A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 544: Speaking of leaks, he is grandpa

Hearing Li Xiaoman's words, Long Junche didn't know why. His heart hurt, and inexplicably felt that it was not a taste.

Then Shen Shiwei came to hear Li Xiaoman's words. She didn't expect that Li Xiaoman had already met Long Junche, and listening to her name for Long Junche, she could judge her not yet. Know her relationship with Long Junche.

She looked at Li Xiaoman with a complicated look and frowned, "Xiao Xiao, you can't talk to him like this."

Long Junche looked at Shen Shiwei who seemed to be talking for him. His eyes flashed with deep doubts. In his impression, he and she seemed unfamiliar. It was strange for her to speak for him.

And she just had to get on the bus and left, how come in again?

What puzzled him most was how did she and Li Xiaoman know each other?

Li Xiaoman was surprised when she heard Shen Shiwei speak for Long Junche. She narrowed her eyes and looked at Shen Shiwei and asked, "Do you know?"

Shen Shiwei didn't return to Li Xiaoman's words, but walked to her, eyes looked at her closely and asked, "Xiao Xiao, tell Mommy, when did you and this dragon...... When did you know Mr. Mr.? Know?"

"Are you her mother?"

Long Junche heard Shen Shiwei claiming to be Li Xiaoman's mum. He crossed his eyes in shock and looked at Shen Shiwei suspiciously.

He knows that Li Xiaoman’s mother is Li Sufang, who was dead five years ago. Why is there another mother?

And the woman in front of him also made him feel more familiar, especially her eyes always matched with those in his mind.

Shen Shiwei saw that Long Junche didn't recognize her at all. In fact, she was not very well in her heart. After all, he was the only man she had loved in her life.

As for Sophie's father Knox, she is only grateful to him.

Knox, as her husband, gave her great care when she was most sad and desperate. His companionship at that time made her heart no longer so lonely, so she was very grateful to him.

She did not return to Long Junche, and Li Xiaoman did not return to her. The three of you looked at me, I looked at you, you looked at him, and the atmosphere was a little stiff.

Until the bell sounded after class, Xiao Yanyan came out of the classroom.

When she saw her mommy, the little girl was surprised, and was about to call her mommy, only to find out that there was not only her mommy, but also two others.

She trot forward and walked directly to the middle of the three people, raised her small head, and looked at Li Xiaoman and Shen Shiwei with a sweet smile, "Mom, grandma, why are you here?"

When the words fell, the little she turned around again, blinking her small eyes, and pointed out her little fingers, "Hey, you... you are so familiar, I have seen you, you are..."

"Grandpa." These two words were not spoken by Xiao Yanyan, but subconsciously by Shen Shiwei.

Hearing her word "grandfather", Li Xiaoman, Xiao Yanyan, and Long Junche all looked at her with doubt and surprise.

Xiao Yanyan blinked, opened her small mouth, and her hand was still attached to Long Junche, "Grandma, you said he was a grandfather, are you a couple?"

After listening to Xiao Yanyan's question, Shen Shiwei was embarrassed. She was just about to say no, and Li Xiaoman stepped out of her first.

"Yanyan, don't talk nonsense, they are not husband and wife."

Shen Shiwei's husband is Knox, she naturally knows this.

Xiao Yanyan frowned, looking at Shen Shiwei puzzledly, "Grandma, you are not a husband and wife, why should I call him grandpa?"

At this moment, Long Junche's deep eyes also fell on Shen Shiwei's face, his eyes flashing doubt and surprise.

Shen Shiwei just called him Long Junche, and then came in with him to speak for him, and now she asked Yanyan to call him grandpa. All these reactions of her made her feel very strange, and she was more certain that she must know him.

Xiao Yanyan asked this question later, Li Xiaoman also wanted to know, so she looked at Shen Shiwei, waiting for her to answer.

Shen Shiwei squatted down and smiled at Xiao Yanyan, "Yan Yan, grandma just casually said, grandma has something to go back, grandma will come to see you again."

When the words fell, she kissed on Xiao Yanyan's forehead before she got up and looked at Li Xiaoman, "Xiao Xiao, Mommy went back."

When she turned around and left again, Shen Shiwei just looked at Long Junche and tapped it as if to say hello to him, then she left.

Long Junche glanced at her back, then turned to look at Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan, "Manman, Yanyan, I also went back."

Then he turned and left.

Seeing that, Xiao Yanyan looked at her mummy in doubt, "Mommy, my grandmother looks weird, and none of my moms told me, how did that grandmother come?"

"I'll tell you later when I'm free." Just when the class bell rang, Li Xiaoman watched her finish and asked her to enter the classroom first.

But after Xiao Yanyan left the classroom, she kept looking at the direction in which Long Junche and Shen Shiwei left, and felt that Shen Shiwei was very abnormal today.

Shen Shiwei, who had left the school gate, was about to sit in the car, and Long Junche called her.

He looked at her gently, with a faint smile on his lips, "I hope I can talk to you."

Shen Shiwei looked at him for a while before nodding.

Then the two drove to a coffee shop.

After sitting down, Long Junche opened the door and asked: "Is that you..."

Shen Shiwei saw that Long Junche really didn’t remember her. She frowned, keeping her elegant and noble. remembered?"

Long Junche looked at her deeply. He thought she was familiar, but he couldn't remember where she had seen her.

With an apology on his face, "Sorry, I think I should have seen you, but I can't remember who you are, I hope you can give me a hint."

Shen Shiwei looked at him with complicated eyes, but there was always a light and elegant smile on that face.

After the waiter brought them coffee, she took a sip of the coffee and said gently: "My name is Shen Shiwei. More than 20 years ago, Mr. Long and I first met at a reception when you Walking with your adoptive father, I am walking with my father, my father and your adoptive father have some friendships, and they introduced us."

Reception? Shen Shiwei?

Hearing the name Shen Shiwei, Long Junche was impressed. He knew such a person, but he was not very familiar.

Her description of the reception also flashed Long Jun Che's aura, remembering the scene of the year.

At that time, Shen Shiwei, introduced by his adoptive father Long Tengtian, was introduced to her by Shen Shiwei's father.

After that, his adoptive father and Shen Shiwei's father wanted to talk alone, and he was asked to accompany Shen Shiwei.

He remembered only chatting with Shen Shiwei at that time, and then said that he was out of company to find Long Yaxin.

At that reception, Huo Chenfeng also participated. He happened to see Long Yaxin and Huo Chenfeng having a good time.

He and Long Yaxin are not brothers and sisters, so he has always had a crush on her, seeing her and Huo Chenfeng have a great time, he was unhappy in his heart, he went to the drinking area to drink, and met Shen Shiwei again.

Then he looked at Shen Shiwei and smiled gracefully, "I remembered that we did see it."

Shen Shiwei saw that he remembered it, but his heart was bitter. He had forgotten her.


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