A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 527: Beast, I want to kill you

As soon as he heard that the matter was related to the mysterious person again, Long Sihao could not help but shatter the mysterious person.

He has also been investigating the mysterious man, but he has never been able to find out who he is.

He was more mysterious than he thought, and he was haunted.

Li Xiaoman raised his head and looked at Long Sihao, who frowned and thought deeply. His eyes were gentle and watery, "Si Hao, I'm okay, don't worry about me. What we have to do now is to find out the mystery that has been hiding behind us as soon as possible. Who is human, in addition to this matter, we have one more important thing to do."

Long Sihao looked at her deeply, his eyes deep and tender, "What's the matter?"

Seeing that he didn't even know, Li Xiaoman stared at him angrily, reaching for his forehead and pretending to say angrily: "Si Hao, did you not plan to hold a wedding with me after receiving the certificate? I knew I would have a wedding with you before I received the certificate."

Long Sihao looked at her pretending to be displeased with a smile, her generous big palm held her beautiful face, and looked at her affectionately, "Xiao Xiao, it is my life to hold a wedding with you What I want to do with you most is from the moment I fall in love with you, this is my greatest wish in this life."

Li Xiaoman listened to him saying this, his eyes filled with smiles, "So shall we get the wedding off as soon as possible?"

Long Sihao looked at her deeply, her warm big palm rubbing her beautiful and beautiful face, her deep eyes overflowed with deep affection for her, her thin lips bent, "Xiao Xiao, But this is not the time for a wedding."

The mysterious man hasn't pulled it out yet. What he is most afraid of is what will happen at the wedding.

And he also has this hunch, if they now hold a wedding, something will happen at the wedding.

He didn't want her to do anything.

Li Xiaoman had long guessed that he would not agree to an early wedding with her because she was worried about her, so she didn't tell him what the mysterious man threatened her.

She knew she would be in danger if she told him that she had a wedding with him, and he would not even have a wedding with her.

But she really didn't want him to wait any longer. He had waited for her for fifteen years, and she wanted to fulfill all his wishes.

Her slender hands clasped his neck, and Shuiying Cheliang's eyes looked at him tenderly like water, "I don't care, I'm going to have a wedding with you as soon as possible, you set the day, let's not tell any People, not even Lott, tell them a surprise."

Long Sihao saw her with a firm attitude, a strong tone, and narrowed her eyes slightly. She narrowed her eyes and smiled, "Xiao Xiao, really want to have a wedding with me?"

"Uh huh." Li Xiaoman looked at him very seriously and nodded seriously, "I really want to die very much, Si Hao, husband, no matter whether it is time or not, I don't want to drag this thing down anymore."

Long Sihao's long fingers didn't fit into her scattered hair, and she was in front of her forehead. Her eyes looked at her softly and pamperedly, and she bent her thin lips. "Well, since the daughter-in-law wants to hold a wedding with me, I am just like my wife's wish, and leave it to me to arrange, I will give my wife a grand wedding."

Li Xiaoman looked at him affectionately, Qingli's face with a happy smile, "Husband, our wedding does not need to be too grand, I am very happy to be able to hold a wedding with her husband."

"I want to do my best to give my daughter-in-law the best." Long Sihao looked at her and finished with a kiss on her lips.

Li Xiaoman clasped his neck tightly, lifted his jaw slightly, and kissed him actively as his thin lips receded.


Sophie in a ruined house on the outskirts of the city was stunned to death by tortured by more than a dozen little gangsters.

When she woke up, it was already dawn, and the dozen or so people who had tortured her all night were left with only two people guarding the broken house. The others had already left.

After being tortured all night, she only woke up feeling that her body was about to fall apart. The tearing pain in her lower body told her clearly that she was put under rotation and her innocent body was gone.

At this time, she was lying flat on the ground, her hair messy, her face pale, her lower lip was bitten and bleeding because she could not bear humiliation, her blood stains had dried up, and her naked body was full of blue and purple kiss marks and bite marks.

Her sharp nails plunged deep into her skin, her bloodshot eyes filled with hatred.

She was going to kill the beasts who violated her last night. She Sophie vowed to kill them.


Suddenly, she shouted hoarsely, and startled the two little **** who were standing outside the broken house.

The two of them heard each other's eyes, looked up, and stood close to the broken house, looking at Sophie waking up with a chuckle.

"Shouting? Do you miss us again?"

After the two little **** finished talking, they began to undress.

Seeing this, Sophie's eyes widened in horror. She desperately wanted to get up and escape, but she had no energy.

Seeing that the two little **** had gone off in a few moments, she shook her head in panic. "No... don't come, I beg you to let me go...no...ah..."

The two little **** didn't wait for her to finish, and threw them directly, one person holding her hands and feet, and the other went straight to the subject.

She couldn't move, she cried hoarsely, "Ah... I'm going to kill you... I'm going to kill you... I'm going to kill you... Animals... Animals... Animals..."


Lake Heron

Today is Sunday, and Xiao Yanyan naturally does not need to go to school.

She got up early in the morning, and then went directly into the bedroom of her dear mom and dad.

Long Sihao didn't go to the company today, and he got up early in the morning. After Xiao Yanyan entered the bedroom, he went downstairs to make breakfast for his baby daughter and baby daughter.

Li Xiaoman was still asleep in bed because he had not yet woken up.

Entering the bedroom, Xiao Yanyan climbed directly onto the bed|, and when she saw that she was not awake, she reached out and shook her.

"Mommy, get up, the sun is basking."

Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiao Yanyan who was staring at her with a sleepy look, with a trace of laziness, "Yanyan, don't blame mommy, let mommy sleep again."

Xiao Yanyan saw that she looked tired, her eyes fell on her neck, and her voice was tender: "Mommy, Dad planted a lot more strawberries on your neck than you did!"

It was said that Li Xiaoman was a little embarrassed to pull over the quilt to cover herself, opened her eyes and looked at her, "Why don't you sleep more if you don't go to school?"

Xiao Yanyan blinked her small eyes and watched her frown, "Mommy forgot that I said last night that I want to ask Mommy a question?"

Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes and looked at her tenderly, with a lazy tone, "What question?"

Xiao Yanyan frowned, "Why did Mommy go yesterday! Why did Mommy come back so late last night?"

Hearing what Xiao Yanyan did in advance of last night, Li Xiaoman thought of Sophie. I don’t know what happened to her now? Are you still in a broken house?

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Xuan Xuan deliberately wrote the word "Jian" because of the harmonious and sensitive words. If Xuan Xuan is written in pinyin, which affects the aesthetics, it is written as a homophone. In the future, you may encounter sensitive words replaced by homophones, so baby Don't get me wrong, Xuan Xuan is not writing typos! Kiss, add one more!


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