A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1137: breakthrough

Gao Yang looked at the mushroom clouds in the sky, then looked at the gray-faced people around him, swallowed hard, and then said on the intercom: "Worker bees, big birds, little flies, how are you?"

"I'm fine, but my ears are buzzing."

"I'm very good."

"It's okay, boss."

After the three men returned in turn, Gao Yang finally let out a sigh of relief, and it was almost a bit short, but finally it came through, and a hero who did not yet know the name saved all.

At this time, Sedf was still staring at the west gate.

The power of the explosion was too great. The west wall extended along the west gate to both sides, and a long section fell down, which was directly collapsed by the shock wave.

After two glances, Sedev shouted dumbly: "Muhad, answer me, Muhad!"

Sedf called twice, but received no response. Then Raphael whispered: "No matter who did it, he must have died. At such a short distance, it is impossible to survive."

Someone was holding on to the wall, and the shock waves destroyed the prison's thick walls. Of course, the people above, of course, needless to say.

Sedev didn't seem to hear Raphael's words and continued to shout: "Muhad, answer me, it's done."

Still no one answered. At this time, someone shouted on the intercom: "Sir, Rajben destroyed the truck. I see clearly. He crawled out of the west gate and destroyed the truck."

Sedf sighed deeply, and then sighed: "Now the enemy can't attack, go to a few people and see what happened to Rajben and Muhad."

The smoke was dissipating, and the rebel infantry had swarmed.

That tank. There was no need to think about the tank that covered many infantry rushes. The person behind the tank died dead, and the crew in the tank died. It was shocked by the explosion of a truck that was too close.

As for the remaining two armored vehicles, there was no hurry to rush over. They are still waiting for a large number of infantrymen to enter the prison together.

In the current Aleppo prison, the portal is wide open. Because of the collapse of a very long wall, the obstacles that previously had a great impact on the rebels no longer exist.

Gao Yang didn't know why the tank was guarding the blasting truck so close, he really didn't know what the enemy thought.

I do n’t know if the enemy found that the location of the self-violent truck is still far away from the prison building. But when the smoke and dust dispersed, the wall had collapsed for a long time, and the rebels rushed over.

Gao Yang is not equipped with night vision, so when the smoke is very large, he cannot observe and shoot distant targets through the smoke. But when the smoke was gone, he was already able to shoot.

Gao Yang raised his gun, but he did not rush to shoot. He had to wait for the enemy to shoot closer.

Gao Yang's range is very far, but the main firepower of the defenders in the prison is still automatic rifles, and the range of weak automatic is not too far. Gao Yang shoots in advance, and will not have too much impact on the enemy's offensive. Shooting prematurely will only attract the enemy's suppressed firepower, so he will wait for the enemy to approach the range of the automatic rifle before firing. This can cause maximum damage to the enemy.

Sedev has re-arranged the reserve team. The enemy has no self-violent trucks. The next step is to fight the enemy's infantry. The reserve team needs to be put into combat to ensure sufficient defense firepower in all four directions.

Sedev was mobilizing the troops nervously, and Gao Yang focused on the enemy lines. Finally, I felt the time when it was high, and said: "Fight!"

Gao Yang shot. This is the rhythm that cannot be stopped. This time the enemy is very close. And many, the difficulty of shooting is almost zero for him.

But when he was playing, Gao Yang felt wrong. Grollov's machine gun sounded twice, and he had to stop once. Then he shot the machine gun and stopped shooting again.

Gao Yang turned his head and glanced, and found Grolev's expression anxious, then shot a few more times. After at least a dozen rounds, he stopped shooting. Stop pulling the gun.

"what happened!"

"Stuck, always stuck!"

Grolev gave a helpless roar, then pulled the gun again.

Gao Yang was anxious, relying on Grolev to suppress the direct fire of the enemy, and the heavy machine gun was terrible at this time.

Grolev's heavy machine gun has been destroyed. The heavy machine gun used now is transferred from other places, but not long ago this machine gun was working normally, but I don't know why it started to get stuck.

The transfer of heavy machine guns is very troublesome, so when the violent truck came, when Grolev ran, he could only drop the machine gun to escape, and did not know whether the machine gun was broken or the continuous jamming caused by the lack of maintenance.

"Can the fault be eliminated? I will suppress the enemy, you can eliminate the fault!"

At this time, the gunshots had already been sounded, but Gao Yang changed the main shooting target from infantry to the enemy's suppression of firepower, such as anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns. If it is not a machine gun, this task should have been Gro Lov's.

After a few shots, and once again jammed, Grolev opened the lid of the case, and after a quick look, he banged a few times, buckled up the lid of the case, and after a few more shots, it stuck again. .

"No! For the time being, there is no way to troubleshoot. Take my light machine gun!"

The roles of Groryov and Goyang were reversed. Now it is Goyang and Choibo suppressing the heavy firepower of the enemy, while Grolev uses light machine guns to shoot the infantry rushing in.

The enemy is approaching quickly.

The terrain outside Aleppo prison is also quite complicated. The rebels can get a lot of cover, but the key point is that the rebels have blown up a section of the wall.

The rebels attacked from four directions at the same time. As long as they were close to the fence, they avoided the fire from high places in the prison. As long as the defenders on the fence could not shoot directly down, the rebels followed the fence. It is safe to run until you reach the gap in the wall and you can enter the prison.

The safest way is to prevent the rebels from approaching the wall, but the number of rebels is too large, and the suppression of firepower is also very fierce. The defenders on the wall can't stand up.

Grolev got his light machine gun, and immediately started shooting at the rebels who flocked to the west gate. Then he shouted loudly: "Worker Bee! Coordinate No. 2, three rapid shots on the big spread surface!"

Gao Yang keeps in mind the graph drawn by the worker bee. Of course, Tommy who drew the graph must know what Gao Yang said. So he moved the mortar barrel in his hand and immediately played Three shells.

The shells exploded in the dense crowd. While shooting, they were still observing the high-pitched roar of the battlefield: "Coordinate No. 1, block the shooting!"

Tommy started firing shells continuously but slowly towards the position facing the west gate. After four or five rounds, Gao Yang shouted: "Stop!"

The rebels who rushed towards the west gate did not get close. Satan ’s numerous rifles were enough to blockade in this direction. Their shooting was accurate. It is almost impossible for the rebels to go straight to the west gate. .

But the infantry from the east was close to the wall.

"The east can't hold it! The enemy has reached the wall, we have to prevent the enemy from destroying the wall!"

After yelling at Gao Yang, Sedfu yelled: "Anyway, you can't let the enemy in!"

The armored vehicle approached the west gate again, and fired at the fierce fire with a cannon, shouting loudly: "Little fly!"

Gao Yang just shouted, and a rocket was shot out of the building, directly hitting the armored car into a fireball.


After Frye replied loudly, another rocket was shot out, but this time it did not hit the armored vehicle, but just waited a few seconds, and found that it failed to hit the armored vehicle, followed by another rocket. This time, the last armored vehicle was finally exploded.

The first time the prison wall was breached, the morale and momentum of the rebels were more than the previous attacks. Although the casualties were large, the rebels continued to attack and had no intention of retreating.

"The enemy has come around!"

Sedoff yelled again.

Breaking through the fire net from the east, the rebels approaching under the wall made a big bend, and after coming around from the north and south sides, they reached the gap directly under the wall.

Several rebel soldiers ran up to the fallen ruins of the wall, but before they got down from the ruins, they were immediately killed. However, more rebels have come around from both sides and found out After temporarily unable to enter the prison, the ruins formed by the collapse of the surrounding wall were used as bunkers on the spot, and began to launch a close-range confrontation with the defenders in the prison building.

The walls of the prison are all built with large stones. This kind of wall has strong protection, but the pile of stones formed after falling down has strong protection.

The people of Satan can still kill their opponents one shot at a time ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ But the opponents who had previously concealed in the gap had to show up, and most of the rebels did not expose their bodies, but Hidden behind the stone pile first.

There are more and more rebels who reach the gap. Although they cannot enter the prison immediately, the rebels have counted their feet at the gate of the prison, especially behind the collapsed wall next to the gap. There are more hidden rebels .

Sedev picked up his svd, which is the Dragonov sniper rifle, but he hadn't fired much yet, but he had been observing the situation and commanding the battle.

After Sedf made his judgment, he shouted: "Put the enemy in! Reduce the firepower, put the notched enemy in, and wait until they come in!"

Gao Yang did not object. In fact, if Sedev did not say that, he would make the same proposal. The enemies in the gap had cover and could not be easily eliminated. Once they entered, they lost the cover after entering the prison, and the defenders were in the building. It is easy to destroy the enemy inside.

Of course, there can't be too many enemies coming in at once, and too much situation may get out of control, but with the presence of Satan, you can control the number of enemies entering the prison, and there will certainly not be such a situation that too many enemies come in and the situation gets out of control That's it. (To be continued)

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