A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 528: Lowry, go to the broken house

She didn't reply to Xiao Yanyan's words, but sat up, then got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

"Mommy..." Xiao Yanyan shouted at her, and narrowed her eyes. "You haven't answered my question yet."

Li Xiaoman turned to watch her yawn, and Qingli's face had a gentle smile on her face, "Yanyan, Mommy is going to freshen up now, and I will say something later."

"Okay." Xiao Yanyan frowned and responded, staring at her mum into the bathroom.

After cleaning up in the bathroom, Li Xiaoman changed clothes and said, "Mummy first calls Uncle Lowry."

"I'm still going to see Dad." Xiao Yanyan saw that her mother didn't want to say what happened last night, so she didn't ask.

Li Xiaoman picked up her phone and called Lowry after she left the bedroom.

No matter what time, Lowry will give a very excited and happy feeling.

"Mrs. President, is there anything you call me early in the morning?"

Li Xiaoman flicked her eyebrows and said, "Lot, I would like to ask you to do something for me."

"It is an honor to be able to work for the wife of the president. What does the wife of the president need me to do? Mrs. President, please tell me."

Li Xiaoman thought of Sophie fainting, frowned and said, "Can Luo Tezhu go to a suburban grove if he has time now? It was the grove where you and Si Hao found me last night."

The voice of Lori's doubts came on the phone, "What does the wife's wife want me to do there?"

"Sophie is probably still there. Lott helped me to see if she was still there and sent her back."

Li Xiaoman let Lowry go completely because Sophie was her half-sister.

Because she stunned her with a stun last night, she was afraid she hadn't woke up yet.

Although the electric shock rod will not be fatal, everyone's physique is different. People with good physique may wake up after a corona, and people with bad physique may take several hours.

She thought that Sophie's body was not very good. She was afraid that she hadn't awakened. Somewhat uneasy, she asked Lowry to look at it. If she didn't wake up, he asked Sophie to take him to the hospital.

"Sophie is also in the woods?" Lori's surprised voice came over the phone.

Li Xiaoman said softly, "Well."

"Mrs. President, can you be more specific? How could Sophie be in the woods?"

Li Xiaoman walked to the floor-to-ceiling window in the bedroom with his mobile phone, his lips lightly pursed, "Luo Zhu, I can say something more specific last night, but you have to promise me, you can't tell Si Hao, this matter I Did not tell Si Hao."

She didn’t tell Long Sihao that she was afraid that Long Sihao knew that Sophie had designed last night and would go to Sophie to settle the bill.

In any case, Sophie is her half-sister, and since she is fine, she hopes that it will be the case.

As long as Sophie no longer came to design to frame her, she would keep her mouth shut last night and would not tell Long Sihao that Sophie designed it.

Lowry’s voice came again, “Well, Mrs. President, you don’t let me tell the President, I will never say anything.”

Listening to Lowry's words, Li Xiaoman told Lowry clearly what happened last night.

After listening, Lorry squinted a pair of handsome eyes, "It turned out that last night's matter was related to Sophie. The bad woman even wanted to ruin the wife of the president. It would be too cheap for you to leave like that. If I were to beat her up first, and then ask a few people to destroy her, who is this? She knows that you are her sister, and she still does it? Where is her conscience?"

Now Lowry is completely on Li Xiaoman's side. Hearing Sophie to harm Li Xiaoman so much, he has no affection for Sophie.

After a pause, he said again: "Mrs. President, that's why you are so kind. If I don't care about her, if you weren't the President's wife last night, you might be ruined, and you might just cry. , Since you let me go, Mrs. President, I will go and see now."

"it is good……"


She and Luo Rui just hung up the phone, and Long Sihao walked in.

Seeing her standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with a mobile phone in his hand, he strode forward and looked at her with a narrow smile, "Who is this wife calling her husband?"

"Help Lott."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and watched him finish, then threw the phone on the bed|, then approached him with a smile, took the initiative to hug his neck and sent a good morning kiss.

After she finished, she raised her eyebrows and looked at him, her eyes filled with smile, "What did her husband do for breakfast?"

Long Sihao lowered his head and pecked at her pink lips. The narrow eyes filled with smile looked at her tenderly, and his voice was low, "All the daughter-in-law loves to eat."

Li Xiaoman also pecked at his thin lips, and looked at him with a smile on his face, his eyes soft and affectionate, "Her husband got up so early to make breakfast, it was hard work."

"Serving my daughter-in-law, her husband doesn't feel hard at all and goes on."


As soon as she nodded, Long Sihao bent over to hug her and strode out of the bedroom.

Li Xiaoman looked at him with a smile, "Si Hao, let me go, I can go by myself."

"I want to hug you." Long Sihao looked at her and said softly, and held her straight out of the bedroom.

He briefly "I want to hug you" four people again caused a ripple in Li Xiaoman's heart, she looked at him with a moving face, her heart full of happiness.

"Si Hao, can you promise me one thing?"

Long Sihao looked down at her with a low voice and asked, "What's the matter?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows at him, smiled softly, and said in an overbearing tone: "You must fall in love with me in your next life, and you must not fall in love with others, let alone marry others."

Her overbearing words made Long Sihao's narrow smile even stronger.

He watched her eyes become more spoiled and affectionate, "Well, I will only love you in my next life, unless you do not marry, you must not fall in love with others, otherwise, I will grab you if I grab it."

Li Xiaoman leaned tightly in his arms, "rest assured, I will always wait for my husband to marry me in my next life, and never marry others."


Lowry was close to eleven when he rushed to the suburban grove to break the house as Li Xiaoman said.

Sophie has been tortured to this day since waking up this morning.

Her miserable crying cried out from the broken house.

Therefore, Lowry heard her cry when she rushed outside the broken house.

Outside the broken house is the woods. He heard the sound and hid behind a big tree. His eyes fell on the three little **** who were squatting outside and smoking.

The three little **** were all naked and didn't know what they were talking about.

Lowry is specially trained, so he is naturally good, and there are no problems dealing with a few small bastards, let alone carrying a guy on his body.

After confirming that there were no more than five people in the ruined house and outside the ruined house, he swaggered out.

The three **** smoking outside the broken house saw him swaying and throwing away their cigarette butts, then stood up and looked at him cautiously.

"who are you?"

Luo Ruijun narrowed his eyes, smiled and looked at his three little **** with vigilance, and said with a smile: "Who am I, can't you see it? I'm just like you guys."

He walked forward as he spoke.

Seeing him getting closer and closer, the three little fellows looked at him fiercely and said, "Lao Zi cares about who you are. This is not where you came from. Hurry up and let Lao Zi die, or Lao Zi will hack you."

As the words fell, the three little **** picked up their machetes on the ground.

Lowry glanced at the bright machete, squinted, and there was no trace of fear on Jun's face, "What's going on in the broken house? I'll go in and see if it's okay?"

When the words fell, Lowry continued to move forward.

"Md, tell you not to come, you dare to come, do you want to die?"


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