A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1103: Absolutely

Gao Yang jumped up, and when he found out that the four people also stood up suddenly, he fired a shot in a hurry.

Gao Yang's reaction was fast enough, but he felt only a pain in his hand and then a neck pain in the process of falling.

He fell to the ground and ran forward desperately. Fry and Raphael returned to Tommy's three counterattacks, so that the four members of the Iron Madonna could not continue shooting at him.

It was just not far away that Gao Yang felt wrong. He felt that his blood loss was too fast. Then he reached out his left arm and touched his right arm, and found that there was more eye-catching inside the right arm.

In fact, it wasn't eye-catching. The bullet was unstable, and he swung from his arm to make a gap, and then blood was spraying out of the wound.

Not a stream, but a spray.

The gun **** is not a god, he is shot to death,

Gao Yang stopped moving and shouted: "I was shot! Brachial artery blood loss, massive blood loss!"

Gao Yang only felt that his right arm was numb quickly. He stretched out his left hand helplessly and held the right arm with the greatest force above the wound to slow down the bleeding.

Gao Yang was very scared. The arteries lost blood, and it only took a few minutes to die, and he really didn't want to die.

Many of the enemies stood up, Gao Yang let go of the hand holding his right arm, and wanted to continue moving, but he found that his right arm could not exert any strength at all, and when he started to climb ± ↓, he found that his right hand hurt.

Fortunately, Choi Bo and Grolev had moved to their proper positions. The shooting of them and Tommy caused the enemies who tried to continue shooting to the sky to land.

Fry rushed to Gao Yang's side first, and after seeing the blood slamming down on Gao Yang's arm, he knelt beside him. Shouted, "Worker bees and skunks cover. I send the boss back!"

Andy Ho could hardly move. Can only send Gao Yang back.

However, you can only crawl back, not run back, and stand up and run and eat a gun.

Fry scratched twice, trying to find a bandage from the first aid kit to tie up Gao Yang's wound, then Yang Yang dumbly said: "Use a gun!"

It was convenient to remove the belt. After removing the belt, Fula wrapped around the high right arm twice. Then, after a desperate punishment, the gun strap was **** with the greatest strength, and the amount of bleeding was immediately reduced a lot.

Raphael also ran around to Gao Yang, and after seeing Gao Yang's wound, he hurriedly said, "Tugger back."

Gao Yang said angrily: "Get down! Just tie it up and continue fighting!"

"The toad and the postman went around, they rushed into the enemy!"

Grolev shouted, and after hearing Grolev's shouts, he raised his left hand to support the ground and stood up with a rub.

Li Jinfang and Taylor rushed into the middle of the enemy. Gao Yang's eyes widened for fear.

Face to face with the enemy, a careless death. Gao Yang took out the pistol with his left hand and shouted, "Chong!"

Gao Yang successfully attracted everyone's attention, so that Li Jinfang and Taylor touched all the way, and even rushed to the middle of the enemy.

The position of the enemy is very scattered. The positions of more than 20 people are scattered with a width of at least 100 meters. This is the result of the enemy ’s compressing the formation as much as possible. The two people cannot be within the damage range of a mortar shell. This is an infantry The most basic knowledge.

Li Jinfang and Taylor rushed into the middle of the enemy, and after killing several people around them, they were still seven or eighty meters away from the remaining enemies. It was no longer possible to kill everyone in an instant, so they beat them both. The Iron Madonna was caught off guard, killing several in a short time, but the rest of the people fought back or forced them to lie down on the ground, and then started shooting at the enemy.

Although he could not wipe out the enemy, Li Jinfang and Taylor had successfully drawn the enemy's full attention.

The enemies are few alive, they are already in a desperate situation. If they stand up and run, it is undoubtedly a dead end. If they take care of their direction, they will lose their suppression of Li Jinfang and Taylor.

Li Jinfang launched a fierce confrontation with Taylor and the remaining enemies.

With the help of the body of the enemy as a bunker, Li Jinfang and Taylor did not receive much threat to their safety. They did n’t need to risk exposing their bodies. They only needed to be able to show their eyes and see the enemy ’s movements. Just shoot them on their side.

Opportunity was rare, and Gao Yang rushed over in desperation. His speed was so fast that Fry failed to hold him. Although Raphael stretched out his hand, he failed to pull Gao Yang.

Before rushing towards the enemy's remnants, Fry picked up a high-lifting rifle from the ground, carried it behind his back, and then rushed towards the enemy at the fastest speed with Tommy.

Gao Yang's right body was full of blood. He had lost a lot of blood, so that after running, he felt a little dizzy.

All the remnants of the Iron Madonna must be wiped out as soon as possible, and they ca n’t be dragged any more, and they ca n’t be dragged on for a moment, because a large number of rebel forces have launched a charge again. The charged enemies are suppressed, and a large number of enemies are rushed to the front, then it is all over.

Gao Yang couldn't continue shooting with a rifle, and the pistol could not shoot people who were 200 meters away, so he chose to rush forward.

Running closer, Tommy and Raphael could already clearly see the enemy, so they stopped and opened fire on the six remaining enemies.

Not far away, you can hit it with a shooting line. Tommy and Raphael successfully hit three people, regardless of whether they have bulletproof vests, but the enemy also has bulletproof vests, so their shooting does not know what effect has been achieved. Whether it killed the enemy, injured the enemy, or hit the enemy's body armor, so that the enemy can also make a counterattack.

The enemy can still fight back. Tommy and Raphael are no longer running. They are standing and firing at the enemy continuously to cover the high, so that they can ensure the safety of the high than they rushed.

At this time, Li Jinfang and Taylor also stood up and rushed towards the enemy while firing.

There are six enemies. After a short but fierce exchange of fire, three enemies struck by two sides have never fired again.

Gao Yang finally ran within 50 meters of the nearest enemy, and then he ran the bullet in the pistol and hit the enemy.

Even with six shots, Gao Yang failed to kill the enemy because he didn't stop shooting.

I did n’t know if I had hit the target. I only saw several shots from the enemy and finally lowered my head. He stopped shooting. No matter who hit the target, the target died.

There were two people left, one shot high, but Tommy fell to the ground, and the other shot Li Jinfang and Taylor, but in Grolev and Cui Bo also joined them. After the suppression, the remaining two people were quickly killed.

The overall situation has been fixed, and now no one is firing.

But Gao Yang is still running. The enemy is very close, only more than six hundred meters away, and it is better to continue to approach.

Gao Yang shouted exhaustedly while running.

At a distance of about two hundred meters, Gao Yang ran for about thirty seconds. This time was too long. When he first ran into the shooting range, the battle was over.

"Shoot with an enemy machine gun! Quick! Quick!"

Gao Yang continued to run instead of killing the remaining enemies of the Iron Madonna. He saw a machine gun and he was going to get it.

Gao Yang is a gun in his left hand. He took out m686 and only had seven bullets.

At this moment, Gao Yang heard Andy yelling at the intercom: "Be careful!"

Gao Yang had seen it, a person lying on the ground motionless, who appeared to be shot in the body suddenly reached out and raised his pistol at him.

Gao Yang should shoot every corpse on the ground, but his bullets are too few, and he is not convenient to load bullets, so he did not shoot the corpse, which gave the dead enemy a close range towards him. Chance to fire.

Less than five meters apart, the two guns fired almost simultaneously.

It was too hasty, the high-pitched gun accurately hit the opponent's face, but the state was affected after the injury, and the bullet was slightly off. Although it hit the enemy's face, it was not a fatal position.

Gao Yang got a bullet left in the gun ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ So after he fired a shot, there was no bullet.

The pretending enemy did not shoot at Yang Yang ’s chest. He also shot at Yang Yang ’s head, but under Gao Yang ’s unconscious subtraction, his gun hit the Yang helmet.

Pistols are not so easy to use, especially when face to face.

After Gao Yang fired his first shot, he rushed towards his opponent. His opponent fired a second shot, but because of the rapid shortening of the distance, he was shot halfway through the face with Gao Yang ’s shot. 'S opponent failed to hit the head of Yang Yang, but hit the bullet in the position he least wanted to hit.

Gao Yang's body armor under his throat blocked the second bullet, and Gao Yang had already rushed to the person.

Gao Yang kicked in the past, hitting his opponent's face.

The man who attacked Gaoyang lay on his side. He raised this foot and hit the enemy's chin with only one foot. After kicking off the neck of the man who attacked him, the whole head leaned back.

There was a rifle beside the enemy, yes, the pistol in his hand was p226.

After glancing to confirm that the enemy was dying, Yang Yang thrust his pistol back into the holster, and then ran two more steps to withdraw a machine gun from the body of the enemy lying on the ground. fire.

Li Jinfang quickly fell to the side of Gao Yang and began to shoot at the enemy while shouting: "Go back to the Dragon Knight, you can't delay anymore!"

Tommy rushed past, took the machine gun from Gao Yang and started shooting.

Gao Yang was finally ready for treatment. Although he didn't play any role in the end, he was almost overcast, but the battle with the Iron Madonna was finally over, and the Desert Combat Team of the Iron Madonna was dead. (To be continued ...) R752

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