A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 473: Long talk, just grab it

When Li Xiaoman saw her, there was no trace of panic on her face, but she smiled and looked at her to stop: "Wait, don't be angry first, you want to kill me, I have no opinion, but if I don't be so blatant Kill, I will assassinate. Also, don’t you love my husband very much? The girl is so pleased, you look really ugly now, I think what you are going to do is not kill me, but go home and change clothes, Put on makeup and come after my husband..."

Speaking of which, she looked at the watch on her wrist and then looked up at Ling Dina with an elegant smile. "It's almost time to get off work. Hurry back to change your clothes. I wish you every success."

Looking at Li Xiaoman, who smiled calmly, Ling Dina narrowed her brown eyes, and her charming goose egg face was filled with anger. Brother Si Hao."

Li Xiaoman glanced at the calm and beautiful man Long Sihao sitting at the desk, then looked at Ling Dina again, the words were full of confidence, "If you can take my husband away from me, you When I got married, I not only worked as your bridesmaid, but also took care of your marriage. All the expenses for your marriage were covered by me."

Seeing her being so generous and so confident, Ling Dina lost her confidence, but she still had the spirit of perseverance.

She glared at Li Xiaoman and said vowedly: "You wait and see, I will be able to **** Si Hao from your hands, and you will wait for me and Si Hao to hold a wedding."

Li Xiaoman looked at her indifferently, smiled softly at her, and encouraged: "Come on."

Ling Dina stared at her in amazement, "Li Xiaoman, are you ill, you, are you really afraid that I will steal Si Hao?"

Li Xiaoman glanced at her and stood up from the sofa. "If you want to grab, grab it, why is it so long-winded? Hurry back and change your clothes. Get dressed again and grab again."

"You..." Ling Dina looked at her for a while, and then turned to Long Sihao, her tone was very soft, "Brother Si Hao, wait for me, I will come soon."

When the words fell, she left the office.

After seeing her leaving, Li Xiaoman walked to Long Sihao's desk with a contract and looked at him with a gentle smile. "Long President, this is a contract. Do you have any questions?"

"What do you call me?" Long Sihao narrowed his eyes, and looked at the smiling gentle and elegant woman, her eyes full of affection and spoiling, but his handsome face sank a little.

Just in front of Ling Dina was a husband called a very affectionate, this will become a dragon.

Seeing him sinking his handsome face, Li Xiaoman smiled with a smile, his voice was clear and beautiful, "Long President, you said, our company talks about business, so of course I want to call you Long President."

Long Sihao bent his lips and smiled, looking at her softly with a soft tone of tone, "Small things, dare to take her husband's words to block her husband's mouth, owe to clean up, eh?"

When the words fell, he took over the contract in her hand, without looking at it, he signed his name directly.

Putting the contract on the red sandalwood desk, he looked at her ambiguously, "The official business is done, let's go to bed | to deal with private affairs."

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman's lips slightly drawn, and he looked at him softly and smiled lightly, "The contract is signed, I should go back to the studio."

She reached for the contract that Long Sihao put on his desk, but Long Sihao caught her by the wrist.

He scorned her palm, and looked at her with narrow, narrow eyes. "Wife, don't rush back to the studio and go to the lounge with your husband for a while."

Li Xiaoman didn't believe that he let her go to his lounge just for a chat, she blushed slightly, her long eyelashes fluttered, and she was too late to say no, Long Sihao pulled her into a bully. Go to the lounge in his office.

As soon as the door closed, he pressed her against the door, her thin lips pressing on her seductive lips, and her voice was low and full of magnetism, "Miss me?"

Li Xiaoman lowered his eyes slightly, admitting generously, "Of course I think, I don't want to be here."

Long Sihao's narrow eyes were full of smiles, he loved her generously, he liked her to show her emotion and trust to him without reservation.

What she said to Ling Dina just now is enough to prove that she is full of confidence in him. She trusts him so much that she dares to let other women rob him.

Her trust in him moved him.

To be able to stay together for a lifetime, trust in each other is very important.

His Xiaoxiao's daughter-in-law did it, and he would believe it without reservation.

He is confident that they will be able to live happily for a long time.

It is no longer an unrealizable dream for them to grow old together.

At this moment, he was thankful that he survived five years. Even more fortunate and moved was that after he hurt her, she chose to forgive him.

His Xiaoxiao is very kind and strong, and she has many things that women do not have.

She is unique in his eyes forever and forever, no one can match her, and no one can replace her.

The ability to marry her in this life and this life is the greatest happiness of his life.

"Xiaoxiao..." He looked at her with a stern look, hugged her lightly and hugged him tightly.

Li Xiaoman saw him impressed, looked at him affectionately, smiled softly, "What's wrong?"

Long Sihao's big white hands caressed her beautiful face, narrow eyes looked at her endlessly, "Thank you for your unreserved trust."

Li Xiaoman's slender hands wrapped around his neck, tilting his head and looking at him with a smile, "Then I want to thank my husband for his trust in me..."

Speaking of which, she paused and immediately looked at him, "I have experienced so many things, you have paid so much for me, if I don't even have the least trust in you, I'm true Is not worth your love."

She hugged him tightly around her waist and leaned her in his arms with a soft voice, "Husband, thank you so much for giving me so much happiness and emotion."

Long Sihao looked at her with a deep gaze and smiled affectionately, lowering his head and pecking at her pink and tantalizing lips. As he was about to go deep, Li Xiaoman thought about something and turned away slightly.

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes tightly and stared at her in a dark and quiet way. "Wife, forget the three obediences and four virtues? When your husband kisses you, you must obey, eh?"

Li Xiaoman put his lips together and kissed his thin lips with a soft voice, "Si Hao, I want to ask you something."

Long Sihao nodded and looked at her tenderly with a low voice. "What's the matter with the daughter-in-law?"

Thinking of what Long Junche said today, Li Xiaoman frowned slightly, then looked at Long Sihao tentatively and asked, "Si Hao, do you have any uncle?"

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at her with a little puzzlement, "How come this is suddenly asked?"

"Si Hao, you answer me first!" Li Xiaoman's voice softened a bit, with a hint of coquettishness.


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