A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1136: Life and death line

Everyone knows to save ammunition, everyone knows that rockets are consumed too fast, but there is no way, the enemy comes up, it is time to fight or fight.

It would be nice if everyone was as accurate as Frye, but unfortunately this kind of thing was impossible.

Sedf shouted angrily: "Report the number of rockets, hurry!"

One, two, one and two, the number of rpg-7 rockets was quickly reported. There were only eleven rockets left, which is not as large as the number of launchers. The only bazooka used for **** is the last one.

"Economic use, no certainty, no launch!"

Sedf was a little flustered. Rockets were used too fast. You should know that there were more than 110 rockets in the prison. However, under the continued attack of the enemy, the rockets were fired at a rate much faster than planned Going out, the results are good, but the consumption is indeed too large.

And Fry ’s rockets are already used up, they are used for tanks, the main is rpg-27, rpg-7 is only auxiliary, so the rpg-7 rocket launcher is mainly distributed to a part of the wall defense soldier.

At this moment, the armored vehicle and the tank that had not moved after firing back a distance fired again, aiming at Fry's position.

The guys brought by Fry just smashed the most forklifts, and the tanks were all made by them. The rebels naturally knew * who to stare at.

Seeing the rebel's tank turret turn, Gao Yang shouted: "Little flies are going away!"

The enemy reinforced the firepower again. They had no new firepower, but focused the firepower on Fry's location. Tank guns for a while. Artillery and machine guns on the armored vehicles began to attack Fry's position.

Gao Yang stepped up the shot. However, the direct firepower of those pickup trucks, as well as the firepower points set up by the rebels at the commanding heights in the village, with the efforts of him, Grolev and Cui Bo, there has never been any great threat.

"We're okay, we want to shift our position, we are going upstairs!"

Fry shouted on the intercom and informed him about his situation so that Gao Yang knew he was not injured or killed in the shelling just now.

at this time. Jensen shouted again after releasing the drone again: "That big guy is here, Fak, it's very close!"

Without Jensen ’s drones, the battle was not as easy to fight. First of all, the west and north of the prison were covered by buildings. Although they had a high advantage, they could not see all the places.

The big truck came from the west, drove out from behind the building in the village, and turned to the road when they were visually discovered by them. It is not far from the west gate of the prison, only less than 200 meters away.

In order to exert firepower. The rebel tanks and pickup trucks must be in the open position, so the mobile firepower of the rebels is deployed on the south side of the village, and the forklifts that the rebels explode from the village have no direct roads. Come here, but rely on the forklift or bulldozer's own weak off-road ability to rush over the fields on both sides of the road.

Now Gao Yang understood that those forklifts refused to follow the road, just because they were afraid of being broken down halfway, blocking the passage of the big guy.

There were Jensen ’s drones before, and the enemy ’s actions were high. They all knew that every time a self-explosive forklift came out, everyone could prepare in advance, but this time it was not a coincidence, or the enemy found the head. The drone is not there, they took the opportunity to send their killer.

Gao Yang feels that it is unlikely that the enemy discovered the drone. The drone is very small and it is impossible for the ground to hear noise, so this should be just a coincidence, but this coincidence is very fatal.

"Destroy that truck!"

Gao Yang and Sedf snarled at the same time.

"Fak! We are too late!"

Frye scowled bitterly. Those hit by the enemy's tanks must be transferred to the position, and in the process of transferring the position, the big truck rushed over.

The staircase of the cell building is not at the edge, but at a position near the middle. Fry wants to hit the truck. There are only two options, running up to the new shooting position and moving back to the shooting position just now. No matter where you go, the distance is the same and the time is the same.

Frye stepped up and ran up wildly with the bazooka.

The truck driver stepped on the bottom of the accelerator. The truck smoked black smoke and rushed towards the prison. At that time, the tank that had not moved was rushed towards the prison. After the tank was activated, the infantry who followed the tank also Then rushed.

The speed was too fast, two rockets hit the wall, but one landed in front of the truck and one landed behind the truck.

As for Gao Yang, he could only watch, but could not do anything.

The truck has entered less than 100 meters from the west gate.

Rafael stood up, waved his hand hard, and shouted: "Back up! Back up! Run! Stay here and die!"

There was a blank in Gao Yang's mind. He put away the gun and sprinted backwards. At the same time, he shouted on the intercom: "Little flies, it's too late! Run in the opposite direction!"

Gao Yang gave Fry the last order. The truck was too close. Whether Fry knocked out the big truck or the big truck detonated, the result was actually the same.

Sedfu's face was desperate and he roared loudly. Taylor, who was closest to him, grabbed Sedfu's combat vest and dragged him back together.

Staying in place can't do anything. If the truck arrives at the entrance of the west gate and explodes, less than twenty meters away from the west gate, they will be shocked and killed.

Gao Yang is ready to be approached by the truck to explode. If he does n’t die, he can just wait for the enemies swarming up. If he is killed by the shock, everything will be stopped. The reserve team can only rely on them to buy time.

"It's too powerful to lie on the ground! Squat! Do not climb down, only squat! Can't lie down! Only squat!"

Raphael snarled again and again, his voice becoming extremely sharp and high. It's like a woman screaming.

On that big truck. There must be at least a dozen tons of fraudulent drugs. At a distance of more than 20 meters, if you lie on the ground, you will be shocked to death. You can only squat on the ground, not lie on the ground.

Gao Yang knew the truth, but in the extremely panic moment, many people forgot the trick to avoid being killed by the explosion of super power, and left the place closest to the gate. After sprinting backwards for a while, the soldier immediately lay prone on the ground.

Gao Yang ran all the way, kicking the soldiers lying on the ground with his feet, and Sedev finally reacted at this moment, shouting with exhaustion: "Squat! Squat!"

A strong shock wave will come in from the window. Standing is too dangerous. Squatting is the best choice.

It was estimated that it was almost time to touch, and he couldn't run anymore. Yang Yang squatted down and hugged his head in his hands. Covered his ears and left everything to his destiny.

"Everyone squat down! Hide yourself!"

Gao Yang issued the last command to all of Satan. Then, squatting on the ground, he felt a shock spread from the bottom of his foot to the whole body instantly.

The whole building seemed to jump abruptly, and Yang Yang couldn't control it. He was sitting on the ground upside down, and then he just felt that his heart would stop beating.

A huge cloud of mushrooms rose into the sky, and smoke filled the prison.

With the truck as the center, first a flash, then a shock wave that is invisible to the naked eye, followed by a loud noise, and then, the dust floating from the ground, rising up like vaporized water vapor.

The power of the explosion was so great that the dust was shaken from the ground in a large area that was 500 to 600 meters along the center.

Like an earthquake, it was a big earthquake for them, and a small earthquake for the rebels who were more than 1,000 meters away from the explosion.

First, he stared blankly at the mushroom cloud rising in the air, and looked down, seeing that all the buildings in the entire prison were dusting outwards. Soon, after the entire prison was shrouded in smoke, those rebels that were dull Just started cheering.


"Aleppo prison broke!"

Countless rebels started cheering outside the prison where they had besieged for more than a year.

Inside the prison, when Raphael, who was also shocked and fell to the ground, stood up again, touched himself and confirmed that he was still alive, he immediately turned around and ran to the window.

It didn't take long for Raphael to roar with similar exhaustion.

"Fifty meters! The truck is fifty meters from the west gate! Haha! We are outside the area of ​​absolute death! We are all right, we are all right!"

Gao Yang they were in the building, after all, they were very effectively covered. Without the cover of the building, within 100 meters, none of them could survive. If they were in the building, and the truck exploded at the location of the west gate, they would be injured if they died. , At least have to be stunned.

But the truck exploded 50 meters away from the west gate, that is, about 70 to 80 meters away from them, and they were in the building. This would n’t kill them, and they would n’t hurt.

Everyone hugged back to the window together and looked at the black mushroom cloud that can be seen in the thick smoke ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Then Raphael shouted in a crying and laughing voice : "Someone killed the truck, he did it, he didn't let the truck rush over! He saved everyone!"

Gao Yang didn't know what to say. He didn't know who was at the most critical moment when he blew up the truck on the final line of life and death. He only knew that this man was a hero and saved the hero of Aleppo prison.

This time, the hero was among the soldiers guarding the prison, not the Satan mercenary regiment, but who cares. (To be continued ...)

ps: I originally planned to let Frye kill the most critical truck, but at the end of the writing, I decided to give up.

The reason is that the part of the Aleppo prison offensive and defensive warfare is written according to reality. In order to respect the historical facts, it is also to respect the hero who blew the truck and saved the Aleppo prison, so he chose to give up Satan to save the world.

Although it is a novel, the purely fictional part can be written casually, and there is no clear achievements to use. However, the part that combines fiction and reality, especially those deeds and credits with clear characters, should not be robbed.

This paragraph deviated from the original plan, because I originally wanted to write a Satan to save Aleppo prison, but I finally chose to give up. I know this is not good enough, but, grabbed the merits of a famous hero and forced it to be safe. On the head of the protagonist team, even in the novel, I think this kind of thing is too shameless.

The result of changing the original plan is that many designed bridge sections have been abandoned, and many plots have been cut off. This section will definitely look dull and dull, but it is definitely not a zeal for water, um, explain it, and tell everyone. sorry.

Just like that, I will notice in the future that this kind of problem will not happen again, and apologize again. R1292

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