A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 504: Just because I care too much

Wei Ziting looked at her tenderly and smiled, "I can't take this in the future, dangerous."

He was talking about the kitchen knife in his hand.

Lin Momo's eyes also fell on the kitchen knife in his hand, with anger on his face, "That rogue will never leave, I can't help it."

"I'll take the knife to the kitchen first." Wei Ziting watched her speak softly and walked to the kitchen.

Lin Momo turned to look at him, feeling a little ashamed of him, "Zi Ting, don't you have anything to ask me?"

Wei Ziting turned to look at her sideways, with a breezy smile on his lips, "Momo, I only listen to what you want to say, what you don't want to say, I won't ask more."

His words warmed Lin Momo's heart every time. She looked at him with a smile, "Zi Ting, you give me time, I will tell you all my previous things."

Wei Ziting looked at her, smiled and nodded, then took the knife into the kitchen.

"Mommy..." Wei Yubin walked to Lin Momo and hugged her legs.

Lin Momo squatted down and looked at him distressedly, "Pin Bin, don't be afraid, the bad guy won't come again."

"Well!" Wei Yubin looked at Lin Momo and nodded, grinned, and revealed two little tiger teeth.


Lake Heron Villa

Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao have returned to the villa at this time, and of course Xiao Yanyan is back.

Upon entering the lobby, Xiao Yanyan told her mum Li Xiaoman to have a private chat with her dad, and then took the big hand of her dear dad to enter the elevator provided in the lobby and went straight up to the third floor.

After getting out of the elevator, she pulled Long Sihao into her bedroom again.

Releasing Long Sihao's hand, she closed the door of her own bedroom, raised her chin, puffed up her little cheek, and pouted, "Don't dad say to explain to me? That dad can do it now Explained, why did Daddy carry me and his brother to play in the amusement park with his mom? Why is that brother so much like Daddy? What is he’s not an illegitimate child of Daddy?

Long Sihao saw that the little girl was very upset and a little wronged. His narrow eyes were filled with a gentle smile, and he stepped forward to hug her and sat on her bed.

Xiao Yanyan grumbled her mouth unpleasantly, twisted her small body in his arms, and still had a small black face. "Dad doesn't think I am a child, just hug me."

Long Sihao looked down at the troublesome Xiao Yanyan. The handsome face had soft lines and a soft smile on the corners of her lips. "Yan Yan, dad is telling you the truth. The brother you saw today is very good. It could be your brother."

Xiao Yanyan frowned and raised her mouth. "It's not possible, it must be. He is the illegitimate child of Dadbie, and of course my brother."

Looking at the pouting little Yanyan, Long Sihao said with spoiling, "Yanyan baby, my father's brother is different from the one you think."

Xiao Yanyan looked up at him and blinked her small eyes and asked, "What's different?"

Long Sihao asked softly: "Yanyan still remembers you have a sister?"

Xiao Yanyan looked at her dad and nodded. "Of course I remember that mommy is very sad every time she mentions her sister, but what is the relationship between the sister and the illegitimate child of dad?

Seeing her go back to the illegitimate child again, Long Sihao twitched his lower lip slightly, and looked down at Xiao Yanyan with a handsome face. Shen Yan said: "Yan Yan, don't mention the illegitimate child again, if that makes you Mommy heard, what did your mom misunderstand Dadbie?"

Xiao Yanyan flattened her small mouth, "Cold salad, who made Dad have illegitimate children than you."

Long Sihao has the urge to help his forehead, this little girl is not easy to coax.

He smiled lightly, "Yanyan, dad than tell you the truth, allen was born by dad and your mom, not by dad and others."

When she heard Long Sihao’s words, Xiao Yanyan didn’t believe it at all. She gave him a big white eye, and she poked her mouth away. Born, Mommy doesn’t know why, I haven’t heard Mommy say I have an older brother."

Long Sihao Junmei's face was also a little dark, and his narrow eyes looked closely at the little girl in his arms, "That's because your mommy didn't know she gave birth to allen."

Xiao Yanyan tilted her head and looked at Long Sihao, asking curiously: "Why doesn't Mommy know?"

Long Sihao looked at her gently and smiled, "I really want to know?"

Xiao Yanyan nodded seriously, "Grey often wants to know."

Long Sihao looked at Xiao Yanyan and hesitated, but still told Xiao Yanyan what he suspected and what he knew.

After listening, Xiao Yanyan opened her mouth wide and said, "Daddy is more than suspected that the dead sister is not a biological birth of Daddy and Mummy?"

Looking at the little girl with the big and small mouth, Long Sihao's lips and lips smiled softly and said: "Well."

Xiao Yanyan blinked in surprise, "So dad suspects that the brother who looks like dad is born of dad and mom?"

Long Sihao looked at Xiao Yanyan with a smile and nodded, reached out to close her open mouth for her, and said softly and softly, "Yanyan, it's all clear now. Dad is going to see your mum than now. Come to disturb Dabby and Mommy. I haven’t told you Mommy about what I just said."

When the words fell, Long Sihao put down Xiao Yanyan.

Just as he turned to open the door, Xiao Yanyan blinked and looked at him in doubt, asking, "Daddy, why don't you tell Mommy directly?"

Long Sihao turned to look at Xiao Yanyan, with a gentle smile in his narrow eyes, "Baby, Dad is not 100% sure about this matter, so I can’t tell Mommy for a while, Dad is better than your Mommy. Only together, dad can't let anything ruin our feelings."

When facing Xiao Yanyan, he can easily tell her everything, but in the face of Li Xiaoman, he can't do it so easily, he will have a lot of concerns and fears.

Like the last time he was sick, he could tell Xiao Yanyan frankly, but he never dared to tell Xiaoxiao frankly.

All of this is because he cares too much about her, so there is no one hundred percent certainty, he will not tell her.

And he also wants to make sure to surprise her in the future. It is better to take evidence to speak than to tell her that Xiao Longyi is their son but cannot prove it.

He had already taken the hair of Xiao Longyi and his Xiaoxiao to make DNA, but the samples they sent were missing at the paternity test center. He only learned about it yesterday.

Xiao Yanyan watched her dad compare for a while and then asked: "If the brother is determined to be the son of Dabi and Mummy, will Dabi recognize him?"

Long Sihao looked down at her, and smiled with her lips.

Xiao Yanyan frowned, "So if you're sure that the elder brother wasn't born by mommy, does dad still admit it?"

Long Sihao stepped forward, reached out and gently touched Xiao Yanyan's small head, and looked at her spoiledly. "Yan Yan, there is no such thing as a back, dad would go to see mommy."

He lowered his head and printed a kiss on her small forehead. His voice was soft, "Baby, what Dad told you today is temporarily confidential. When Dad is confirmed, we will tell Mommy and give Mommy a surprise. "

When the words fell, Long Sihao straightened up, opened the door and strode out.

Xiao Yanyan stood staring blankly after he went out, a pair of small eyes blinked and blinked, and his mouth opened into an o-shape.

That handsome little brother is likely to be her brother, so incredible!

Today Li Xiaoman asked the chef of the villa to take a holiday, and she was busy in the kitchen.

When Long Sihao went downstairs, he went straight into the big amazing kitchen.

Two maids were helping Li Xiaoman, and when he saw him enter, he immediately shouted respectfully: "Young Master."

Long Sihao waved his hand gently and motioned them to go out.

After the two maids went out, Long Sihao walked behind Li Xiaoman, who was chopping vegetables, and habitually embraced her from behind, and his two big palms directly covered the fullness of her chest. .

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Babes: There is a burst today!

By the way, there is something Xuan Xuan said, and some baby said that they hope Long Shao and Xiao Xiao can write more carefully when they make makelove.

Hey, Xuan Xuan also wanted to write a little more carefully, but the babies know that now they are pornographic, so that is too explicit, and it will be blocked.


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