A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 418: Marry him, you must marry

Then he told Li Xiaoman the truth of the matter.

After listening, Li Xiaoman was crying, and he did so much to help her deal with Xia Lin.

Lorry saw her crying, and handed her the whole package of tissues, "Miss Li, I remembered that there is one more thing that you should be able to feel, Miss Li, that the relationship between the president and his grandfather is not very good. Right? Miss Li, do you know why the president came back from France five years ago and is willing to go back to Huo? The president is for you, because you are in Huo, the president wants to be closer to you, so the president is willing to return The Huo family is only willing to call Huo Yehong a grandpa..."

Lowry said for a long time, when he left Honghuayuan, it was more than five o'clock in the afternoon, and he told her almost everything that should be told to Li Xiaoman.

Li Xiaoman had been sitting on the sofa after he left. The tearful eyes were red and swollen like two walnuts, and the crying couldn't stop.


The naive voice was crying.

Hearing the sound, Li Xiaoman immediately reached out and wiped the tears that were still falling from his red eyes, but the more the tears fell, the more violent it was.

"Mommy, cry if you want to cry!" Xiao Yanyan walked to her kissed mommy, raised a tender little face wet with tears, and cried a bit, "Mom Mum...oooooooooooooooooooooooooo good...I love Dad better than...Mommies..."

The words that Lowry and Li Xiaoman said were heard by her little, and now she was crying and little, and her little shoulders were shaking.

She was very moved. She didn't expect her relative to do so much more than she actually did for her relative, Mum, much better than her Han Daddy did.

She now feels that her Han Daddy is far worse than her relatives!

Who loves her mummy more, she knows this without comparing.


Li Xiaoman whispered hoarsely and hugged her crying into her arms, and the two mothers and daughters cried.

They cry because they are moved because they are distressed.

After crying for a long time, Li Xiaoman let go of Xiao Yanyan, reached out and wiped the tears that were constantly falling in her eyes, and looked at Xiao Yanyan's hoarse voice and asked, "Have you heard?"

Xiao Yanyan also cried like a little tearful man. She blinked her small eyes blurred by tears, apologized, and said in a whisper: "Mommy, I...I didn't mean it... I want to eavesdrop , It’s my ears... I don’t want to be angry, I let it be... to listen, it... it must be listened to, Mummy... to be angry..."

Hearing Xiao Yanyan's words, Li Xiaoman felt a little uncomfortable.

This little girl, like her father Bill Long Sihao, can play tricks on her lips and laughs.

She reached out and wiped tears for Xiao Yanyan, and then watched the time. When Long Sihao was about to leave work, she looked down at her and said, "Yan Yan, your dad should be back. Mommy is going to make dinner. Now, you can play for yourself."

Xiao Yanyan stopped sobbing, her eyes brightened, "Huh! Mommy, are you... is it the rhythm of marrying dad?"

Li Xiaoman looked down at Xiao Yanyan and asked seriously, "Does Yan Yanyan hope that mommy and dad get married?"

Xiao Yanyan looked at her and nodded heavily, "Of course I hope, will that mommy marry dad?"

Li Xiaoman looked down at Xiao Yanyan, her lips and lips smiled lightly, and nodded solemnly, "We must marry, we must marry, but Mommy wants to surprise Dad, so when Dad comes back, Yanyan I don’t know what to pretend to be like Mummy."

Xiao Yanyan raised her small face and asked in doubt: "What surprise does Mommy want to give Dad?"

Li Xiaoman smiled and smiled at her, reaching for her little head and rubbing her head. "Mommy is kept secret for a while. Well, Mommy is cooking."

Xiao Yanyan reached out her hand and wiped the tears on her face, blinked, "That mommy is going to cook! I want to eat braised pork ribs."

"Okay!" Li Xiaoman gave Xiao Yanyan a soft smile and entered the kitchen.

She looked at the existing ingredients in Frost, only some vegetables, no meat ingredients such as ribs.

After closing the refrigerator, she went back to the bedroom to get her wallet, and looked at Xiao Yanyan who was watching TV. "Yanyan, Mommy is going out to buy some ingredients. You go with Mommy."

Xiao Yanyan turned on the TV after she entered the kitchen, because now she feels uncomfortable and wants to cry. She wants to watch TV for a while, so she won't want to cry that much.

When Li Xiaoman came out, she had a pair of small eyes that stayed on the LCD screen of the TV, and the voice was tender: "Mommy, I won't go anymore. You should go back quickly. I want to watch TV, otherwise Dad will see me more than I come back." Crying, it will reveal the stuff."

Li Xiaoman saw Xiao Yanyan's small eyes staring at the LCD screen momentarily, she frowned, and said gently: "Yanyan, come back and look again. I'm not at ease in the apartment alone. "

Xiao Yanyan's small eyes finally moved away from the LCD screen.

She blinked her small eyes and smiled sweetly at her mom, "Mommy, I'm not a two- or three-year-old kid. I'm almost five years old. Mommy can rest assured that I will wait for Mommy to come back. Before Mommy returns, if someone rings the doorbell, no matter who it is, I won’t open the door, even if Dadbi doesn’t open, Mommy doesn’t have to worry about me, Mommy go shopping now! If you don’t go to Dabibi, you will come back ."

Li Xiaoman listened to her saying this and repeatedly told her not to open the door for strangers.

Less than half an hour after she left, someone rang the doorbell.

At first, Xiao Yanyan was concentrating on the TV, but didn't hear it.

Later, when she heard it, she continued to watch TV as if she had not heard it.

It wasn't until the doorbell rang at least twenty times that she was noisy and couldn't concentrate on watching TV before she got up, then moved a chair and walked to the door with a disgruntled face.

She climbed up the chair and looked through the cat's eyes. She saw a white-haired old grandpa standing outside the door. She frowned at her small eyebrows, and a trace of doubt flashed in the star-like eyes.

The grandpa with white hair is very familiar with her. She met once at the reception held by her mum a few days ago. She remembered that the grandpa also asked her to call him grandpa.

Her mum seems to be familiar with the old grandpa.

The doorbell continued to ring, Xiao Yanyan frowned, thinking about whether to open the door. If the door opened, what would the old grandpa be a bad person?

But she wanted to know who the grandpa was? Why should he let her call him grandpa?

She thought for a while before returning to her own bedroom and calling her dear mommy with her mobile phone.

After the phone was connected, she said, "Mommy, a grandpa with white hair is ringing the doorbell. Should I open the door?"

At this point, Li Xiaoman had already bought it and was paying the bill. When she heard Xiao Yanyan's words, she asked with some doubt: "What old grandpa?"


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