A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 517: Delivery or caesarean section?

Sophie's eyes flickered, and she looked at him dimly in tears, but didn't say anything.

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes narrowly, "Why did you pretend to be Aisha before?"

"I want to get your attention. If I don’t pretend to be Aisha, it’s my way, you will definitely disdain me, Si Hao, I know I did a lot of wrong things, but that’s because Love you, do you know, watching you love Li Xiaoman so much, how jealous and heartache I am, so I will disdain everything and want to grab you over."

Long Sihao's eyes were deep, and there was no arousal in her heart because of her confession. He raised his hand, his long fingers crossed her hair, and there was a deep smile in the corner of her lips. "Then tell me, allen Is it normal delivery or caesarean section?"

His movements were gentle, Sophie was flattered, and his light brown eyes stared at him, "Yes... Shun... Shun delivery."

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes, "Are you sure."

Sophie nodded, "It's a natural birth."

"Okay." Long Sihao slightly bent his lip and gazed at her deeply. "Who was the man in black who suddenly attacked me that day?"

He asked who was the mysterious man who attacked him from behind when he went to Honghuayuan that day.

When Sophie saw him asking about the mysterious man, her eyes also flickered. She lowered her head. "Si Hao, I don't know that person."

Long Sihao looked at her meaningfully, "You are with him, why don't you know him? Allen brought him back from Han Ye's house?"

Sophie kept her head down, thinking about how to explain to him.


Long Sihao's low voice drifted into her ears without a hint of coldness, and the name was in English. This reminded Sophie that when they were in the Knox family, he called for her English name. Not knowing when to start, he called her Sophie, and used an indifferent tone.

Sophie raised her eyes and met his narrow, disappointed eyes.

Long Sihao's hands fell on her shoulder again, and the night sky-like glare stared at her tightly, "I want to hear the truth."

Sophie thought deeply and said, "Si Hao, I'm telling the truth. I really don't know that person. He wears a ghost mask every time he appears, and I don't know why he helped me He taught me a lot of things, but I really don’t know who he is."

Long Sihao looked at her deeply and saw that she did not seem to be telling a lie when he said this. He narrowed his eyes slightly, "I should go back."

Hearing that he was going back, Sophie looked at him reluctantly, "Don't you accompany allen too much?"

Long Sihao didn't reply to him, turned and left her room.

After Sophie saw him go out, she was a little panicked. She didn't expect Long Sihao to behave so calmly. Did he believe what she said or not?

She went out and saw that Long Sihao did not leave, but went to Xiaolongyi's room.

Xiao Longyi was looking at a children's book. When Long Sihao came in, he put down the book and stood up and looked at him with a smile, "Daddy."

Long Sihao approached Xiaolong Yi and crouched down in front of him, "allen, you were taken hostage at Uncle Ling's house, why didn't you just tell the truth to Dad?"

"I..." Xiaolong Yi lowered her head, "I'm sorry Daddy."

Looking at Xiao Longyi who admits mistakes, Long Sihao didn't want to blame him. His eyes were gentle, and he reached out to touch his little head.

Xiaolong Yi looked up at him and shook his head gently, his expression firm, "Daddy, I don't want to go back with you for the time being, I want to live here."

Long Sihao looked at him suspiciously, "Why?"

Xiao Longyi asked tentatively: "Can I temporarily not tell Daddy why?"

Long Sihao's narrow eyes narrowed Xiao Longyi's eyes and stared at him for a while before bending his lips and smiling, "Well, I respect Allen's decision, but Daddy won't let you stay here for too long, That daddy went back."

"Well." Xiaolong Yi nodded with a smile, "Daddy walk slowly."

Long Sihao thought that he could see through many people's thoughts, but Xiao Longyi's thoughts could not be seen through. He didn't want to understand the reason why he didn't go back with him.

But he didn't say it, he didn't force him to ask, he felt that although he was small, he would do well in doing things.

Long Sihao went to the hall downstairs and said a few words to Shen Shiwei, then left.

Shen Shiwei sat on the sofa in the hall for a while after Long Sihao left, then went upstairs and went directly to Xiaolongyi's room.

Sophie was also in Xiaolongyi's room. She bent over and asked Xiaolongyi what she saw. When she saw Shen Shiwei coming in, she stood up and asked nothing.

Shen Shiwei glanced at Sophie, and then looked at Xiao Longyi, her eyes and expression were very gentle and kind, "allen, grandma has something to tell your mom, you go to bed early, grandma will come with you."

"Well!" Xiao Longyi looked at Shen Shiwei, who was kind to him, nodded and smiled politely, "Grandma good night."

Shen Shiwei also smiled gently, the more she looked at Xiaolong Yi, the more she liked it, "Good night, allen."

Seeing Xiao Longyi finished, she looked at Sophie aside, "Sophie, come to my room, I have something to tell you."

"Good night, allen." Sophie was a little puzzled by Shen Shiwei's move to let her go to her room. She smiled and watched Xiao Longyi finished, and then left his room and went to Shen Shiwei's room.

Shen Shiwei, who first entered the room, sat on the sofa in her room.

At this moment the smile on her face receded and her expression was majestic. When she saw Sophie coming in, she said with a cold voice and closed the door.

Sophie felt that something was wrong when she came in to see her expression. After turning to close the door, she turned to Shen Shiwei.

"Mommy, what are you telling me?"

She looked at Shen Shiwei with a smile, her tone was coquettish.

Immediately she was going to sit next to Shen Shiwei and was stopped by Shen Shiwei.

"Stop, just stand there."

Sophie stood there, her smile stiffened, a pair of light brown eyes with a trace of grievance and puzzling look at the majestic look of Shen Shiwei, "Come on, mum, what's wrong with you?" Why is it cold to me?"

Shen Shiwei glanced at her coldly, then frowned, and the voice was delicate and mixed with a hint of command, "sophie, give up Si Hao, you must not remember Si Hao in the future, let you do nothing more to destroy the Division. The relationship between Hao and Li Xiaoman."

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Sophie saw her mom suddenly changed her position. She looked at her in surprise and couldn't believe it. She was very puzzled.

Why does her mum say so?

When downstairs, Si Hao said something to her mum, did Si Hao let her mum persuade her to give up him?

A trace of grief flashed in her light brown eyes, and a trace of disobedience and anger.

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Sophie said that the birth control will be a big flaw, her tragic days are coming soon


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