A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1104: Just luck?

It didn't take long for Gao Yang's heart to relax, and he began to get nervous again. The man of the Iron Madonna was dead, but the sea of ​​rebels came again.

Three machine guns began to shoot at the insurgent rebels, shouting loudly and shouting, "Collect ammunition! Watch out for ammunition!"

Most of the bullets used by the Iron Madonna are also 5.56 mm caliber, which is the same as that used by Satan, and the same is true for machine guns. Three of the steel Madame ’s teams use 7.62 mm sniper rifles. Gaoyang can add some high-precision ammunition Instead of using Groov's ordinary bullets.

After Gao Yang shouted, Andy said anxiously, "Boss! Don't waste time there, come to me soon, do you want your arm to be scrapped!"

Without saying anything, Gao Yang stood up and ran to Fry's side. After passing his rifle, the cat ran around in the direction of Andy Ho.

The speed of bleeding has slowed down a lot, but the bleeding has not stopped completely. The blood in the capillaries can not be stopped. In addition, the brachial artery has been broken. Now his hand is ischemic, he must sew the blood vessel quickly. To restore blood circulation to your hand.

If a large artery is broken, for example, after the brachial artery is completely broken, the extremity of the limb will be necrotic if there is no blood supply for a long time, that is, the hand will be abandoned.

For Gao Yang, if his right hand is invalid, then his person will be invalid. Even if it is not completely invalid, it is only affected by ※※. In the future, it will become less flexible than before, and his marksmanship will also be greatly affected. The impact of the rifle may be smaller, but when shooting with a pistol, the impact may be greater. Don't ever think about playing the same pistol as before.

After running quickly to Andy Ho's side. Gao Yang sat beside Andy Ho. Looking at Janson lying on his back on the ground, he said anxiously, "How is the bird?"

Andy Ho sat on the ground, waved his hand toward Gao Yang, gestured closer to him, and then opened the wound of Yang Yang and looked at it, then said in a deep voice: "The big bird can't die, his face looks It ’s scary, but it ’s not serious. However, a concussion is inevitable, that is to say, he was stunned. The bird ’s injury was mainly on his left shoulder. He was shot in his left shoulder, and the bullet hit his collarbone. There is no bulletproof plate in position, and although the bullet did not penetrate the bulletproof vest, the impact broke his collarbone. "

Gao Yang breathed a sigh of relief, grinning his teeth and saying, "What about my injury? Wow, you lightly. Very painful, will I give up?"

Andy He Shen said: "If you can quickly connect the blood vessels to the suture. It will be fine if the extremities of the limbs will not be necrotic. The nerve can be connected. It may be affected at most for a period of time. It will be fine when the nerve grows. Yes, your bones are fine. "

Although the painful teeth grin, Gao Yang couldn't help laughing, and said: "It's great, hurry up and I will support them."

Andy Ho looked up and raised his eyes, and after frowning, he finally said in a deep voice: "I won't call you an idiot. It only takes two minutes to stop bleeding, but after connecting the blood vessels and nerves, you think this Can it be done in three minutes? "

The mouth said Gao Yang, Andy Ho's hand never stopped, but when Andy He was busy, Gao Yang suddenly said: "Lying down!"

The two lay down on the ground and waited for a while before sitting up together. Then they raised their worries and said: "This ca n’t suppress the enemy, and they have n’t used a bomb car. It ’s even more difficult to fight if they are using a bomb car. I must continue to fire on them. "

The high firepower is very important. His firepower is incoherent, but it can cause continuous casualties to the enemy. When the person who is charging finds that the companion around him continuously falls, there will be a sense of fear and fear, even if he does not turn his head. Running back will also lie down on the ground, which will delay their attack.

Andy He Shen said: "I must connect your large blood vessels, and then seal the small blood vessels to avoid blood loss, so as to remove the **** the arm and restore blood circulation. As for the nerves, it is not easy to connect now, wait for stability You can pick it up again. "

Gao Yang nodded and said, "I can't do this. I'm playing here lying down. What should you do, what should I do?"

Andy looked at Gao Yang with surprise: "Your left hand will do?"

Gao Yang said helplessly: "I don't know, try it, I think it should be similar."

Gao Yang took off his rifle, and after putting the rifle on the ground, he lay on the ground and stretched out his right arm on the backpack of Andy Ho. Andy Ho also lay on the ground and prepared behind Gao Yang ’s outstretched arm. Operate Gao Yang.

The posture is awkward, but it can still be played, but after Andy Ho got down and tried it, frowned: "The recoil of the rifle will make your body shake, can you keep your right arm still?"

Gao Yang thought for a while and said, "It should be fine, try it."

Gao Yang aimed at his left eye, fired a shot at a target, and then whispered: "Okay? Did your arm move?"

"Don't move. Wait a minute and give you anesthetic. What we are doing now is not the simplest hemostasis and bandaging, but a formal operation that is no different from the operating table. I don't want you to have a second operation, so The wound needs to be cleaned. "

Gao Yang fired another shot, but Andy Ho's hand happened to turn his wound, and after the pain, he missed the shot again.


"Nonsense, can't it hurt? Hurry up with anesthesia, doesn't it affect your brain? I mean it doesn't affect me to shoot?"

"More will affect, less will not affect, but if there is less anesthesia, you may still feel pain, of course, it is definitely stronger than not used."

"Then use it quickly."

After a brief conversation, Gao Yang tried to move his attention away from his right arm, only when the right arm was not his, and after a careful aim, another shot.

"Yes! Hit! It's a hit. The left hand is really inconvenient. This is hard!"

Andy He said softly: "How many are you playing tonight? Are you counting?"

"Count it, the miscellaneous fish have already hit 247, the Iron Madonna 17, haha, the harvest is good tonight."

"Yes, yes, really amazing. I haven't killed so many people in my life so far. You did it all in one night. Well, the one with the most gold content is the seventeen steel virgins, boss, you fantastic."

Gao Yang fired a shot and said regretfully: "Fuck, it's skewed! The left hand is really inconvenient to fuck, just change the hand, how can I feel that everything is wrong."

It was very uncomfortable to say that Gao Yang used an indifferent tone: "What about killing 247, if the rabbit is let go, it can kill hundreds, mainly because our enemies are too garbage It ’s hard to miss, you ’re injured too early, or you can beat dozens of him tonight. ”

Andy He smiled and said: "This is actually the fact that the rebels fighting this kind of field battle are just giving away. There are not many people who fight like this in these years, and they can't fight so hard in another place."

Gao Yang fired a shot and said in a deep voice: "Two hundred and forty-eight! That is not necessarily the case, people in Libya do the same. Street fighting is not possible. There are too many bunkers in the street fighting. If you shoot a few shots, you will hide. There is no place to hide, and this silly idiot opponent must be so easy to fight, Fak, fighting in Somalia is much harder than here. "

"Somali has fought for decades, and they should learn how to fight in any way. Boss, what do you think is the most difficult place to fight? I mean the opponent you have fought."

"It's hard to say, I have been to places where there have been years of war. I personally find it difficult. It was a visit in Colombia. I also played an old Tuareg man in South Sudan. The old man is really powerful. I took a group of people to treat me like a rabbit. I played Olympics, played and ran, and played and ran, and that time I was at the limit, and finally I finally killed the old man, I told you , The old Tuareg ’s gun rift was worn away, and his mother was very accurate, wait, two hundred and fifty! "

Inserting a sentence, after reporting the number, Gao Yang continued: "The enemy's offensive has slowed down ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Well, the most dangerous one is also the first time. I went to Somalia for the first time. I was shot by a veteran of sbs with Maid, and I was n’t prepared at all. I told you, that ’s my cleverness. It was really dangerous at that time. At that time, I used all my skills. I ’m going to die if I ’m slower. I ’m in the Olympics. It was a risk at the time. It ’s really luck not to die. I did n’t feel scared at that time, but now I feel scared every time I think about it. ”

Andy Ho said lightly: "I heard that you were also dangerous in Mexico?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "The time in Mexico? Danger, really dangerous. I almost hung up and lost too much blood, but I feel that the opponents I met were not so powerful, but there was no military doctor at all. After a shot, I didn't care, and as a result, I lost too much blood. Speaking of which, it was the time when I was closest to death. "

Andy He sighed, "Yeah, I know, after that time you started looking for a military doctor, and then the test tube was added. Hi, let's not talk about the test tube, boss, can you find another military doctor after this battle? I still cooperate, I prefer to be a commando, not a military doctor. "

With one hand replaced a magazine, Gao Yang exhaled and said, "I recommended one on the 13th. This battle is over. If there is still a chance, I will meet and check."

After talking, Gao Yang smiled and said, "Human, they all grew up step by step, and they have fought for several years. Now shooting is as easy for me as eating and drinking, but now I want to I think I can mix it up to now, at least half of my luck, my luck has always been good, if I had n’t been lucky enough to die several times. "

Andy He smiled and said: "Luck? Just luck? Just luck can't break the gun god's name." (To be continued ...) R752

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