Long Junche didn't expect that she could see through his strategy with Huo Yunene, and her eyes looked at her with some appreciation. "Girl, it seems that you are really grown up, and you are much smarter than before."

Li Xiaoman ignored the intimacy that Long Jun Che's "girl" brought to her, and she looked at him apatheticly, "Mr. Long admitted to colluding with Huo Yunene five years ago?"

She didn’t see through those things before, it’s not that she’s stupid, it’s just that she doesn’t have a lot of thoughts. She looks at human nature too simple and kind. After five years, she has broadened her horizons, many things will not just look at the surface It also has a deeper sense of caution and caution against strangers.

In particular, she now has a lot of things in mind, except for Long Sihao, she will not easily believe other people.

Long Junche just looked up at Li Xiaoman, neither acknowledging nor denying.

In fact, when he did that, he didn’t think about actually hurting her, he just wanted to achieve the purpose of making Long Sihao misunderstand her, so he only dealt with those photos of her, and made a mosaic. , Lest she be recognized by other guests in the banquet hall.

Seeing that he was silent, Li Xiaoman stood up, and his eyes looked at him more indifferently and sharply, with a cold smile on his lips, "Mr. Long, your case cannot be accessed in our studio. Please go elsewhere. I still have something to do, so I won’t be there anymore."

When the words fell, Li Xiaoman turned to leave, and Long Junche's warm and mellow voice rang behind her.

"Don't you want to know why I am named Long?"

Li Xiaoman stepped a little, turned and looked at him indifferently, "What's your surname has nothing to do with me, I'm not interested in knowing your business."

Long Junche stared lightly, Wen Ya smiled, "Of course it has nothing to do with you, but it has to do with your beloved man Long Sihao."

Hearing what he said, Li Xiaoman remembered something in her mind. She suddenly felt that it was not a coincidence that he happened to rescue her five years ago when she was robbed in the hospital.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at her sharply, "What do you have to do with Si Hao? Who are you?"

Long Junche's expression was unfathomable, and he slowly said, "I am his uncle."

"Uncle?" Li Xiaoman looked at him with some surprise, a clear doubt flashed through his clear eyes, "You are Uncle Si Hao? Impossible, I never heard Si Hao mention you."

Long Junche smiled and narrowed his slender eyes a bit, "Of course he would not mention me because he didn't even know that I existed."

"If you are really his uncle, why doesn't he know about your existence?" Li Xiaoman looked at him slightly coldly, "Mr. Long, even if you are really Uncle Si Hao, our studio will not pick you up. case, you go somewhere else."

Long Junche saw Li Xiaoman's attitude toward him becoming more and more indifferent. He frowned deeply, "Manman, you seem to hate me."

"Otherwise?" Li Xiaoman Qingli's face was indifferent, and he looked at him coldly. "You and Huo Yunene colluded to design and frame me, do I still like you? Mr. Long, if you really are Uncle Si Hao, why are you helping Huo Yunene? ​​Is Uncle deserved like you? No wonder Si Hao does not remember you, you must not be a good uncle."

Long Junche smiled, but this smile did not reach his eyes.

His eyes were slightly cold, "This can only be blamed on him being Huo Chenfeng's son."

His words shocked Li Xiaoman's heart, and he looked at him more puzzled, not understanding why Long Junche would tell her this.

When she was about to ask him, he stood up.

"Since Manman doesn't want to take my case, then I have to go elsewhere."

When the words fell, Long Junche turned and left.

After he left, Li Xiaoman thought about his purpose for coming for a while before leaving the studio with a contract and heading straight to te.

At the destination, as soon as she walked into the te building, the lady at the reception greeted her, and then took her to Long Sihao's exclusive elevator, and respectfully pressed the elevator for her.

On the 30th floor, as soon as she got out of the elevator, she saw Long Sihao’s secretary waiting for her.

"Mrs. President, the President has been waiting for you for a long time."

Li Xiaoman looked at the secretary and nodded, then went straight to Long Sihao's office.

The secretary followed her and looked at her respectfully and said, "Mrs. President, the President asked me to say hello to you, Miss Ling Dina is in his office."

It is said that Li Xiaoman's Qingli's face is not half angry, she admires Ling Dina very much, she has been chasing her relatives and husband for several years and she still has no stubbornness and she has perseverance.

But for her rival, she was not afraid that she would steal Long Sihao.

Now it is not only Ling Dina who is her rival, she does not care. Even Sophie, she will not be afraid of Long Sihao being robbed by her, and she will no longer be afraid of any woman's destruction.

Because now she believes that Long Sihao is better than trusting herself.

After the secretary opened the door of the president's office for her, she went straight in.

And Ling Dina was standing at Long Sihao's desk at this time. She didn't know what she was carrying. She was persuading Long Sihao to take a sip.

"Brother Si Hao, I have learned this crucian carp soup deliberately for a long time before I made this flavor. If you take a sip, I promise to drink it very well."

"Really? Then I'm blessed."

It was Li Xiaoman who was talking, she smiled and watched Ling Dina finished, and went straight to Long Sihao’s desk. Without a word, she passed the bowl of crucian carp soup directly from Ling Dina and walked to the office. Sit down on the sofa in the reception area and drink while saying, "It tastes good, but it's a bit salty, a bit spicy, and a bit bitter. What's added to it? How can it be bitter?"

Ling Dina saw that Li Xiaoman had taken away the crucian soup she had prepared for Long Sihao. While drinking and commenting, she squinted, stomped, and walked angrily to Li Xiaoman.

"Li Xiaoman, don't go too far. This is for Si Hao, not for you. You spit it out immediately."

Li Xiaoman raised her eyebrows lightly, looked at her with a smile, her pink lips lightly raised, "Are you sure you want to vomit? But it's very inelegant."

Li Xiaoman looked at her with a smile and said it was very difficult.

Ling Dina rounded her eyes with brown eyes, one hand on her hips, and the other pointed at Li Xiaoman, saying, "Give me! Spit!"

As soon as her words fell, Li Xiaoman made an ok gesture towards her, and after a big sip, she all spit out a "poo".

Ling Dina, who was thrown all over, widened her eyes and opened her mouth. She looked at Li Xiaoman in disbelief and shouted: "Li-Xiao-Man."

How dare she spit on her? How dare she spit on her Ling Dina? How dare she vomit at her Ling Dina?

Ah... She was so angry that she was going to kill her.

"Li Xiaoman, I killed you."

As the words fell, she rushed to Li Xiaoman like a mad lion.


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