A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 413: Xiao Xiao, ask the truth

Because she stopped the car suddenly, Xiaoyanyan's little body leaned forward. Fortunately, she had been driving slowly, and Xiaoyanyan didn't hit the locker.

After Li Xiaoman saw it, holding Xiao Yanyan seated, he looked at her worriedly, "Have you been hit?"

Xiao Yanyan looked at her pale face and shook her head, "Mommy, I'm fine."

"Yanyan, tell Mommy, you just said your dad is better than him... what's the matter with him getting cancer?"

Just hearing that Long Sihao had cancer, her heart hurt and her heart was shaking.

Seeing her mom’s reaction, Xiao Yanyan understood her dad better than why she didn’t tell her mom about her illness.

She frowned and said in a naive voice: "Mommy, you have to ask Dad for this! Dad had cancer before he had to leave Mommy five years ago. Dad has been treating the disease for the past five years. In a coma, I almost woke up, so my dad wasn’t able to see my mom more than five years ago."

Hearing that Xiao Yanyan said that Long Sihao almost couldn't wake up, Li Xiaoman's heart hurt.

She looked down at Xiao Yanyan, and Shui Ying Cheliang's eyes contracted heartache, "Yan Yan, how do you know these?"

"Daddy told me."

It was heard that Li Xiaoman grabbed Xiao Yanyan's small arm and stared at her and asked, "When did your dad tell you? Why did you tell mommy now?"

Xiao Yanyan glanced at her mum with an apologetic look on her childish face, and then lowered her head. "It was the same time that Mum held the reception than my father told me, Mummy, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it. Help Dad to hide from you."

Seeing Xiao Yanyan hang her small head with apology on her small face, Li Xiaoman touched her small head gently, "Yan Yan, Mommy didn't blame you, you don't need to apologize to Mommy."

When the words fell, she let go of Xiao Yanyan, thinking about the truth of the matter.

Yanyan will not lie to her, and Long Sihao will not lie to Yanyan, so this must be true.

She suddenly remembered that after she separated from Long Sihao five years ago, Long Sihao asked her to spend a good month in the private room in Yuyan Lou.

First, Long Sihao wanted to pay her a breach of contract of 50 billion on the grounds that he had breached the cohabitation agreement first. At that time, she was very angry and disappointed, so she tore a check of 50 billion in front of him and said that he wanted all his family property. Two-thirds of the results, he agreed easily.

On that day, she felt like he was explaining his will. It was just that she lost her mother, lost her daughter, and lost Long Sihao. Come here, so I didn't think so much.

At this moment, she connected Yanyan's words with some anomalies of Long Sihao five years ago. She figured it out and confirmed the authenticity of Yanyan's words.

Xiao Yanyan sitting beside her saw her face getting paler, she asked with concern: "Mommy, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Li Xiaoman finished looking at Xiao Yanyan, then started the car and took her back to Honghuayuan.

And she just stepped into the Honghuayuan apartment, Long Sihao's phone call again.

She looked at the phone screen for a few seconds before answering.

Before waiting for Long Sihao's voice on the other end of the phone, she said first: "Yanyan and I have arrived at Honghuayuan. I have something to ask Lott for help. You give him the phone.

Her tone was hard, eager, and trembling.

Long Sihao on the other side of the phone heard her tone a bit abnormal, as if she was deliberately suppressing something, especially when she named Lowry, which puzzled him.

When Li Xiaoman called, he was in his office, and Lowry was beside him.

Despite his doubts, he handed the phone to Lowry.

"Give me?" Lowry took the phone unexplained, "Hey, Li Xiao...Oh! I know, Miss Li, wait a moment, I'll be here soon."

Li Xiaoman hung up the phone first, and Lowry handed the phone back to Long Sihao, then he stared at him and said, "President, Miss Li said that something happened to me to go to Honghuayuan, but I didn't say anything, but also said President, you can't follow me back, and also said that if you follow me, she will take Yeonyan back to her uncle's house, and there will never be a Red Flower Garden."

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly, gazing at him deeply, "Then you're not going yet."

"The president, I went. The president, I have to tell you something. Since Miss Li asked me to go, I am not absent from work, so you can't deduct my salary from the president today." Lorry squinted. Eyes stared at Long Sihao, and then turned out of his office.

Long Sihao looked at his mobile phone tightly after he went out, thinking about what Xiao Xiao asked Luo Rui to go to Honghuayuan for no reason, why can't he follow him? Is there anything he cannot know?

Lowry used to be a racing driver, soared to Honghuayuan in less than 20 minutes, and then went straight to the luxury apartment where Li Xiaoman was.

When he rang the doorbell, Li Xiaoman was waiting for his driver in the living room.

Hearing the doorbell ringing, Li Xiaoman gazed softly at Xiao Yanyan, "Yan Yan, you go back to the room first, and I will talk with Uncle Luo for a while."

"Yeah!" Xiao Yanyan watched her mum nodding obediently, then got up and returned to her own bedroom.

Li Xiaoman got up and walked to the door of the room only after she entered the bedroom. After confirming that it was Lowry from the cat's eyes, she opened the door for him.

When Lorry came in, she looked at her in doubt and asked, "Miss Li, what's the matter with you letting me come?"

"Lot, please sit down and talk."

Li Xiaoman tried to keep his emotions as steady as he could, as he finished speaking to Lowry, he walked to the living room sofa and sat down.

When Lowry saw Li Xiaoman at the first sight from the door, she noticed that she was a little wrong. When she saw her sitting on the sofa, he paused and stepped forward to sit opposite her.

Li Xiaoman gazed calmly at Lori sitting opposite her. "Does Lott need to drink anything?"

At the moment, her face was gentle and her tone was not lukewarm, but Lowry felt that she was not as calm as she looked.

He smiled and raised his lips, "Miss Li, no need, we are all so familiar, you don't have to be so polite, just let me tell you something."

Li Xiaoman frowned at him, not turning around, "Luo Zhuo, you tell me the truth, what is Si Hao doing in the past five years?"

Lorry froze slightly, Jun Mei raised her eyebrows, and looked at her with a smile, "Miss Li, why are you suddenly so interested in the president's life for the past five years? The president has missed you for the past five years. , Nothing else, really."

"Lot Zhu..." Li Xiaoman's eyes narrowed tightly, and Qingli's expression on her face became serious. "I always believe in you, so I will call you in. I hope you can tell me the truth. I'll ask again You once, what exactly is Si Hao doing in the past five years?"


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