A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 569: Cemetery, many dead women

Li Xiaoman sat down and looked at the drunk Lin Momo, who was almost unconscious, "Momo, I didn't blame you. What else do you hide from me?"

Lin Momo closed his eyes, holding the sore forehead with one hand, with a sad expression on his face, and said with a hint of crying, "I have lost a child."

Hearing her words, Li Xiaoman was very surprised. "Momo, when did this happen? Why didn't you tell me? The child is Ling Hanye, right?"

Lin Momo's expression was painful, "Don't mention him, he killed my child, I will not forgive him, I will never..."

Li Xiaoman also wanted to ask her about the child, but Lin Momo was already asleep.

She looked at Lin Momo and was very distressed to her. She had no parents at a very young age. She had to learn to take care of herself and her grandma at a young age. I didn't tell her when I was in trouble, but I tried my best to help her.

She really hopes that her Momo can be truly happy. She feels that she is not so happy. She must be hiding unclear suffering in her heart.

She sat beside Lin Momo for a while before coming out of the room.

Because she didn't see the three little guys who had been hiding for a night, she went directly to the third floor.

She first went to Xiaolongyi's bedroom. As she thought, the three little guys should be tired of playing and all slept on the carpet.

Li Xiaoman shook his head gently and went forward to hug the three little guys one by one onto the bed|, and covered them with quilts before leaving lightly.

The four people in the garden seemed to be drunk, and even if they wanted to intoxicate Ling Hanye, Lorry and Su Yi's Long Sihao seemed to have been killed.

When Li Xiaoman and the housekeeper Cheng Cheng arrived in the garden, Ling Hanye and Lowry occupied the side of the sofa, and they were not very elegantly sitting on their heads.

Ling Hanye held up the empty goblet, his eyes narrowed, and squinted at Lori opposite, "Come, drink, don't get drunk."

"Don't drink, get drunk." Lori, who was sitting back, waved his hand and pointed to the sky. "Ling...Ling Shao, look, Cowboy...weaver..."

"Where?" Ling Hanye also looked up at the night sky. After watching for a long time, besides seeing a few stars, there was no cowboy and weaver girl.

"You are drunk, where is my woman?" Ling Hanye said, narrowing her eyes to find Lin Momo's figure.

"Dead woman... Where did he go again? Dead woman..."

Ling Hanye got up from the sofa and went to Lin Momo, shaking and yelling at the woman.

Lori heard him say that he was looking for a dead woman. He narrowed his eyes, "Here... how can there be a dead woman? Go to the cemetery, where are many dead women..."

Li Xiaoman saw that Ling Hanye and Luo Rui were a little ill-conscious, and asked the housekeeper to call someone to help Ling Han Ye and Luo Rui to the guest room.

She then looked at Su Yi and Long Sihao.

Su Yi was sitting next to Long Sihao at this time, still holding the wine in his hand, and squinted at him, "Si Hao, we know... for fifteen years, born and died... fifteen years, I am here By my side... for fifteen years, I will...respect you a cup."

After he finished drunk, the wine glass came to his mouth and took a sip, and then put his wine glass to the lips of Long Sihao.

They drank the strongest wine tonight, with an alcohol concentration of up to 96%.

Even Long Sihao, who had a good drink, seemed to drink a little unconsciously. His slender fingers rubbed his eyebrows, watching Su Yi put the wine on his lips, and pushed it away with his hand.

"Don't drink it, tonight... stop here."

Long Sihao finished drunk and stood up.

Seeing him stand up, Su Yi also stood up. His hand rested on Long Sihao's shoulder and looked at him drunkenly, "Si Hao, you are drunk, I will help you back to the bedroom."

Immediately, he didn't seem to notice Li Xiaoman and helped Long Sihao. Both of them walked staggering toward the hall.

Li Xiaoman looked at Su Yi, who supported Long Sihao, frowned, and then quickly walked into the hall.

Su Yi and Long Sihao have gone upstairs, on the stairs of the second floor.

Su Yi always supported Long Sihao, and Long Sihao supported the guardrail of the revolving stair with one hand, and rubbed his sore eyebrows with the other hand.

Li Xiaoman walked behind them. The reason why he didn't step forward to help Long Sihao was to see what Su Yi wanted to do.

To the bedroom on the third floor, Su Yi helped Long Sihao go in and closed the bedroom door.

Li Xiaoman, who was locked out of the bedroom, was dumbfounded. She reached out and twisted the doorknob, only to find that she was locked.

In the bedroom, after Su Yi closed the door, he helped Long Sihao walk towards the luxurious round bed.

He first helped Long Sihao to lie down on the round bed, and then he sat down beside him. His eyes under the lens recovered their clarity, not like a drunk person at all.

He looked at Long Sihao like that, and after looking at it for a while, he looked back, then walked to the door of the bedroom and opened the door.

Li Xiaoman stood at the door of the bedroom, twisting the doorknob all the time, Su Yi suddenly opened the door, she was startled.

Su Yi looked at her and narrowed her eyes drunkly, "Si Hao...just...it's up to you."

Li Xiaoman looked at him drunk, clear eyes flashed a doubt, smiled at him, "I will, you are drunk, I let the housekeeper prepare a sober tea."

"I'm fine, I... went back, take care of... Si Hao."

Su Yi looked at Li Xiaoman's speech and then turned around and walked downstairs at an unstable pace.

Upon seeing it, Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes slightly, stepped forward, and looked at him with some shaking, "It's already so late, you have so much wine again, don't go back, no Safety, I will let the housekeeper come up to help you."

After watching Su Yi finish, Li Xiaoman did not wait for him to answer, then took out his mobile phone and called Uncle Cheng, the housekeeper, and asked him to go upstairs to help Su Yi to the guest room.

Su Yi didn't reply to her, and she walked downstairs slowly with her hands holding the guardrail of the spiral staircase.

Li Xiaoman stood and looked at Su Yi, who was walking slowly downstairs, until his thin figure, which made her more familiar, disappeared at the stairs, she stood still and looked at it, and she felt infinite in her heart. doubt.

Why did he just close the bedroom door?

He asked her to take care of Si Hao, indicating that he was not drunk and was unconscious.

She suddenly had an intuition that he might not be drunk at all.

Also, if Su Yi is a mysterious person, there should be a pattern of "si" on the back of his ear, but why is there no behind his ear?

Is he really not a mysterious person, is she suspecting wrong?

As she pondered this, her waist was tight, and her arms held her tightly from behind.


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