A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 406: Mummy, it’s not real.

Long Si Hao Jun's body is tight against her, her narrow squinting eyes staring at her, her beautiful face is tight and the lines are a bit cold, "Xiao Xiao, you secretly did not tell me With Yanyan left, don’t you ever think about it, if I can’t wait for you, will I be worried about you? In your eyes, what am I doing, do you even tell me not to disdain? Can't wait to leave me?"

Even though Long Sihao's expression could not be seen, Li Xiaoman felt that he was very angry now, very angry, she estimated that his face must be ugly now.


She was about to apologize and coax him. Long Sihao didn't wait for her to speak, and the sound of anger was low and clear again.

"Xiaoxiao, have you never thought about my feelings in what you do? In your eyes, am I not even a single person? I just want to start with you again. Why is it so difficult? You must Is it cold and hot to me? Yanyan is not your daughter alone. She is also my daughter. Can I stay with her for a while? Why did she take her away secretly?"

Feeling that Long Sihao was not a little angry, Li Xiaoman raised her eyebrows. She just wanted to leave with Yanyan first, but she didn’t think so much because she knew that with Long Sihao’s wit and right She understands that if she can't wait for her and Yanyan, she will surely guess that she left with Yanyan, and she must also guess that she will bring Yanyan to the Jinlai Community, so she...

She lowered her eyes, like a child who did something wrong, "Si Hao, right..."

Before her apology came out, Long Sihao's deep, clear voice sounded again.

"Xiaoxiao, I deserve it, who made me fall in love with you, I deserve to be ignored by you, deserve to be neglected by you, I should not blame you, I have always been entangled with you like a lunatic, it is me I want to chastise you with a cheeky face, I deserve it, who makes me so guilty?"

When the words fell, Long Sihao clenched his big hands, and then pulled Li Xiaoman standing in front of the door, and then opened the door and walked away.

"Si Hao..."

Li Xiaoman saw this and hurried out.

As soon as he reached the door, Long Sihao turned to look at her with a deep gaze, Shen said: "I need to calm down, don't follow me."

Then he opened the door and left.

When Li Xiaoman chased downstairs, Long Sihao just got into his car.

"Si Hao, I'm wrong..."

Long Sihao still didn't wait for her to finish, and hurriedly drove the car out of the Jinlai Community.

Li Xiaoman stood on the spot, her tears twirling in her eyes, and she really regretted her death now. If she was asked to choose again, she would not secretly take Yanyan away again.

What happened to him this time, why didn't he wait for her to finish talking?

He was talking all the way, she couldn't plug her mouth.

She stood downstairs for a long time before she re-entered her bedroom.

Xiao Yanyan was already awake. She looked at her, her small eyes flickering vigorously, and her voice was immature. "Did Mommy catch up with Dad?"

Li Xiaoman walked to Xiao Yanyan and sat down, Qingli's face was written Lost, "Yanyan, when did you wake up?"

"I woke up when Dabi Bi climbed into the window, Mommy, what you did this time! Dabi Bi didn't go to work to accompany me and play with Mommy, but Mommy didn't tell Dabi Bi, Just take me away secretly, it’s certain that Daddy will be angry. I think Mummy should apologize to Daddy, because Mummy did something wrong.”

After listening to Xiao Yanyan's words, Li Xiaoman felt more guilty in her heart. The thing she secretly took with Yanyan to leave was indeed too unreasonable and too lacking in consideration. She did not worry about Long Sihao's feelings and respected him. No wonder he would be so angry.

She raised her eyes to Xiao Yanyan, her eyebrows frowned, "Mummy really did not do enough."

"Since Mommy knows she was wrong, she apologizes to Dad." Xiao Yanyan looked at Li Xiaoman and then took the mobile phone on the bedside and handed it to her.

Looking at the mobile phone Xiao Yanyan handed over, Li Xiaoman took it and called Long Sihao.

But she got through but no one answered.

I thought Long Sihao was still angry at her and didn't answer the phone, so she called five or six times in a row, but Long Sihao didn't answer it once.

Xiao Yanyan saw her mom dialing the number again and again, blinking her small eyes and asking, "Mommy, what's wrong? Can't get through?"

"No one answered." Li Xiaoman concealed the loss in his heart, staring at Xiao Yanyan's words, and struck again twice, but no one answered.

Seeing that she didn't get through, Xiao Yanyan covered her mouth and yawned, "Mommy, you beat slowly, I'm asleep!"

When the words fell, she lay down and fell asleep.

Li Xiaoman has been calling Long Sihao, she has called many times, the result is the same, no one answered.

She made a phone call and fell asleep. The next day she woke up with her mobile phone still in her hand.

She checked her cell phone, and there were no missed calls, indicating that Long Sihao never came back.

For the first time, Long Sihao did not answer her phone or return her phone call, which made her both sad and sad.

So she was not in a good mood early this morning.

When she went to freshen up and returned to the room, her mobile phone just rang and thought it was Long Sihao. She immediately stepped forward and picked up the phone. When she saw that the caller ID on the phone screen was not Long Sihao, it was Jiang Yiyi. At that time, the expression on her clear face was very disappointed.

When she answered Jiang Yiyi's call, Xiao Yanyan also woke up.

Her delicate little hands rubbed her small eyes and looked at her mummy, her voice tenderly asked: "Mom, is it dad's fight?"

After answering the phone, Li Xiaoman frowned lightly and concealed the loss and disappointment of the big movie in her heart. The soft-eyed Xiaoyanyan said calmly, "Yanyan, you Yiyi said that today the studio came and it was hard to do 'S client, Yiyi's sister can't figure it out, so I'm going to the studio today. Yanyan is at her uncle's house. Is it okay to have an uncle?

Xiao Yanyan looked at her and nodded, "No problem, mommy go, don't worry about me."

Seeing Xiao Yanyan being so sensible, Li Xiaoman's eyes overflowed with gentle smiles. She leaned forward and kissed on Xiao Yanyan's forehead, gazing at her spoiledly, "It's worthy of me Baby girl, so good, wait two more days, Mummy will contact you to the school."

"Are you going to school again?" As soon as she heard that she was going to school, Xiao Yanyan collapsed her small face, and frowned.

Li Xiaoman smirked her lips, "Yanyan is more than four years old, of course, going to school, otherwise Yanyan will be illiterate."

In the city of H, Xiao Yanyan had already started to go to the kindergarten class. After two months of going to record a children's variety show, she hadn't gone to school because of the delay.


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