A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 405: Si Hao, you climbed the window again

Jinlai Community Night

Li Xiaoman took Xiao Yanyan back to the residence of Li Wenbo in Jinlai Community for a day, but Long Sihao did not find it. This made her a little surprised and puzzled, and of course, also a little lost.

After dinner, she returned to the room after taking a bath, sitting on the bed|after picking up a jewelry magazine that she had bought and had not read before.

After she only opened a few pages, a pair of beautiful eyes clung to the magazine tightly, her eyes flashing doubts and surprise.

She is looking at the latest issue of "New Jewelry World". The magazine model on the inside page is Yang Hong, a famous woman, and she is very familiar with the set of jewelry she wears, but not her recent work, but Five years ago.

Five years ago, when she was pregnant with her and Long Sihao's first daughter, she would draw a design as soon as she was inspired.

Among them, a jewelry necklace named "Love Kiss" is one of her most satisfying creative works.

The pendant style of this necklace is two face-to-face face designs, using platinum, which is very unique and abstract. The two face-to-face face looks like a pair of affectionate couples who want to kiss deeply. The pendant was inlaid with a heart-shaped ruby, and then the title "Kiss of Love".

When Xiao Yanyan came into the room after the shower, she was staring at this "Love Kiss" necklace.

"Mommy, what are you looking at? No blinking."

Xiao Yanyan said curiously, climbed onto the bed, leaned over her small face, blinked her pure small eyes, and her eyes fell on the magazine in her mum's hand.

At the end of the scene, her smart little eyes also widened. After taking the magazine from the hands of her mummy, after carefully watching the necklace of "Love Kiss" for a while, she said in surprise: "Mummy , I have seen this necklace!"

When the words fell, she looked at the other jewelry in the magazine, and her delicate little hand pointed at the magazine, "I have seen this, eh, I have seen this ring, and this and this..."

The jewelry in this magazine, Li Xiaoman, is very familiar, all of which she designed five years ago. Not only that, but the name of each piece of jewelry is the same as the name she left on the design draft five years ago.

Five years ago, these design drafts of hers were not processed into finished products. Why did the works that she used to design appear in the magazine?

Did someone plagiarize her work, or some other reason?

Seeing Xiaoyanyan said that she had seen the jewelry works in the magazine, she looked down at her and asked, "Yanyan, you tell mommy, where have you seen it?"

Xiao Yanyan looked up at her and blinked, "It was at the last New York Jewelry Show!"

"Last New York Jewelry Show?" Wen Yan said, Li Xiaoman looked at Xiao Yanyan in amazement, and the clear eyes flashed a doubt, why did the works she once designed appeared at the New York Jewelry Show?

At the last New York Jewellery Show, she was forcibly brought back to K City by Long Sihao. At that time, she did not go to the jewelry show held at the New York International Convention and Exhibition Center three days later, so she did not know about it.

Xiao Yanyan was surprised to see her mum and raised her eyebrows, saying: "Mum, at the last New York Jewellery Show, there were only three booths for these jewelry in this magazine! And these jewelry are very popular, and Mummy's "Red Romance" series of wedding jewelry are also bought and praised by many people, but unfortunately, Mummy was not at the time, so I didn't see it."

When I heard that Xiao Yanyan said that there are three booths for these jewelry in the magazine, Li Xiaoman was even more puzzled and surprised. The last New York Jewelry Show was international. There were many jewelers participating in the exhibition, top jewelry designers from various countries, etc. It is very difficult to apply for a booth like Jiang Zhili. If it were not Han Jinxi, she could not even apply for that booth, let alone apply for three booths.

Not to mention the cost of these three booths, even those who can apply for these three booths are definitely not ordinary people.

Who will apply for three booths to show the works she designed?

She narrowed her eyes slightly, took the magazine again from Xiao Yanyan's hands, and carefully turned it from head to tail, but found that the magazine did not mention which designer the jewelry on was from.

Xiao Yanyan saw her mom holding the magazine in her hands and turned it over and over again, looking at her curiously and asked, "Mommy, is there anything wrong with this magazine? Why did you read and read it?"

Li Xiaoman gazed at Xiao Yanyan and smiled softly, "Yan Yan, you go to bed early, mummy has something to do."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan responded and smiled sweetly at her, "That mommy should go to bed early too!"

"Good!" Li Xiaoman smiled as Xiao Yanyan responded, lowering her head and printing a kiss on her small forehead, "Yan Yan good night."

"Mummy good night."

Li Xiaoman has been sitting next to Xiao Yanyan. After she fell asleep, she took the magazine and mobile phone out of the bedroom lightly.

She pushed open the sliding door of the living room, stood on the balcony and made a phone call to the magazine "New Decoration World". She wanted to find some clues from the magazine, but still no results. The magazine refused to disclose them. Who will publish the content in this issue?

Hanging up the phone, she read the magazine in her hand again, and confirmed that the jewelry pictures published in the miscellaneous magazines were the works on the design draft she painted five years ago.

When she entered the living room from the balcony, Li Wenbo, who had just returned from get off work, just entered the living room.

When Li Wenbo saw her, she was a little surprised, and there was a trace of joy that couldn't be hidden, "Man Man, when did you come back?"

Li Xiaoman moved here from city h to city k, and lived here. She took Xiao Yanyan to Honghuayuan because she pre-empted Long Sihao from the night before. Two nights.

After five years of hard work, she has already made a deposit, and originally thought of buying a house in K City, but was opposed by Li Wenbo and Li Zhenhua. Both of them asked her and Xiao Yanyan to be their homes here. , Disagreeing and not allowing her to buy a house, so she will live here.

Looking at Li Wenbo who lost a lot of weight because he worked hard early in the morning and late at night, Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, and a touch of distress in the eyes, "I came back this morning, Wen Bo, is the company busy recently? Look at you, you are all tired and thin. Come over and sit down for a while, I’ll cook something for you."

Li Xiaoman put the magazine in his hand on the coffee table, then walked to Li Wenbo and took him to sit on the sofa, then she was ready to go into the kitchen and was stopped by Li Wenbo.

His eyes glanced at her tenderly, and Wen Ya smiled, "Manman, don't bother me anymore. I'm not tired. It's not too early. You go to bed early."

Li Xiaoman gazed at him, his eyes were gentle, and there was a slight smile on his lips, "Wen Bo, don't trouble, you wait for me for a while, I will do it quickly, don't let yourself be so tired in the future, You see that you have lost so much weight. I feel so distressed when I look at it, let alone uncle."

Speaking of Li Zhenhua, Li Xiaoman remembered that he had been nagging in front of her all day long ago.

Squinting her eyes, she sat down on the sofa and immediately raised her eyebrows at Li Wenbo. Qingli's moving face was a little more serious. "Brother Wenbo, I want to say a few words to you. ..."

As soon as Li Wenbo heard her, she guessed what she was going to say. Before she finished, he interrupted her. "Manman, it's not too early. You go to bed early. I have to go to the company early tomorrow. I'll talk about it later."

When the words fell, Li Wenbo was ready to get up, and when Li Xiaoman saw it, he immediately reached out and held him.

She raised his eyebrows at him, "Brother Wenbo, wait a minute, listen to me first, uncle is not too young, and his health is not as good as before. His biggest wish now is that you can get married and have children early, but you all Twenty-seven or eight, not even a girlfriend..."

Li Wenbo glanced at the loss, frowned, and interrupted her again. "Manman, I am only talking about career, not about feelings. I did not plan to get married. I already thought about it. If my dad wanted to Holding my grandson, I can adopt one."

"What? Adoption? Not married?" Wen Yan, Li Xiaoman gazed at Li Wenbo in surprise, "Wen Bo, are you kidding me?"

Li Wenbo stared, the frowning of his eyes was tighter, the melancholy breath at the bottom of his eyes grew stronger, and his eyes looked sadly at Li Xiaoman, a clear and warm voice mixed with a trace of loss and helplessness, "Manman, I mean it It’s not a joke. Don’t say anything about letting me get married and find a girlfriend in the future. It’s late, go to bed early."

When the words fell, Li Wenbo went straight into his own room.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman frowned and went into the kitchen, trying to help Li Wenbo cook a bowl of noodles.

He is so tired from work, how come he doesn’t have anything to eat? What's more, he has lost so much weight, it must be because he didn't eat well and sleep well.

After the noodles were cooked, she went to Li Wenbo's door in front of her face and reached for the door. After a while, Li Wenbo opened the door.

Seeing her face to face, Li Wenbo was a little surprised, "Manman..."

Li Xiaoman handed him the noodles and raised his eyebrows at him, "Brother Wenbo, eat while it's hot. I'm going to bed and remember to wash the dishes."

When the words fell, she returned to her own room.

She closed the door and turned around to turn on the light. A sudden force struck her and pushed her to the door.

She was so scared that she was about to scream, and her lips were sealed fiercely.

"Hmm... walk away... um..."

She pushed strong|Kiss who kissed her, but her hands were squeezed by a pair of big palms, the familiar clear breath lingered between her noses, she stretched out her cheeks, and couldn’t believe the man who kissed her was Long Sihao.

When did he come? How did she come in her room?

Suddenly, she remembered that the floor-to-ceiling windows in her room were not closed, and the outside was connected to a balcony. Judging from Long Sihao's previous habit of climbing windows, he came in again by climbing windows.

Knowing that it was Long Sihao, she was naturally not afraid, because she was afraid to wake up Xiao Yanyan, who had fallen asleep, and she did not struggle anymore.

Long Sihao kissed her punitively for a long time, until she was almost out of breath, he stepped back from her lips step by step.

Li Xiaoman gasped, breathing hard in the fresh air, and water eyes stared at the handsome man standing in front of her.

Does he have to kiss her every time before letting her go?

Because the light was not turned on in the room, the faint moonlight projected through the window, she saw Long Sihao not very real, only to see his blurred outline.

She looked at him and asked, "Long Sihao, won't you come in through the window again?"

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Xuan Xuan knew that the babies were very anxious now, and wish Xiao Xiao and Long Shao recognized their brother as their son at a glance, but the babies had to think about it, five years ago, Xiao Xiao and Long Shao did not know that they were born sons , They saw that Xiaolong Yi would be impossible to think of Xiaolong Yi as their son in a moment and a half. If they thought of that aspect all at once, Xiao Xiao and Long Shao would not be human anymore, it would be a god, which is not reasonable. Because the babies are anxious, they will feel that the plot progresses slowly, but Xiaolong Yi recognized it at once, it is really impossible! The plot is to be promoted, otherwise the babies will be inexplicably watching, and feel that the development of the plot is unreasonable!

There are a lot of words today. Tomorrow Xuan Xuan will send an extra two hundred words as compensation for each chapter.


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