A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 412: Tell the truth about being sick

When Li Xiaoman saw Long Sihao squinting at her like a wolf, she might be able to pounce at any time. She narrowed her eyes. "Even if it is so, I should go back."

"Xiao Xiao..." Long Sihao's voice whispered her hoarsely, narrowly gazing at her affectionately, "I will not let you promise to marry me tonight, I will not let you go."

When he heard that he was getting married, Li Xiaoman lowered his eyes and said his lips without speaking.

Long Sihao glanced at him deeply, got up and walked to her, hugged her again, and then sat back on the bed| and let her sit on his lap.

He gazed softly at her, "Xiao Xiao, how do you position our relationship now? We are not couples, not couples, but we have daughters, and we are still so intimate..."

Speaking of which, he reached out and stroked her beautiful face, "silly girl, don't you feel wronged like this? Whether I am responsible for you or you are responsible for yourself, we should establish a relationship ."

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at him, "Long Sihao, are you changing your way to get a name from me?"

He thinks he is wronged, he is clearly the rhythm of forced marriage.

Long Sihao raised her eyebrows and gazed at her with a smile, her thin lips bent, "Just as it is, Xiao Xiao, is it good to give me a name?"

Li Xiaoman was amused by his words. She got a little smile in her eyes. She couldn't help but reached out and squeezed his handsome nose. She neither promised nor refused.

Seeing a smile in her eyes, Long Sihao knew that he was not far from success.

He buried his head in her white neck and kissed her neck, "Xiao Xiao, your daughter gave birth to you, don't you want to give me a point? Is it true that you are wrong with me?"

Li Xiaoman twitched his lips and almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

For the first time, she heard him use Shangluo language. If other people said it, she didn't think it was strange or funny, but when the big president Long Sihao said it, it was too strange and funny.

Also, how she listened to his saying "Daughter gave birth to you" was so awkward.

She raised an eyebrow at him, "Long Sihao, is your daughter born to you?"

Long Sihao's distinct five-finger fingers slurped into her long curly hair, and her eyes looked at her tenderly and affectionately, "Xiao Xiao, how can you be born without my kind? Hmm?"

His gentle and affectionate eyes were melting Li Xiaoman's heart. She lowered her eyes slightly, and was lightly kissed by her swollen pink lips. She said seriously: "Long Sihao, will you give me a little more time? Don't rush Let me promise you, it will make me feel very stressed."

His narrow and long eyes locked her deeply and said, "Well, Xiao Xiao, I don't force you, I'm not in a hurry to let you agree, but you have to promise me a few conditions."

"How many?" Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and asked questioningly: "What conditions?"

Long Sihao hooked his lips, and his voice was low and clear, "First, no more people with names and surnames should call me, but Sihao or her husband."

Li Xiaoman did not refuse, "What about the second?"

Seeing that she had no objection, Long Sihao lowered his head and pecked on her red lips. "Second, tomorrow, she and Yanyan moved back to Honghuayuan’s apartment to live, not allowed to live in your watch. Brother's house."

Li Xiaoman still did not refuse, raised an eyebrow and asked, "What about third?"

Long Sihao's evil charm raised the corner of his lips, and attached it to her ear in a low, hoarse voice: "Let me warm you every night|bed, wait|sleep, eh?"

Li Xiaoman glared at him with a lip, "Long Sihao, the cheapness will let you take up...mm...pain..."

Long Sihao didn't wait for her to finish, biting her lips and narrowly staring at her, her sharp eyes were very penetrating, "called Sihao or her husband."

The lower lip was bitten to death by him, Li Xiaoman frowned tightly, glaring at him fiercely, then whispered: "Si Hao."

Long Sihao's eyes were full of smiles, and he lifted up his thin lips with satisfaction.

Next day

Li Xiaoman woke up in Long Sihao's arms.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she met Long Sihao's narrow, long eyes. At this moment, he was eyeing her momentarily, with a gentle smile on the corner of her eyebrows.

"Xiaoxiao, early."

Li Xiaoman frowned at the gentle handsome man who was smiling.

Upon seeing this, Long Sihao narrowed his eyes narrowly and looked at her tenderly, "Xiaoxiao, what's wrong? Are you upset when I wake up?"

Li Xiaoman was not upset because of seeing him, but just thought she was too useless, too stupid, and too easy to be fooled by him.

She was tempted by him again.

She also thought about lowering his vigilance last night and outspoken his truth, but in the end he followed his words.

Why does her IQ become so low in front of him?

Is it true that everyone should have zero IQ before love?

But why is Long Sihao so smart?

She squinted at Long Sihao and said negatively, "Long Sihao, you don't love me at all."

Wen Yan said, Long Sihao was stunned, her narrow narrow eyes looked at her a little surprised, "Silly girl, how come you suddenly think so? How could I not love you?"

As the words fell, he kissed her attractive lips, his voice low and firm, "Xiao Xiao, I love you more than myself."

Li Xiaoman glanced at him, then broke away his big hand resting on her waist, withdrew from his arms, and sat up.

"Long Sihao, haven't you heard that everyone's IQ is zero before love? If you really love me, you won't be so smart in front of me, so, the smarter you are in front of me, it proves you The less you love me."

Long Sihao lightly lowered the corner of his lower lip, narrow and narrow eyes narrowed, her eyes glaring at her, "Who said that? Not scientific, Xiao Xiao, you are deliberately finding fault, and should be punished."

Sure, his eyes dimmed, rushed to Li Xiaoman, and overwhelmed her on the bed|.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and gazed at him sharply, "Long Sihao, what are you going to do?"

Long Sihao gazed at her hotly, spitting out two words in her thin lips, "Chen Yun."


Li Xiaoman left the hotel first. She did not ask Long Sihao to send her to insist on driving back to the Jinlai Community.

Although Long Sihao did not personally send her, he arranged for someone to follow her secretly to ensure that she returned to the Jinlai Community in a safe and sound state.

As soon as she entered the door, she received a phone call from Long Sihao, asking her to take their baby girl back to Honghuayuan Apartment and threatening her to move back to Honghuayuan with Yanyan today. Even if he pried the door and climbed the window in the middle of the night, he had to take their mother and daughter back to Honghuayuan.

Regarding this point, Li Xiaoman fully believes that Long Sihao did what he said.

When she proposed to Li Zhenhua to move out with Yanyan, Li Zhenhua naturally refused.

"Manman, you and Yanyan only moved back to live for one day, why did you move out again? Do you think Uncle took care of Yanyan badly?"

Li Xiaoman lowered her eyebrows, and the water eyes glanced at Li Zhenhua with a smile. "Uncle, you take good care of Yanyan."

Li Zhenhua frowned tightly, looked down at Xiao Yanyan, who was led by Li Xiaoman, and then looked at Li Xiaoman, "Since this is the case, why do you want to take Yan Yan away? Yan Yan lives here not Are you good? Manman, your mother is gone. My Wenbo brother and I are your closest relatives. When you moved out, who will take care of Yanyan when you are busy with work?"

Li Xiaoman's eyebrows were tighter, a bit embarrassed, and I didn't know how to tell her uncle Li Zhenhua.

Xiao Yanyan looked at her mum, then at Li Zhenhua, and smiled sweetly at him, the voice was tender and sweet, "Uncle grandma, you can rest assured that my mom and I will come back after a few days of staying."

When the words fell, she blinked her small eyes and looked at her mum, "Is it mum?"

Asked her to wink at her dear mom.

Li Xiaoman understood, frowned, before raising his eyes and nodding at Li Zhenhua.

She didn't want to lie to Li Zhenhua, but now she couldn't make it clear to him the real reason for her to move out with Yanyan, but it could only be done temporarily.

Li Zhenhua listened to Xiao Yanyan and said nothing, but looked at Li Xiaoman and asked, "Manman, where are you going to move?"

Li Xiaoman smiled at Li Zhenhua, "Uncle, Yanyan and I moved to Honghuayuan where I lived before."

Li Zhenhua did not ask them why they moved there, nor why did they move out for a few days, because in his heart, Li Xiaoman is no longer a child, and she has always been very rational in his work, he believes she will move Honghuayuan has her own reasons for living.

Although he was her uncle, he never interfered with her life and decisions.

He has always sent Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan out of the door and got on the car. When Li Xiaoman started the engine, he repeatedly told them to move out and live for a few days and must move back.

Li Xiaoman echoed again and again, water eyes squinted and stood in front of her a lot of older Li Zhenhua, a heartache and guilt.

Her uncle is not as good as before, and she is getting older and older, only five years later, but he is more than ten years old, and she knows that his uncle wants to live with the family and be happy. Noisy, but she can't always fulfill her uncle's wish, so she feels guilty.

Xiao Yanyan, sitting in the co-pilot's seat, saw her dear mommy frowning and worried, and blinked her small eyes and asked, "Mommy, what are you thinking?"

Li Xiaoman drove the car skillfully, and looked at Xiao Yanyan with a gentle smile. "I didn't think about anything. Why did Yan Yan just help mommy cheat uncle grandma? Does Yan Yan want to live out?"

Xiao Yanyan raised her head and watched her nod. "Well, I want to live with Dad."

Listening to Xiao Yanyan's words, Li Xiaoman knew that the little she already liked Long Sihao.

She had to say that Long Sihao really caught people's hearts.

Then Xiao Yanyan looked at her again and asked, "Does Mommy plan to marry Dad?"

Not waiting for Li Xiaoman to answer, she paused and blinked her small eyes, looked at her and asked: "Mommy, are you because your father separated from you five years ago, and I haven't come to you in these five years, You’re angry with Dad, so you didn’t promise to marry Dad, Mummy, in fact, Dad has some hardships! You can’t blame Dad, and Dad doesn’t mean not to visit Mom.”

Wen Yan, Li Xiaoman felt that she seemed to know something. She kept asking Long Sihao what was the real reason for her separation from her last night, but he kept interrupting, and finally she was fooled by him. From Long Sihao If there is no question there, she can only ask Yan Yan.

She smiled at her baby daughter Li Anyan, "Yanyan, you tell mommy, what is your dad's bitterness?"

Xiao Yanyan blinked her small eyes, "Mommy, Dad told me to keep it secret."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman was just trying to convince her to say it, and Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows and continued, "But I didn't promise Dad to tell Mommy."

Li Xiaoman smiled, "Yanyan told mommy, what is your dad's bitterness?"

Xiao Yanyan frowned lightly and thought for a moment before raising her pink face, looking at her mum's voice, and saying, "Mommy, then you are well prepared, I will say it!"

Li Xiaoman smiled at Yan Yan with a soft voice, "Baby, come on, Mommy is ready."

Xiao Yanyan looked at her mum and raised her eyebrows, "So what did I say?"

Seeing the little girl become so long-winded, Li Xiaoman glared at her, deliberately sinking her face, "Yan Yan, if you don't say anything, mommy is angry."

As soon as her words fell, Xiao Yanyan said without warning: "Dad has cancer."

"What?" Li Xiaoman was shocked, the look on Qingli's small face changed greatly, and the car stopped on the brakes, and his face paled and looked at Xiao Yanyan. "Yan Yan, what did you just say? "

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Babes: There are 3,600 words in this chapter! Tomorrow is **, and many truths that Xiao Xiao did not know have been revealed.


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