A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 419: Xiaoxiao, crying scared?

Xiao Yanyan frowned, "It was the last grandmother's reception, I saw the old grandpa! He also asked me to call him grandpa, and let mommy take me back as soon as possible Trip, did Mummy forget it?"

Hearing what Xiao Yanyan said, Li Xiaoman immediately guessed who the white-haired grandpa she said was. If she was right, it must be Huo Yehong. She didn't expect him to come to the door.

She narrowed her eyes and said in a solemn tone: "Yanyan, don't open the door first, Mommy will go back immediately and wait until Mommy returns."

After hanging up with Xiao Yanyan, she immediately went to checkout.

The supermarket where she bought food was not far from Honghuayuan, and she drove to it, but when she left the supermarket after checking out and sat in the car to return, suddenly a few black cars popped up to block her way.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman, who was sitting in the car, first called Xiao Yanyan, told her not to open the door, and then directly called Long Sihao.

As soon as she dialed out, she answered it there, as if she was waiting for her call with her mobile phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Long Sihao's humorous voice came.

"Xiaoxiao, am I dreaming? Are you going to call me on your own initiative? Why? Miss me? What did you ask Lowry to do today?"

Li Xiaoman's tone in his words should not yet know that she already knows everything. At this moment, when she heard his familiar voice, she almost burst into tears.

She tried hard to suppress it, and said in a solemn tone: "I am outside now, stopped by someone, Yanyan is alone in the apartment, she calls me and tells me there is an old grandpa looking for her, I suspect it is your grandpa And, if I guess right, the person who stopped me should also be your grandfather."

Over the past five years, she has grown a lot and understood many things. Huo Yehong is not that good.

She no longer regarded Huo Yehong as the good grandpa who really loved her.

Take Huo Yehong who left her at the Antai cemetery five years ago and left Long Sihao after giving birth. Huo Yehong is actually a very selfish person.

She was so stupid five years ago and treated him like a grandfather, but now she won't.

She is no longer Li Xiaoman, who was pure-minded and thoughtless five years ago. She now looks at things without looking at the surface.

Long Sihao heard that Li Xiaoman said that Huo Yehong went to find Yan Yan, and she was stopped by someone. He narrowed his narrow eyes and asked worriedly: "Xiao Xiao, where are you now, I will rush over, As for Yanyan, you don’t have to worry for a while, he won’t hurt her.”

He called Huo Yehong "He", not grandpa.

In the five years he was receiving treatment, he had no contact with Huo Yehong, and also let Lowry block the news that he was receiving treatment.

After he returned to K City again, he had not returned to Huo Zhai. For him, it was not his home.

His relatives, except for Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan, are his grandfather who has been missing for many years.

Five years ago, he left for ten years. The reason why he was willing to go back to Huo Zhai and also called Huo Yehong a grandpa. In fact, the most fundamental reason is because Li Xiaoman, because she had not divorced Huo Yunene then, he Want to integrate into her life circle, so only step into places he has not stepped into in ten years.

For Li Xiaoman, he gave up hatred, gave up everything, he just wanted her.

Li Xiaoman also believes that Huo Yehong will not treat Yan Yan for a while. She is more at ease when she listens to Long Sihao's words. After telling him where she is, she waits for him outside the supermarket.

She has been sitting in the car without starting the engine.

And the cars that stopped her didn't start the engine, they just stopped there.

Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes and looked at the cars that stopped her, slightly hooked his lower lip, and suddenly started the car like they did, reversing the car.

And as soon as her car started, those cars also started their engines, looking like they were ready to rush.

Li Xiaoman backed up a certain distance, and those cars were chased away, and Li Xiaoman drove forward, and those cars stopped and stopped, and took Li Xiaoman's front, back, left, and right directions. They were all blocked, and she was not allowed to leave.

Li Xiaoman stopped the car as soon as he saw it. She glanced at the few cars that blocked her back and forth and left and right. She was about to get off, and she glimpsed a jewel black Rolls-Royce. The two cars stuck in front of her rushed over.

The two cars were squeezed by the gem black Rolls-Royce to the sides. Due to the fast speed and friction, the doors of the two cars were scratched.

Li Xiaoman glanced at the domineering Rolls Royce, tears in her eyes, she reached out and wiped the corners of her eyes, trying to push back the tears that were about to rush.

Then sit back in the car again and wait for the owner of the Rolls-Royce car to get off.

Rolls-Royce rushed to her car and stopped before and after, and it was Long Sihao who got out of the car.

After he got out of the car, he strode to Li Xiaoman's car, pulled the door open, and sat straight in.

His narrow and long eyes looked tightly at Li Xiaoman, and when she saw her eyes were red and swollen, he was startled, his eyes overflowed with distress, and he leaned forward and kissed her eyes, "Xiao Xiao, why are my eyes red?" Are you scared crying?"

Hearing his words, Li Xiaoman almost cried into his arms, she tried to hold back, but the tears still came out.

She bit her lower lip tightly and nodded at him, "Well, I was scared to cry."

Long Sihao stared at her suddenly burst into tears, frowning slightly, and the dark ink eyes glanced at her, and then reached out to wipe the tears in the corner of her eyes, "No one will come out next time, see you all I was scared to tears."

Although he said this on his mouth, he did not believe that she was scared crying. His Xiao Xiao was not so weak. The more he encountered such a danger, his Xiao Xiao would only become stronger and could never be Crying scared.

As for the reason why she was crying, he knew by asking that it must be related to her meeting with Lowry in the afternoon. This matter would be better to ask her when he went back.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at her tenderly, "Xiao Xiao, in order to avoid damaging your car, go to my car first."

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman raised his tears and glanced at his Rolls Royce, frowning at him, "Are you afraid of crashing your car? Your car is much more expensive than mine."

Long Sihao looked at her, and smiled with her lips, "How can my little wife be as important as the big wife's little girlfriend."

The tears that Li Xiaoman lived in came out again, and her heart was very moving. She discovered that Xiao Yanyan sometimes inherited the old man Long Sihao from the mouth.

The mouth of the father and daughter, big and small, is like eating honey.

Long Sihao's deep eyes looked at her tightly. At this moment, he discovered some small anomalies in her. He just said that she was his big wife, but she rarely did not deny it, which meant that it was his wife by default. Too.


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