A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 518: He is, your brother-in-law

She looked at Shen Shiwei angrily, with an unpleasant expression, "Mommy, did Si Hao ask you to let me abandon him? Mommy, you are my dear mommy, how can you say let me give up my beloved man?" If I don’t love Sihao one day or two, I won’t give up on him."

Shen Shiwei looked at Sophie, her face chilled a bit, "Don't you say that it's enough as long as Si Hao acknowledges allen, don't you need him to give you any points?"


Sophie was a little speechless when asked by Shen Shiwei, and she was looking for words to defame Shen Shiwei. Shen Shiwei's commanded cold voice sounded again.

"Sophie, did you lie to Mummy when you gave up Si Hao?"

Shen Shiwei's eyes were too sharp, and Sophie lowered her head, daring not to look directly, "I...I..."

Shen Shiwei knew that her daughter was not telling her the truth, she narrowed her eyes, "Sophie, no matter how much you love Sihao, Mommy, you have to give him up. It’s not just a man like Sihao, Apart from Si Hao, you have many choices."

Sophie saw that her mum's attitude was getting tougher, and her eyes looked at her more and more puzzled, her hands hanging on her side pinched up and asked angrily, "Why? Mommy, why did you suddenly want me Give up Si Hao? Haven't you said that before? You said that my happiness is your happiness. I will be happy only with Si Hao. Mommy, if you let me give up Si Hao, you are deprived of my happiness. You Ask me to give up Si Hao, you give me a reason."

Shen Shiwei's eyes looked at her harshly, "He is your brother-in-law."

"What? Brother-in-law? What brother-in-law?"

Sophie was startled by her words, her eyes widened in surprise, "Mommy, what are you talking about? What brother-in-law? How did Si Hao become my brother-in-law?"

Seeing Sophie's doubts and confusion, Shen Shiwei didn't want to tell her that Li Xiaoman was her sister, but she thought about it anyway, she had to know about it sooner or later, so let her know earlier.

She only hopes that she can see that Li Xiaoman is her sister's sake, and stop doing harm to Li Xiaoman.

After making up her mind, she looked up at Sophie, her eyebrows deepened, and the expression on her face softened a little, "Sophie, there's one thing Mummy must tell you, Li Xiaoman she... she is your sister. ."

After hearing that, Sophie's face was shocked. She didn't seem to react. She looked at her mom for a while, and then she couldn't believe it: "Mommy, you said that Li Xiaoman is my sister? This How is it possible? I don't believe it."

Looking at her with shock and disbelief, Shen Shiwei looked seriously. "Mummy only knew that Li Xiaoman was her biological daughter and your half-sister."

Sophie saw her mummy saying the same, shaking her head with anger and unbelief, "Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible, how could she be the mother's biological daughter? How could Li Xiaoman be My sister? Mommy, in order to let me give up Si Hao, in order to stop me from grabbing Si Hao with Li Xiaoman, do you lie to me like this? I don’t believe Li Xiaoman will be Mommy’s daughter, don’t believe her It’s my sister, I don’t believe..."

At this moment, she was a little emotional, shouting unbelief.

When the person you hate suddenly becomes your sister, this feeling is indescribable.

Sophie couldn't accept that Li Xiaoman, whom she hated for so long, became her sister.

From the day she knew that Long Sihao loved Li Xiaoman, she hated the itchy teeth that Li Xiaoman hated, and wanted her to die without a burial place.

Because of her existence, Si Hao, whom she loves, does not love her, so she hates her.

She could not accept that the woman she hated had any relationship with her.

Compared to Sophie with an excited look, Shen Shiwei looks relatively calm. She looks at her with a complex eye. "Sophie, Mommy knows that you can't accept it for a while, but this is the fact. Li Xiaoman is your sister. ."

Sophie still looked at Shen Shiwei in disbelief and shouted unpleasantly: "I still don't believe it. Mommy has only been my daughter. Li Xiaoman can't be your daughter. I investigated her and her mother. It’s Li Sufang, her father’s name is Xia Qingrong, and she has nothing to do with mommy."

After listening to Sophie's investigation of Li Xiaoman, Shen Shiwei looked at her and looked a little colder, "Li Sufang was Xiao Xiao's adoptive mother. She used to be my Yuesao, but I didn't expect that she would secretly take me away Daughter Xiao Xiao."

As soon as Li Sufang was mentioned, Shen Shiwei squeezed her hands tightly and her hatred in her eyes rose.

If it were not for her to take Li Xiaoman away, their mother and daughter would not be separated for so many years, but they did not recognize each other when they met, and she also hurt her.

"Xiao Xiao? Mommy, did you call Li Xiaoman Xiao Xiao?" Shen Shiwei's intimate call to Li Xiaoman angered Sophie.

Her light brown eyes looked at Shen Shiwei a little bit red, and said angrily: "Mommy, your daughter has only been me, I am your only daughter, Li Xiaoman, she is not, you are the Knox family The hostess, Li Xiaoman has a low status, she is not qualified to be your daughter, she is not your daughter, she is not..."

Sophie roared in her throat and made it clear that she did not recognize the sister Li Xiaoman.

Looking at Sophie shouting, Shen Shiwei stood up and looked at her with a trace of anger, "Sophie, do you want to wake up Allen? Do you want to let Allen know that you have been hurting his pro Aunt?"


When she heard Shen Shiwei mention Xiaolong Yi, Sophie thought that if Li Xiaoman was really her half-sister, wouldn't she be Xiaolong Yi's aunt?

No, she does not have any relationship with Li Xiaoman, she will never recognize Li Xiaoman as her sister.

She doesn't want to be Long Yi's aunt, she wants to be his mother.

She blushed and looked closely at Shen Shiwei, shouting firmly: "Mommy, I don't believe that Li Xiaoman is my sister, I don't believe, I will not give up Si Hao, I will never give up, I will take him Retrieved from Li Xiaoman's bitch."


Sophie blamed Li Xiaoman for being a **** and angered Shen Shiwei. With a cold face, she roared sharply, and then she stepped forward and gave Sophie a slap.


The sharp applause rang loudly, calming the excited Sophie.

She was slapped by Shen Shiwei's slap and turned her head, reaching for the half of her face that was hurt. Her light brown eyes with red eyes looked at Shen Shiwei in disbelief. "Mommy, you hit me, you hit me, for that Li Xiaoman, you actually hit me again? This is the second time, you hit me for Li Xiaoman."

As soon as Sophie remembered that her mother gave Li Xiaoman a slap because she was inexplicably five years ago, she hated Li Xiaoman's teeth.

She robbed her beloved man not to say, but also robbed her mummy, she hated her hated her, hated her.


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