, you are acting very old."

Gao Yang shrugged and said: "Originally it doesn't work, now, anyway, I also attended the banquet held by Basalt, I have to learn something."

Morgan laughed: "I'm talking about the way you refused. Why, have you been used to rejecting the beauty of beautiful women before?"

Gao Yang sighed: "If only I could really refuse it, oh, of course it's not like this, this is no problem, but some people, um, why do we say this."

Morgan smiled, then pointed at the newly-introduced two people without a trace, and whispered: "The man with a beard, the Wilpen family, is the boss of the New York Mets. I do n’t know him well. Wait a minute, I ’ll find someone familiar with him to introduce it to us, and then you should just say something to him.

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