A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 570: I am, the big girl Huang Hua

Li Xiaoman hugged him tightly, fearing he would wrestle, reminding: "Si Hao, be careful, you are drunk, let me go."

Long Sihao squinted at her, "Wife-in-law, I... I'm not drunk. You will know me in the end... drunk and not drunk."

Finally, holding her into the bathroom, Long Sihao hugged her and sat on the washstand, leaned down to take off her clothes, and after her clothes faded away, his hot thin lips stuck to her neck , A fiery kiss slipped all the way down her neck.

Li Xiaoman was trembling by the kiss he kissed, and ripples in the body aroused in circles, stirring her heart.

There was a layer of bright mist in her eyes, and she climbed her hands on his shoulders, staring at him in blurred eyes, whispering, "Si Hao."

Long Sihao looked up at her, holding her face with a scorching big palm, lowering her head and kissing her pink lips.

When she was distracted by the kiss, he left her lips and attached thin lips to her ears, "take a shower first."

Then he hugged and sat in the bathtub.


After washing out, Li Xiaoman was also held by Long Sihao.

He hugged her and walked to the round bed with some instability, and then she fell on the bed|.

Seeing his lips pressed down again, Li Xiaoman reached out and pushed him aside, then looked at him and said, "I'll bring you some hangover tea."

When the words fell, she was about to get up, and Long Sihao pulled her into her arms again, tightening her arms tightly, her eyes narrowed closed, and her mouth murmured: "Wife, don't go anywhere. Don’t go, stay with your husband.”

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at Long Sihao, who was holding her tightly, stretched his hand to caress his handsome face, and said with a smile: "Okay, I won't go, stay with my husband."

She leaned her head tightly in his arms, her lips rippling with a happy smile.

She is really happy now, because there are men who love her and they have a pair of children, so all she has to do now is to pull out the mysterious person as soon as possible.

She said she wanted her, to prove to her that the drunk man fell asleep holding her.

After Li Xiaoman fell asleep in Long Sihao, he gently removed his hand resting on her waist and slowly withdrew from his arms.

She covered the quilt for him, then walked out of the bedroom, went to the next bedroom to see if the three little guys were sleeping well, only to see that Wei Yubin was asleep in bed, and Xiao Yanyan and Xiao Longyi were not on the bed|.

Thinking that the two siblings got up and went to the bathroom, she walked out of the bedroom lightly and lightly, and when she turned around, she saw two little guys coming upstairs.

"Mummy, you... why are you still awake?"

Xiao Yanyan saw her mummy, her little eyes flashed, and asked with a smile.

Li Xiaoman glanced at Xiaoyanyan, then at Xiaolongyi, and asked with a lip: "allen, tell Mommy, where have you and your sister just gone?"

Xiao Yanyan first said to Xiaolong Yi: "Mommy, my brother and I will keep it secret for the time being. I will tell you about this issue tomorrow, so sleepy! Go to sleep."

She yawned and blinked at Xiaolong Yi, "Brother, sleep."

Then she took Xiaolong Yi into the bedroom.

"Mummy, good night!"

While Xiao Yanyan was about to close the bedroom door, Li Xiaoman reached out and pulled her out of the bedroom.

"Yanyan, go back to your bedroom and go to bed. That's your brother's bedroom."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan responded, squinted at Xiao Longyi, who was silent, "Brother, you also go to bed early, good night."

When the words fell, the little she went back to her own bedroom.

Li Xiaoman looked at Xiao Longyi after she entered, and looked softly, "allen, go to bed early. Mommy has a lot to ask you tomorrow."

Before because she had to take care of Shen Shiwei, she didn't chat with him after she recognized Xiaolong Yi.

She didn't know how little he knew she was his mummy.

Recalling that on the day of her wedding with Long Sihao, he suddenly called her mummy, and she still feels surprised and moved.

Xiaolong Yi looked at Li Xiaoman and nodded, "Then I will go to bed, Mommy good night."

"Well, allen good night."

Li Xiaoman lowered his head and kissed his small forehead. After watching him enter the bedroom and lay in bed, she returned to her and Long Sihao's bedroom.

Long Sihao has already woken up and is sitting at the end of the bed, his appearance looks much clearer than it was just now, like awake.

He stared at Li Xiaoman who came in, his beautiful face sinking a bit, "Where did he go?"

Seeing him awake, Li Xiaoman had some minor accidents. She walked straight to his side and sat down, looking up at him with a gentle smile, "Go and see if the three little guys are sleeping well, go to sleep."

When the words fell, she lay on the bed, Long Sihao gave her a deep look, lay down beside her, put her in her arms, her chin rested on her white forehead, I said."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "Are you really awake?"

Long Sihao looked at her with a smile in his eyes, and narrowed his eyes. "Do you think I am drunk?"

Li Xiaoman looked at him and squinted, "Are you really drunk tonight or fake drunk?"

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at her with spoiled eyes. "I will discuss this issue tomorrow. It's too late to sleep."

Li Xiaoman looked at him deeply and thought of Su Yi, he asked: "Si Hao, you and Su Yi's brother for so many years, you should be very clear about his wine volume, how do you think his wine volume? He is really drunk tonight ……Well……"

Long Sihao didn't wait for her to finish, so she suddenly kissed her pink lips, and a rollover pressed her under her.

He kissed her deeply, and only after she suffocated, he left her lips, narrow eyes locked her beautiful face, her eyes were tender and tender, "Xiao Xiao, in front of me, you should not mention anything else Men, especially in our bed, are late, go to sleep."

"Huh!" Li Xiaoman gasped slightly, his bright and moving eyes looked at him deeply, and suddenly felt that he didn't like her referring to Su Yi very much.

Also, is he really drunk tonight?

If he is not drunk, the purpose of pretending to be drunk is...

She opened her eyes and looked at Long Sihao. When she saw him with her eyes closed, she suffocated back what she wanted to ask.

She had been thinking about whether Su Yi and the mysterious person were the same person in Long Sihao's arms all night, so she didn't fall asleep until dawn.

And after dawn, an earth-shattering thing happened in the guest room downstairs.

Early in the morning, there were two screams of a man and a woman in the room where Ling Dina was.

Outside the door of the room, Xiaoyanyan and Xiaolongyi who got up early, and Wei Yubin, three little guys were lying on the door listening to something.

On the big bed in the room were two arrogant people-Lowry and Ling Dina.

The two sat on each side, and one grabbed the corner of the quilt.

Lorry squinted a pair of handsome eyes, "Miss Ling dinah, please explain clearly, why don’t you lie down with me in clothes? What did you do to me? I’m still a big girl, are you taking advantage of me? I was drunk last night and defiled me as president?"


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