A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 545: Daughter-in-law, I lost my son

Sure enough, he never took her Shen Shiwei to heart!

In Long Junche's eyes, she might have only seen her a few times, but she has been following him since the reception.

She fell in love with him at first sight.

At that time, he managed the Dragon Family for his adoptive father Long Tengtian. In order to be able to look at him, she would wait outside the Dragon Family Building almost every day.

She sat in the car, waiting for him to go to work until he got off work, and she would not go back until he went back.

At that time, she was very young. For the first time, she was tempted by a man and longed for a violent love, so for Long Junche, she almost exhausted all her enthusiasm.

In addition to waiting for him at the Long's Building, she will also make food for him by herself, and then find a way to get him to his hands.

She even went into the Dragon Family under his pseudonym, but he never knew it.

There were two receptions afterwards, and they also met, but he only talked to her for a few words and said that he was out of company for a while, and then she never saw him at the reception.

Long Junche saw Shen Shiwei lowering her eyebrows and thinking deeply, his expression with a slight bitterness, he frowned deeply, remembering that she had asked Xiao Yanyan to call his grandfather just now, and when she was puzzled, she asked, "Why did you just let Yanyan called me grandpa?"

Shen Shiwei put away her thoughts and looked at Long Junche with a faint smile. "I just talked casually. I really didn't expect to see you again after more than 20 years."

Her tone is very relaxed, but how much sadness and bitterness is mixed in it, only she knows.

After so many years, her strong love for Long Junche when she was young is now only regret and bitter.

Long Junche narrowed his peach blossom eyes, keenly staring at her, and said tentatively, "You seem to have something to worry about?"

Shen Shiwei looked at Long Junche indifferently, "Everyone has something to worry about, and I think you are no exception."

Long Junche frowned slightly, "Really."

He also had a lot of thoughts, but he could not find a person to talk to.

Some things were buried in my heart for too long, and turned into a boulder, which made him breathless.

Shen Shiwei glanced at him deeply and thought about his going to school, he asked: "You just went to see Yanyan? When did you and Xiaoxiao know each other? How did you know each other?"

She asked these questions, which made Long Junche feel even more strange.

"You seem to be interested in this matter?"

Shen Shiwei doesn’t want to tell Long Junche that Li Xiaoman is his daughter. He never loved her, even forgot her, and more than 20 years later, she now tells him that Li Xiaoman is his daughter. , She thought he did not believe.

None of them are young people in their 20s and 30s, and since things have passed so long, there is no need to speak out.

She wanted to retain the last dignity for herself.

Past things let it go.

In this world, she thought that no one except her would know that Li Xiaoman was the daughter of Long Junche. She would keep this secret until she died.

Without saying anything to Long Junche, she stood up, "Mr. Dragon, I should go back, you take care."

When the words fell, she checked out and left the cafe.

Long Junche looked at the back of her departure, frowned, and always felt an unspeakable bitterness on her body.

Especially her eyes always reminded him of the woman who had a one-night stand with him.

That night he was too drunk to wake up and could not remember the face of the woman who had a one-night stand with him.

He was impressed only by the beautiful eyes. The bright eyes contained too many complex emotions, panic, consternation, grief, disappointment, greenness and so on.

After putting away his thoughts, he went out of the cafe, but he didn't see Shen Shiwei.


Lake Heron at night

Long Sihao was very worried because he hadn't found where Xiaolongyi was taken by the mysterious person and Sophie.

At dinner, Li Xiaoman saw that he had something in mind, but she never asked.

At this point, both of them were lying in bed after taking a bath.

Long Sihao was holding a financial newspaper in his hand, and Li Xiaoman was lying in his arms. Although he saw his eyes on the financial newspaper, Junmei's face was written with the words "worry". He reached out and took away the financial newspaper in his hand and set it aside.

Long Sihao was stunned slightly after she took away the Caijingbao. One turned to press her under her, her thin lips bit her earlobe, and her voice was low and full of magnetism. "Wife, what's wrong? Want a husband?"

Li Xiaoman's heart shivered and looked at him with concern, "Si Hao, are you worried? Tell me, okay?"

Long Sihao looked at Li Xiaoman and smiled, then turned over to her side and took her into her arms with one hand. The narrow and narrow eyes narrowed, and the beautiful expression on her face was deep, "Xiao Xiao, I have nothing Things to worry about."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at him deeply in his arms, pouting unpleasantly, "Si Hao, we are already a husband and wife. Is there anything I can't know? I hope you don't have anything to worry about Hold your heart, you must tell me, don’t let me guess, or let me worry about you, okay? Husband, what is it that can affect your mood so much?"

Before, in her heart, her dear husband would not change his face even if the sky collapsed. What made him very worried must have happened something very unusual.

Long Sihao looked down at her with a worried look, lowered her head and kissed her lips, "Really want to know?"

Li Xiaoman looked at him seriously and nodded, "What's going on with my husband? If my husband doesn't tell me the truth tonight, I will ignore my husband."

Long Sihao saw Li Xiaoman's posture to be known tonight, knowing that he could not hide it, so he would not hide it.

"Wife-in-law, actually we..."

"What are we?" Li Xiaoman saw him hesitantly, squinting his eyes suspiciously.

Long Sihao pondered for a moment and said another way: "Wife-in-law, I lost our son."

"What?" Li Xiaoman looked startled, and looked at him puzzledly: "Our son? When do we have a son?"

Long Si Hao Junmei was deeply stricken, and her dark eyes looked at her tightly, "Xiao Xiao, we have only one daughter, that is Yan Yan. The baby girl who was suffocated from birth five years ago is not our daughter. "

"Si Hao, what are you talking about?"

Long Sihao's words made Li Xiaoman's pupils wide. Qingli's face had a shocked expression on his face, and his eyes flashed puzzled. Why did he say that the baby girl who died five years ago was not their daughter?

Seeing her questioning, Long Sihao told Li Xiaoman what he knew about Xiaolong Yi.

After listening to Li Xiaoman, he was even more shocked. Che Liang's beautiful eyes looked closely at Long Sihao. "You said that gllen is our son? He was stolen from Sophie to Phoenix?"


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