A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1154: Mentor and Friends

Gao Yang never thinks he is a good person, but he is not a bad scum. He is a mercenary, but he still retains the conscience of being a man. At best, he can be regarded as a bad guy with a bottom line.

But after a long talk with Morgan, Gao Yang felt that he had rushed towards the road of the ambitions and conspirators, but this is no wonder, Tian Tian and Great Ivan, Morgan, Ulyanko, Justin, Polovic Such people deal with each other, and the most people around them are all kinds of mercenaries. It is strange to learn well.

Especially with the two big brothers, Iwan and Morgan, who have been with each other for a long time. When it comes to subverting a country, when a war monger who secretly provokes a war, Gao Yang has no feeling of discomfort.

The mercenary is originally a war animal. It has been very ethical for Gao Yang to stick to the bottom line for a long time in the mercenary circle.

It ’s unrealistic to be such an uncrowned king who secretly affects the world ’s situation. It ’s too unrealistic to think about it, but being an underworld leader who can influence the fate of a small country and determine the direction of war in one or even a few small countries, Gao Yang is still very interested.

He is not good at drinking, he has drunk less than two glasses of whiskey, and he is already a little bit boring, just turning his glass, wondering how he can really become a black and white, let him and the whole Satan become able When he was the master of his own destiny, Morgan spoke leisurely.

"High, you are now; the mercenary circle is already very influential, but this is not enough. When you really build a big company and have the powerful force that belongs to you, you really become a gangster. You are the truly powerful giant in the dark side of this world. "

Gao Yang smiled and said: "I try to become the kind of giant you call as soon as possible."

Morgan shook his head. Shen said: "No. I don't mean that. I mean, are you ready for your disguise? Are you starting to prepare for your retreat?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "No, it's too early to say that."

Morgan sighed and said: "No, it's not too early, you have to prepare for your future, listen. Gao, you understand that many of the businesses I do are unexposed, but I can be comfortable in the United States. Life, in the public view, I have a proper identity, a proper career, and I am a philanthropist, plus my business involves many large families, so I can live in the United States very at ease, I do n’t have to worry One day, the police will suddenly break into the house and take it away. No one dares to do this, even if those who master the United States clearly know what I am doing. "

After smiling. Morgan continued: "Great Ivan is different from me. I walked on the boundary between light and darkness, and Great Ivan walked purely in the dark world, so his way of self-preservation is to master huge The power of all countries, even if they knew his existence, would not dare to provoke him easily, because once he could not kill Da Yiwan all at once, he had to prepare to withstand his fiercest revenge. "

Gao Yang wanted to say that Big Iwan had already been made by the United States, but after thinking about it, he did n’t say that, because after Morgan I was right, after the disappearance of Big Iwan, the United States had no intention of continuing to work on Big Iwan ’s channels. Can already explain some problems.

Morgan said in a deep voice: "This world is far from being as calm as the surface shows. Ordinary people live in illusory stability, because everyone is following a rule. There are many big men in the underground world in this world, but this The world is still in the hands of Zhengfu. The big figures in the underground world will not be stupid enough to provoke Zhengfu, because the strength gap is still too large. Zhengfu, sometimes, will attack the big figures in the underground world, because Zhengfu represents natural Justice, they must fight those underground worlds that disrupt normal order. The law of the jungle is universal at all times. "

Morgan waved his hand and said in a high voice: "You are still a small person, you will not attract too many people's attention, so you are still safe, but if you really become a big person, it will be different. , You will arouse the attention of many people, concealment is not good, high, you can not expect to hide everyone in the process of gradually rising, so you have to take measures to protect yourself, even if people all over the world know that you are a Bastard, but you can't bear you, that's all. "

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "It's too difficult? It's not a joke to be strong enough to provoke any official house. Isn't that a joke? Even if I have a strong army, I can be strong there and dare not make any official house provoke. , This is simply a pseudo-proposition, OK? "

Morgan said in a deep voice: "It's difficult, but it's not impossible. If it's simple, it's actually very simple. If you have a strong armed force, then you are a gangster, but just a gangster is not enough, you have to have a network, I For example, if you have complicated contacts in the United States, such as me, I will do my best to ensure that you will not be the target of being hit, but only me is not enough, you have to develop enough and strong enough relationships The Internet endorses you. "

Gao Yang frowned: "For example ..."

Morgan smiled and said: "For example, Zhengzhi donates money, high, the United States is very realistic, very realistic, you and the military interests are friends, they will speak for you, your marksmanship is very good, then it has a good relationship with the Rifle Association Their energy is not small. The most important thing is to open up your path to the rule of law. You can provide a promising senator with a ruler ’s contribution. The House of Representatives, even in the presidential campaign, provide a lot of money for the future president of the United States. stand by."

Gao Yang opened his mouth wide and sighed, "Is it OK?"

Morgan laughed: "Of course it does. Listen to me, buddies. It is very realistic to be a regular customer. If you are willing to spend a lot of money to help him run, he will have to speak for you. Well, from this point, the United States The regulars are very professional. The mercenaries need to have professional ethics. Of course, the regulars are the same. No one is more noble. "

Gao Yang exhaled for a long time, and said, "I understand, I understand, so specific, what should I do?"

Morgan laughed: "I will introduce some people to you, my basic dish, but only one of my factions is not enough, you have to find your own main power circle, there are more than two Zhengzhi networks endorsing you, you You do n’t have to worry about encountering any problems in the United States. If you kill people and set fires all over the world, as long as you do n’t get to the top of the United States, no one will start your mind, use each other, help each other, and everyone will cooperate happily. "

Gao Yang snapped his fingers and said, "Understood, what to do, do you start preparing now?"

Morgan nodded and said, "Yes, I ’m preparing now, but it ’s just preparation. To be honest, you still ca n’t get into the vision of those big men. Only if you have enough strength can you be equal to those big men. Identity cooperation, otherwise, even if you put a lot of money in your hands now, you will be swallowed by one bite if you do n’t. "

Gao Yang scratched his head, and at this moment Morgan smiled: "You are lucky because you know me, and also know Iwan, man. When you are still weak, I will do you a favor and give you time to grow, When you grow into a big man with enough strength, you have to open your own way. "

Gao Yang said with emotion: "Morgan, I really don't know how to thank you."

Morgan waved his hand and said, "Thank me? Why would you want to thank me? Gao, we are friends, but I am willing to do this for you, not all out of friendship, to be straightforward, we can also use each other, you I know, what I lack now is strong force, so I ca n’t accomplish many things smoothly. "

After speaking, Morgan looked at Gao Yang with a serious face: "You don't have to thank me at all. When you grow up, it will also help me. For me, this is my protection power is stronger, I trust you, I know that you will definitely do anything for me, so I am willing to do anything for you, man. In the future, which of us is more powerful is not good. I have seen too many latecomers dominate. . "

Morgan was very talkative, and he waved his hand and said seriously again: "High, you should know ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Behind me is actually because of the support of a large family, which is a good thing. But it's also a bad thing, because I can't get rid of the control of that big family, so I have a transparent ceiling on the head, but you are different, there is no restraint on your head, now I help you, but in the future? Who will be in the future? Who can really be in doubt, really in doubt. "

There should be something to say about Morgan's appearance. Gao Yang didn't speak, but just looked at Morgan quietly. Sure enough, Morgan waved and smiled again: "There is another very important reason. I am old and I can still work now, but Five years later, ten years later? What if Bob does n’t move? What is Bob ’s character? He ’s not a great person, and I have too many enemies to do things. Bob's plans for the future, and you are Bob's friend, you are very good friends. "

Gao Yang exhaled and said: "Morgan, I can say that no matter what I look like in the future, but as long as Bob needs my help, whatever it is, I will do everything I can to help him, I did n’t want to say this , But think about it, it seems better to say it. "

Morgan smiled and said: "You really don't need to say, because I know you will do that. If you don't look at your temperament, I won't help you that way. Gao, you keep saying you are lucky to know me, actually lucky It ’s me and Bob. You are a friend of our father and son. With you there, I do n’t have to worry too much about Bob ’s future. "

After speaking, Morgan exhaled for a long time and said: "Think about what I said. Your current thinking is still in the era of mercenaries. You don't understand the matter of governance. I will teach you how to do it. , After arriving in the United States this time, I will take you to meet a few people first, so you should practice your hands in advance for the future. "(To be continued ...) R1292

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