A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1150: not the right time yet

Morgan's attitude is very firm, and the high meaning means also to use the most direct method, once and for all. Full text reading of the latest chapter

"If you do it, I have the right manpower. If you see what to do when you need to attack, I still believe in my own people."

Gao Yang's words blurted out without hesitation. In terms of his profession, if he needed to fight, it would be difficult for him to stand by and look for someone else.

Morgan frowned and shook his head: "High, you have to talk to you about this issue. You are rich now. You are at least a multimillionaire. Why do you still want to do some dangerous work yourself?" ? "

Gao Yang was asked, and then he was a little flustered, so he hurriedly said: "Oh, no, I'm not going to do it myself, but to say, I have a suitable person to help, he is a killer, he can The people who need to get rid of the traces are eliminated. "

The reason for Gao Yang's confusion is that Morgan asked him the question he had been deliberately avoiding and he didn't dare to think about.

Morgan ignored the argument of Gao Yang, but stared at Gao Yang and said with a deep voice: "Gao, when we first met, we were on the grasslands of South Sudan. In terms of your situation at that time, I understand why you need to take Shoot the gun out of the way, because then you and I had no choice but to pick up the gun. "

Morgan waved his hand gently to stop the eager to defend, and continued: "Later I sent you to Libya, and then a lot of things happened, you picked up the gun again in Libya, but these things have passed , You ’re home. Okay. I can understand what happened later. You can do what you can do under intolerable circumstances, and then you can only start fighting for yourself in a dangerous way again, I can understanding.

Gao, I understand why you are a mercenary, but now, even if you continue to choose to be a mercenary, I do n’t understand. You are now rich and very rich. If you are a poor bastard, then you can only use some unconventional methods for primitive accumulation. Many rich people have come here, but you are now rich. There are twenty-six million on your hand. You have a company in the Gulf of Aden that is still making a lot of money, and it can generate millions of dollars a year, which is high. This is not a decimal, for most people in the world. You can already do nothing and be comfortable with the rest of your life. "

Gao Yang knew what Morgan wanted to say. He raised his hand. After a long sigh, he looked at Morgan with a frown on his face: "Okay, okay, your words hit my heart. I had been avoiding this problem, But now that I ’m talking about it, let me talk about it. Let ’s Dance E-Book ”

Gao Yang smiled bitterly and looked at Morgan. "Do you know? When I first started as a mercenary, my goal was to close one million, and I won't do it if I earn one million."

Hearing Gao Yang ’s words, Morgan shook his head with his mouth shut, and Gao Yang shrugged helplessly. He continued: “In Libya, we were lucky, we grabbed a ticket in Gaddafi ’s palace, and I got it then One million, but with one million, I was thinking that one million is really not much. Since earning so much as a mercenary, why do n’t you earn more? If you earn ten million, then you seem to close It's not too late. "

Morgan sighed and said, "Human."

Gao Yang also sighed: "Later I earned 10 million, but at that time, Yelena and Catherine were knocked into the sea by the Japanese whaling ship, and almost died, I couldn't stand it, so I spent myself Made all the money and sank the whaling boat, which made me breathe, and, at the time, I also felt a bit lucky, because I was subconsciously happy that I had an excuse to continue to be a mercenary Now. "

Morgan sighed and said, "Gao, it's a good opportunity to close now, really."

Gao Yangshen said: "Later, I earned 10 million, but at this time, I haven't thought about retirement at all. I know that I am still young, and I know that it will be easy to make money after I have money. However, this is no longer a matter of money. "

Morgan didn't speak. He looked helpless and said in a deep voice: "Do you know the Angel Mercenary Corps? I remember telling you that the angel mercenary guys are richer and richer than us. By the way, no one of the angels intends to retire, they are not even fighting for money. "

Gao Yang covered his head with his hand and sighed: "The angels are a group of lunatics. They are not fighting for money, they are fighting for battle. When I first talked to the head of the angel, Knight, I I think they are a group of lunatics. How can someone fight for the fight, but now it seems that we have also become a group of lunatics, because we don't seem to fight for the money anymore. "

Morgan said in a deep voice: "Mercenary, a career that can only be ended by death, Gao, I'm glad you realize this now, and it's too late to close!"

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "My dream at that time was to die in bed all the time, but now let me say it as if I died on the battlefield. It's no big deal."

Morgan shouted: "High, sober, your thoughts are dangerous now!"

After drinking loudly, Morgan lowered his voice and said: "War can completely change a person. When you are used to war, you will have difficulty adapting to ordinary life. High, you can still get it right now."

Gao Yang whispered: "You know, when I got the diamond mine, I had a battle with an old Tuareg man. I won, but it was very difficult to win. The old man was the most I have ever met in my life. One of the strong opponents, he said the same thing as me, before he was provisional, he said, close it early, I think he should also be unable to leave the battlefield until he became an old man, and then ended his death A mercenary career. "

Morgan's voice was annoyed and said sharply: "It sounds like you understand your situation very well, so why do you refuse to give up being a **** mercenary? Why!"

Gao Yang sighed: "It's not time, Morgan, it's not time yet."

After standing up, filling his glass with whiskey, and then filling Morgan's glass, Gao Yang put down the bottle and said in a deep voice: "I can give up, but what about other people, I have tens of millions , But they do n’t. I can split the money without hesitation, but it ’s useless. If it ’s because of the money, we ’ve already closed it, and I know that my brothers outside wo n’t want me. money."

Gao Yang drank the wine from the glass and said in a deep voice: "My life, and their lives, have long been linked, we can't get out of this situation now, Morgan, mercenaries are war animals, We ca n’t do without war, not to mention that Bruce ’s revenge is not over yet, and this is a good excuse for us to continue to be mercenaries. "

Morgan said in a deep voice: "You idiots, you have to kill yourself to stop? Bruce is dead, you have to avenge Bruce, if someone else dies? And revenge for another person? There will never be an end. "

"Yes, you are right, I also know that, but the time has not yet come, we really can't take our hands now, you know, I now think about living in a metropolis like New York in the future, I'm shuddering, Do nothing, just think about not having to fight anymore in the future, that is to live a peaceful life all day, which actually makes me feel a sense of fear. "

Morgan stared closely at Gao Yang and said: "So what time do you think it is a good time to close?"

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "I don't know, I think it should be after our big company is established. After the company is established, we have to be busy for the company to ensure safety, but after we don't leave the battlefield completely, we may just leave the employment. It ’s time for soldier status. "

Morgan shook his head: "You are an idiot, you understand what your situation is, but you are not trying to get rid of your plight, you know, in my opinion, this is very idiot and very failed, high, do n’t Let me despise you, I have different friendships with you, you saved my life, this is the basis of our current equal dialogue, but I have more people who saved my life, but they are only working for me People, not my friends, do you know why? "

Gao Yang curiously said: "Why? I'm really curious as well. You're a big man. You shouldn't seem to have such deep connections with mercenaries like me."

Morgan raised his hand and said, "I treat you as a friend, because before you have any visible benefits ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ still willing to take the risk to save Abdul, but also because of the shotgun that sent me , Not because of the value of the shotgun, but when you are still an unknown soldier and you do n’t have much money, you can give me a valuable shotgun without hesitation, which makes me think that you are a person to pay, no matter What are your identities can be the kind of friends. "

Gao Yang spread his hands and said, "Just because of this? Your friend selection conditions are not high."

Morgan smiled and said: "My friend selection conditions are always very high, very high, you will not stifle me because I am rich, nor will you ignore me because I am a poor man, I also know that if I have Whatever, you will help me at all costs, Gao, people like you are rare this year. People like you are suitable for being friends, no, you can be a brother who can trust everything, such conditions, Do you still say that my friend selection conditions are not high? "

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I was flattered by what you said. I was so flattered. How come I didn't find myself so good."

Morgan chuckled a little and said: "Your personality traits can be seen by people with real vision. If a big person has a good relationship with you, then it may be a coincidence. You are favored by someone. This This kind of thing is normal, but if there are two big people willing to become true friends with you, it is not a coincidence, I guess, the relationship between Da Yiwan and you is not ordinary? "(To be continued ...)

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