A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1149: trouble

Morgan must have found it difficult to do. According to his habit, Gao Yang sent a good gun, and he returned a gift of almost the same value. This time Morgan was hard to repay.

If it is a business, Gao Yang pays for the gun, and Morgan pays, which is easy to handle, but the problem is that Gao Yang sent the shotgun as a favor, and Morgan gave money again, which is not the case.

It ’s not worth the gadgets, even if it ’s a huge sum of $ 30,000 to $ 50,000 in the eyes of ordinary people, Morgan said it ’s necessary, but the problem is that he ’s not a gun of $ 30,000 or $ 50,000. Three hundred and fifty thousand, but it is impossible to measure with money. How can Morgan get it.

If it ’s not something you particularly like, if you do n’t give money or do n’t give it, Morgan will definitely reject it, but the problem is that Gao Yang sent him to fight for his old life and grab it from others. It ’s impossible for Morgan to do something good.

So Morgan was embarrassed, very embarrassed.

Gao Yang knew what was going on with Morgan, so when Morgan sighed, he waved carelessly and shouted, "Okay, don't be embarrassed, remember? Last time I told you, there is a chance I will get you a few shotguns you like, and that ’s how I fulfilled my promise, do n’t worry. ”

Morgan spread his hands and said: "Now let me talk about this issue first. Let's go back and say, Gao. In a few days, there will be a gun show in Los Angeles. There are antique gun units on display at the gun show. I plan to check it out in due course. Are you interested? "

Gao Yang shrugged: "Okay, go check it out. This time I will probably take a break for a long time. I have plans to have a good time for a while. Since there is a gun show. Of course I went to check it out. Also, I I had to go to Los Angeles to find someone, and if there was a gun show, I could do things together. "

Taylor suddenly said: "The Los Angeles Gun Show? Although the California Gun Control Act is not the strictest. But it is also a relatively strict state. If you want to buy a gun at the gun show, I think it must be the most on the red neck site Appropriate, why not go to Texas to see it, I remember the time of the Houston gun show in these recent days, too? "

Morgan laughed and looked at Taylor. To Gao Yang said: "Newcomers?"

Gao Yang nodded: "Yes, newcomers, Americans."

Morgan spread his hand and smiled at Taylor: "I mainly buy antique guns, so it is more appropriate to go to the big city gun show like Los Angeles."

Taylor nodded. No longer speaking, Morgan smiled at Gao Yang at this time: "You have to rest for a long time, what are you going to do?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "No matter what happens at work, just play, relax and plan to travel to Europe."

Morgan nodded and said: "You should travel, earn so much money, you have to enjoy life."

at this time. Simon yelled at them: "Okay everyone, sit back in your place, we can take off."

Everyone found a place and sat down. At this time, Morgan stood up and said to Gao Yang: "Let's go chat for a while."

Gao Yang followed Morgan to the separate booth. After carefully collecting the shotgun, Morgan pressed a button on his seat and said loudly, "It's ready to take off."

After informing the pilot that he could take off, Morgan waved his hand at Gao Yang. Tao: "High, before you start enjoying your vacation life. Let's finish the business first. There are a few things. You need to know."

After speaking, Morgan reached out and took a file bag from the small table next to him, and handed it to Gao Yang, Shen said: "There is a card in it, and there are complete procedures. It is from the Swiss bank, which has Twenty-six million dollars. "

Gao Yang took the file bag and frowned: "So much money, what do you mean?"

Morgan shrugged: "Our diamond mine pays dividends."

Gao Yang was taken aback and said, "So much? Isn't it saying that there is no dividend for the time being?"

Morgan laughed: "Man, the investment has already been invested. This is the latest dividend after the investment. Also, in the safe belonging to the two of us, there is a diamond spot worth 100 million according to the current market value. If it is not I am worried that it will cause too much impact on the current market, and this time the dividends will not be more than 20 million. "

Gao Yang probed the file bag with his hand and smiled: "It's great, I just need to use the money. I can't take care of the diamond mines during this time. What happened there? No problem?"

Morgan gently touched his chin and said in a deep voice: "In fact, there are some problems. The Depp Group whose main business is in South Africa is not quite honest."

Gao Yang frowned and said, "What's going on?"

Morgan chuckled: "Although the Depp Group did not mine the diamond mine by itself, before we intervened, Depp Group was the biggest beneficiary of which mine. We robbed the mine, and Depp Group definitely does not intend to give up like this The Depp Group has had trouble finding us twice. The most recent one happened half a month ago. Twenty-six people died in our mine, but the mercenaries they found did not take advantage of it. Six died. More than ten people. "

Gao Yang frowned: "So many people have died!"

Gao Yang was a little surprised. The matter of the diamond mine is mainly managed by Morgan. In order to protect the diamond mine with great interests, Morgan has not invested much in it. The money made from the diamond mine in the early stage is basically invested again, especially security work. It ’s all where some of the good hands that Morgan has found are responsible. Under this premise, more than 20 people are still dead, which is not unusual.

The plane started to roll off and took off. Morgan didn't speak. After the plane took off, he gave Gao Yang his hand and said: "About two months ago, the Depp Group carried out an attack when they were looking for mercenaries. The regiment was terrible. More than 100 people, none of them could run away. They were all killed by our **** team. The second time, the Depp group found some very powerful mercenaries. Our loss was great and we died. Twenty-six people also seriously injured eight of them. Nine of the fallen were found by me. The exchange of fire caused great losses to us, but it took more than 10 million for the aftermath of the dead. "

Morgan's brows were very tight, and Gao Yang's brows were also tightly closed. After a moment of silence, Gao Yang said with a deep voice: "How do you plan to solve the problem of Depp Group?"

Morgan calmly said: "I have already asked people to negotiate with the Depp Group. If the Depp Group knows and accepts the status quo, then this matter is forgotten. If they cannot understand the reality, they can only take tough means."

After he finished speaking, Morgan stood up, a bottle of whiskey was placed on the table next to him, opened the cabinet and took out two glasses and poured wine, Morgan handed a cup of soaring, and then sat down, holding the glass , Whispered: "I only worry about one thing now, that is, after feeling that there is no chance to **** the mine, Depu Group will poke out the news of the diamond mine completely, let the whole world know, then we are not too Maybe keep our diamond mine. "

Gao Yang made a throat-cut gesture with his hand on his neck, and then whispered: "Kill all the people who know this matter from the Depp Group, can we relieve our current predicament?"

Morgan nodded, raised his toast, took a sip, and then said in a deep voice: "I do n’t know how many people in the Depp Group know the existence of the diamond mine. According to common sense, such a big thing, Depp Group also The news has to be blocked, so there should not be too many people who know about it, but we do n’t know if the Depp Group has arranged any protective measures, and we ca n’t rashly start without knowing. ”

The Depp Group was not willing to lose the diamond mine, so they tried to recapture it by force, and the Depp Group also knew that after the news of the diamond mine was stabbed, they could not keep it by their strength, so the Depp Group was also trying to block News.

I am afraid that after confirming that there is no hope of recapture of the diamond mine, the Depp Group will simply take a shot or two, I ca n’t get it, you do n’t want to get it, you know the world that poke the news of the diamond mine, then no one needs to grab Too.

It is easy to destroy the principals of the Depp Group, but if the people of the Depp Group are destroyed, it is hard to say whether they can keep the secret from being leaked.

Gao Yang took a sip of whiskey and then said in a deep voice: "Is there a suitable company to sell the mine now?"

Morgan shook his head with a wry smile and said, "No, this is a big business of at least billions of dollars, and it is not so easy to find buyers. Moreover, we still do not have 100% control of diamond mines, and transactions with the South Sudan government In the process, in order to avoid future troubles, it is necessary to negotiate with the Sudanese government. No matter who gets the land in these two countries in the future, it must be ours. "

If you can't kill Depp Group by the most direct means, and you can't immediately sell the diamond mine ~ www.novelmtl.com ~, you can only compromise.

Gao Yangsheng said: "Can we mine diamonds and then sell them to the Depp Group to temporarily cooperate to avoid the situation of breaking the net."

Morgan shook his head and said: "No, Depp Group has too much appetite. They tried to continue to buy at a low price as before. The price they gave was ten times different from the lowest price we can accept. There is no need to talk about it at all. The blood diamond business would have been cheaper than normal diamonds. We cannot make concessions to the Depp Group. "

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "If that's the case, there is no need to talk. You must give them a deep lesson. Find out how much they know, how big is the scope of mastering the secret. After checking it out, just kill it!"

Morgan said in a deep voice: "Yes, I am now sending people to negotiate with the Depp Group for delay, first stabilize the Depp Group, and cannot let them poke out the secrets. During this time, we will try our best to mine, even if the last shot is scattered. , We have to make a lot of money first. "

After finishing talking, Morgan drank the wine from the glass, and then said in a deep voice: "I have arranged the manpower, the details of the Depp Group have been clearly understood, and now it is waiting to find out that they have secrets. Who, after checking, immediately start. "(To be continued)

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