A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1153: Have a long-term perspective

What is there in Somalia? This question really puzzled Gao Yang.

What does Somalia have? In the high impression, there are war, poverty, hunger, chaos, the most famous pirates now, and the Somali Al-Shabaab who have recently made a lot of moves. As for where money can be made, he ca n’t think of it anyway. .

Morgan is also a hard-working figure. Gao Yang feels that he can't think of any place to make money. Maybe Morgan can think of it, so he dare not talk, fearing to disturb Morgan.

After a long time, Morgan finally coughed at Gao Yang, and then said in a deep voice: "Did you think of anything?"

Gao Yang froze for a moment and said, "I thought you would come up with any profitable business in Somalia."

Morgan wrinkled his face and waved, "I can't figure out how to make money in that kind of ghost place. You know more about Somalia. I thought you might be able to find business opportunities that can make money."

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "Sorry, let you down."

Morgan reluctantly shouted: "That's gone, Somalia, all I can think of is the golden waterway, but we can't intervene unless you plan to be a pirate, and there is no oil, no minerals, nothing in this ghostly place in Somalia. Well, even if there is, the environment in Somalia cannot be exploited at all. I really ca n’t think of any place in Somalia where people can make money. "

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "There are bananas in Somalia. Bananas in Somalia are really delicious."

Morgan laughed and shouted, "So how about you go to Somalia and get all the bananas?"

Morgan's joke was not funny, so neither of them laughed. It's the big, sorrowful, staring small eyes. After a while. Gao Yang finally couldn't help saying: "Can't you find a way to make money in such a suitable place as a base?"

Morgan sighed and said: "Yes, control Somalia, carry out infrastructure construction, build a port to control it, guard the golden waterway, and worry about not making money."

Gao Yang said helplessly: "You are kidding again."

Morgan sighed: "If it is still the Cold War period when the US and the Soviet Union contend for hegemony. If you can control Somalia, someone will naturally send you money. Unfortunately, the Cold War has been over for a long time."

Gao Yang hesitated and said carefully: "Otherwise, let's check the Internet to see what valuable things in Somalia, and then use this as a condition to help the skeletons fight?"

Before he finished speaking, Gao Yang himself overthrew his idea. He reluctantly said: "No. When I didn't say it, even if Somalia suddenly discovered the world's largest oil field. There is no way to exploit it, at least ten years or eight I ca n’t mine it within the year, but I do n’t have the financial resources to support it until then. ”

Morgan frowned: "Unfortunately, the United States is not interested in Somalia. After the Black Hawk crash, the United States completely abandoned Somalia. Otherwise, if it can help the United States to completely control Somalia, I can help get American assistance, but now Obviously this is not possible. "

Gao Yang waved: "Forget it, American aid is not easy to get. You can cooperate with you, cooperate with the US government, and you don't know how to die in the end."

Morgan waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "The United States can't, look for Huaxia! The United States has a military base in Djibouti and is not very interested in controlling Somalia, but Huaxia is different. If we can have a foothold in Somalia and build a military Base or something, I think Huaxia should be interested. Let Huaxia give hundreds of millions of dollars in aid every year, not too much. "

Gao Yang glanced at Morgan and said helplessly: "Morgan, you are used to dealing with Zhengfu, so you have to have a high vision, but I am willing to do so, but do you think it is possible?"

Morgan smiled bitterly: "Well, the possibility is very small, well, it is better to give up the idea of ​​doing business with a big country. This kind of thing that involves too much orthodox meaning should really not be touched, okay, I am completely There is a way. "

Gao Yang scratched his head and said, "Do you think there is money to make in the Somali Al-Shabaab?"

Morgan shook his head: "The question is who gives the money? Kenya? Do they have the money?"

Gao Yang was so worried that he straightened his hair and said helplessly: "You said that there is no point in the existence of a country like Somalia. You can't see any place to make money, Fak!"

Morgan raised his hand again, and after thinking about it for a moment, he suddenly clapped his hands and shouted, "Yes!"

Gao Yang was taken aback, then said with joy: "Do you have an idea?"

Morgan nodded, then looked at Gao Yang mysteriously, and said in a deep voice: "Gao, do you think about it now, besides Somalia, is there any country where you can build a base?" "

Gao Yang shook his head: "No, only Somalia is the most suitable."

Morgan snapped his fingers, and then said confidently: "Yes, there is really no better place for you than Somalia in the current world situation. With this conclusion, then the answer is easy to come next, Somalia. It ’s where you have to occupy, even though Somalia does n’t seem to be making money right now, right? ”

Gao Yang shrugged: "Morgan, you can say it's simpler."

Morgan smiled slightly and said, "In short, you can prepare for the construction of a base in Somalia. Somalia will become your nugget."

Gao Yang spread his hand, beckoning that he still didn't understand, and Morgan smiled again inscrutablely, saying: "Gao, if you want to build a big company, will it be established soon?"

Gao Yang shook his head and said: "Of course this is impossible, even if the big Iwan appears, the equipment is given to me, it will take time to do it. I think that it can be very fast to set up a company within a year."

Morgan laughed: "That's all right. You should now negotiate with the people of Somalia and start preparing for the establishment of a base in Somalia. When the establishment of your company begins, you will have an endless business."

Gao Yang frowned: "Where are the sources of wealth?"

Morgan laughed: "From the biggest Kaizi in the world, I am referring to the arms. They are rich and rich. Remember not to be too stingy when you quote. Be dare to quote a big number you dare not think about . Rest assured, the gold master will be happy to pay by then. "

"Arms, the biggest Kaizi? Are you talking about Shah?"

Morgan laughed, stretched his thumbs at Gao Yang, and then smiled and said: "You can still eat two at that time, just like the arms dealers do, man, quickly occupy a place in Somalia. Then put your The company was established, a year, but it's a bit too long. "

Gao Yang frowned: "No, wait, what are you talking about? I still don't understand, what business will there be in Shah?"

Morgan smiled and said, "None now, does not mean that there will not be in the future. The future I mean refers to a short period of time."

Morgan has been selling puns. Gao Yang said helplessly: "Morgan, don't do this. Could you please tell me a bit hurry?"

Morgan apparently enjoyed the feeling of selling Guanzi, he slowly said: "How big is the Skeleton Gang now occupying, have they hit there? Berbera has occupied it?"

Gao Yang frowned. "I don't know. I haven't contacted the Skeleton Gang during this time. I think I shouldn't have beaten Berbera. It's an important town occupied by Somaliland. The Skeleton version of the base camp is still Bososa."

Morgan stretched out his hand to Gao Yang and said in a deep voice: "Quickly help the Skeleton to beat Berbera, and then you occupy Berbera as a base, Berbera is very important, because where there is an airport, you occupy Berbera , At least no need to build the airport runway by yourself. "

Gao Yang nodded and said: "Well, I will listen to your suggestion. Now I won't say anything. I'm waiting for you to reveal the answer."

Morgan smiled again and said: "Okay, now I tell you that if you set up a base in Somalia, it does not mean that the place where you make money is in Somalia. The place where you really want to make money is on the opposite side of the bay, Yemen!"

Gao Yang froze for a moment and said, "Yemen? Is there any place to make money in Yemen?"

Morgan leisurely said: "Have you heard of Hussein armed?"

Gao Yang's eyes widened and said, "The Houthi armed forces? I heard that although supported by Iran, the Houthi armed forces are still very poor. What profit can they make?"

Morgan shook his finger and smiled: "The profit is huge. Houthi armed forces are supported by Iran. Now the situation in Yemen is very stable, but if you look at it, it will not be calm. Iran will make Houthi armed. With the support of Iran, the Houthi armed forces can quickly transform Yemen into Syria, and the faction of the Yemeni Houthi armed forces is in power. Who is the most urgent? "

Gao Yang suddenly realized that "Shah!"

Morgan snapped his fingers ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ laughed: "You will send someone to arm Hussein first, and within a few days, you will be able to beat Sana'a and collect money from the Iranians. Best, it does n’t matter if you do n’t receive the money. When Shah ca n’t sit still, then Shah has to move. Then, you can help Shah fight Hussein, man, Shah, How can I make money from Shah, this kid, don't I need to teach it? "

Gao Yang suddenly pointed at Morgan and nodded again and again to make money from Shah, who is an injustice that everyone loves. It's not difficult.

Who is Morgan? He is one of the most well-informed people in the world. Even some high-ranking officials in the United States may not be more informed than him. Besides, Yemeni people like Yemen know that they are already in the crater. In the situation above, Morgan said that Yemen is going to be chaotic, then it will be chaotic.

Gao Yang didn't ask Morgan if the news was accurate. He just smiled at Morgan immediately after nodding his head: "Yemen, although poor, but do you think there is any collection of shotguns in their presidential palace?"

Morgan smiled slightly, and said: "Of course there is. I still need to ask, man, I will wait for you to find some good goods for me."

Gao Yang immediately poured wine, and regardless of whether Morgan drank it or not, after adding a little to Morgan's cup, he smiled and said: "Come on, I wish both of us a good harvest, cheers."

Morgan picked up the wine glass and said in a deep voice: "I'll remember to prepare better when the time comes. It's best to evacuate all the good goods in the presidential palace. I have pre-ordered the antique shotguns in advance. And, please do n’t spread the content of our conversation today. This news is exclusive, you know, cheers. ”(To be continued ...)

ps: Continue to ask for monthly tickets. R1292

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