Li Xiaoman looked down at the two restless big hands on her chest, put down the kitchen knife in his hand, and stretched out his hand to break away his big hand. Long Sihao turned her body and lowered her head to grab her powder lip.

Li Xiaoman's slender hands rested on his muscular chest, and after kissing him for a few seconds, he was ready to push him away.

Sensing her move, Long Sihao grabbed her hands and wrapped them around his waist, then he freed up his hands to hold her beautiful face, fixed it in front of his eyes, and tightly covered her pink lips, Continue to deepen this kiss.

His overbearing and wild kisses Li Xiaoman has always been unable to resist, and soon she was driven by his fiery and wildness, and enthusiastically responded to his kisses.

Long Sihao kissed her while pushing her body against the wall. He grabbed her slim waist with one hand and swam the other with her other hand.

The body temperature of both people is rising, especially Long Sihao, whose body is hot and frightening.

Just kissing her like this, naturally can not make Long Sihao satisfied.

He stopped and looked at her sternly, his voice low and hoarse, "Xiaoxiao, let's go upstairs."

Li Xiaoman's Qingli face was blushing and she gasped, looking at him with blurred eyes, "I'm going to... cooking..."

"No, I don't want to eat anything except you now." Long Sihao finished his voice hoarsely, lowering his head and grabbing her pink lips.

"Um... but I'm hungry, I... Um... I want... Um... to eat..." Because her lips were grabbed by Long Sihao, what she said was choppy.

Long Sihao left her lips, and her long narrow eyes were full of smiles, "Go upstairs first to have some appetizers, and my husband will make you some of the best dishes for you later."

As the words fell, he stooped to pick her up and strode out of the kitchen.

"Si Hao, let me down."

Li Xiaoman was embarrassed in Long Sihao's arms. How could he cook half of the time and ran back to the bedroom.

"I don't want to let it go." Long Sihao looked down at her cheeks flushed, her eyelashes quivered, and her long and narrow eyes were stained with rich feelings of desire |

Returning to the bedroom on the third floor, Long Sihao overwhelmed her on the bed|, kissing her while eagerly removing her clothes.

Li Xiaoman completely lost to him, his ** is too powerful, "toss" her at night, "did not let go" of her during the day.

Although the two of them were embarrassed to be intimate in the bedroom during the day, she reached out to help him undress.

From the moment she knew everything, she made up her mind to be his good wife and love him.


After the passion faded, Long Sihao was still reluctant to retreat from her. A pair of eyes full of emotions looked at her with a smile, and his voice was low and hoarse, "Is the daughter-in-law, satisfied with her husband's performance?"

Li Xiaoman hugged his neck tightly, his thin lips attached to his ears, and his soft voice was a bit husky. "I have never been disappointed with my husband."

The implication is that she has always been satisfied.

"Hehe..." Long Sihao smiled heartily because of her praise, and her long and narrow eyes were full of deep affection for her.

He counteracted her forehead, "Xiao Xiao, good wife, you let your husband fall in love."

His breath was still a little quick, and during his speech, his hot breath sprayed on Li Xiaoman's face.

The tingling sensation made her heart tremble.

His face was redder.

She looked up at him affectionately and softly, "The appetizers are eaten, now it's time to eat."

"The daughter-in-law takes a break first, and her husband will cook."

Long Sihao spoke softly as she finished speaking, bowed her head and printed a kiss on her lips, then got up and entered the bathroom.

He brought out the water and cleaned her first, and dressed her before he went downstairs.

He went out on the front foot, and Xiao Yanyan came in on the back foot.

She collapsed her small face, frowned, and touched her flat stomach with her small hands. "Mommy, I'm hungry."

Li Xiaoman looked at Xiao Yanyan, who frowned, her eyes flashed with distress, and her eyes looked at her tenderly, "Baby, dad is more than cooking, he will be able to eat soon."

Xiao Yanyan walked to the bed and sat down, turning her small eyes to look at her mum for a while before asking: "Mummy, aren't you cooking? How did you run out of bed|Get up?"

Li Xiaoman thought of the scene she just had a relationship with Long Sihao. Qingli's face blushed a bit. She lowered her eyes and reached out to stretch the hair covering her cheeks behind her ears. "I was a little uncomfortable, so I came to lie down."

Xiao Yanyan stared at her with a pair of small eyes, flattened her mouth, "I don't look like it."

Li Xiaoman saw Xiao Yanyan staring at her and shifted her gaze out loudly, "What did you say in your room with Dad when you came back from the amusement park today?"

Her words successfully diverted Xiao Yanyan's attention.

She looked at her mum and smiled sweetly, "I didn't say anything, so I asked Dad why he was in the amusement park today."

Li Xiaoman also wanted to know this question. She hadn't had time to ask Long Sihao.

"That baby will tell Mommy why your dad is in an amusement park?"

Xiao Yanyan blinked her eyes, lowered her voice, and looked mysterious, "Mommy, I told you, don't tell Dad!"

Li Xiaoman looked at her with a smile, "Say."

"Actually, Dad was tricked by sister Xiaona to go to the amusement park today, as did Uncle Ling and Uncle Luo!"

"Sister Xiaona?" Li Xiaoman heard the words and looked at Xiao Yanyan with a surprised look. "Did your sister Sina go today?"

"Yes!" Xiao Yanyan lowered her eyebrows lightly. "But Mommy also knows that Sister Xiaona likes Dad, so Mummy is Sister Na's rival, so Sister Sina sees Mummy when she comes. Go back unpleasantly."

Li Xiaoman was not very convinced, squinted at her and asked, "Really?"

"Of course, I don't believe Mommy will ask Daddy Bi later, I'm going to see Daddy Bi cook."

When the words fell, Xiao Yanyan turned and walked outside the bedroom.

Li Xiaoman looked at her little back, "Yanyan, you are going to see your dad now, it's easy for me to think you are talking to your dad."

Xiao Yanyan paused, turned to look at her mum, and smiled, "Mommy, you said that you will always believe in Dad's match, so you have to do it! And, Dad's match I really love mommy, I hope mommy you will never be angry with dad."

Although she is young, she doesn't understand many things, but she feels that her dad loves and loves her mommy very much, and is afraid that her mommy will be angry, so his dad dare not dare to Tell her mother about her brother.

His dad told her just now that he would be 100% sure that the brother Long Yi was her relative brother before he would tell her mummy.


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