Huo Yehong naturally also noticed that she was more polite and alienated towards him. After he looked at her with a cane in his hands, he said gently: "The longer and more beautiful Manman is, I didn't expect to see you for only five years. You It is already a famous chief jewelry designer at home and abroad, and Grandpa is very happy for you."

Li Xiaoman's Qingli face still maintains an elegant smile, and his eyes are flat on him, his tone is calm, "Thank you, Grandpa Huo has won the prize."

Huo Yehong saw that Li Xiaoman was still very estranged from him. He frowned and looked at her with concern. "Manman, it's only been five years since I saw you. Are you so estranged from your grandfather? You five Where has the year gone? Why haven’t you seen Grandpa?"

Regarding Huo Yehong's words, Li Xiaoman did not return. Seeing Huo Yehong after an interval of five years, she did not feel the kindness he had five years ago.

At this moment, a sweet and sweet voice sounded.


Hearing this "Mommy", Huo Yehong looked at Li Xiaoman in surprise, then turned to look behind him.

When he saw a little girl with pink carvings and jade made a small step, he was struck by a pair of sharp old eyes.

It was Xiao Yanyan who was coming.

Li Xiaoman saw that Huo Yunene's eyes fell on Xiao Yanyan. She flicked her eyebrows lightly, and her clear eyes flashed a complex emotion.

Xiao Yanyan walked in front of Li Xiaoman, looked at Li Xiaoman, then looked at Huo Yehong who had been staring at her, raised her eyebrows, and asked politely, "Grandpa, why do you keep watching? Holding me?"

Huo Yehong's eyes were shocked at Xiao Yanyan, who was very similar to Li Xiaoman. After a while, he looked up at Li Xiaoman and asked in surprise: "Manman, is this your daughter?"

Li Xiaoman gazed indifferently at Huo Yehong and nodded.

Seeing her nodding, Huo Yehong looked at Xiao Yanyan very kindly again and asked kindly, "What's your name?"

Xiao Yanyan looked at her mum, and then looked up and looked at Huo Yehong with a sweet and soft voice, "Grandpa, sorry! I am not familiar with you, please forgive me for not being able to reveal my fullness to you at will First name, you can call me Yanyan."

"Yanyan, good name, good name." Huo Yehong smiled and looked at Xiao Yanyan, the tone was kind, "Yanyan, I know your mommy very well, your mommy calls my grandpa, you just call me my grandpa. ?"

"Grandpa?" Xiao Yanyan blinked her eyes at her mom, "Mommy, are you familiar with this grandpa?"

Out of courtesy, Li Xiaoman didn't directly speak unfamiliar, but looked at Xiao Yanyan and smiled.

Huo Yehong saw that Xiao Yanyan was cute and cute, full of aura, and liked it very much, so she looked up to Li Xiaoman and said mildly, "Manman, when will you come back with Yanyan, you will leave for almost five years, Grandpa and I haven’t seen you for five years and want to talk to you about old times."

Looking at the kind and friendly old man in front of him, Li Xiaoman did not refuse and did not directly agree, "Grandpa Huo, my studio was just established in K City, and I will be a little busy in the near future. I am afraid I can’t spare time. If there is time, I will go back to see you."

"Okay!" Huo Yehong looked at Li Xiaoman and nodded, smiling lovingly. "Then I will wait for Manman to bring Yanyan back."

After a pause, Huo Yehong asked again, "I don't know if Manman is interested in working with Huo Shi? If Manman and Huo Shi cooperate, grandpa promises that Huo Shi will **** Manman's many jewelry."

Many jewelry is the only brand of Li Xiaoman. She applied for a patent last year. The aany jewelry specializes in wedding jewelry. Currently, the most popular is the wedding jewelry in the "red romance" series.

Although the studio set up by Li Xiaoman has a design team, but lacks a processing plant, Huo's own processing plant, her studio currently also has partners, but after the New York Jewelry Show, the studio has more orders and shipped The amount is naturally large, so she needs to find a partner again.

But she hasn't figured out who to work with for the time being.

She looked up at Huo Yehong and smiled, "Grandpa Huo, let me consider the matter of cooperation, is it okay?"

"Of course." Huo Yehong looked at Li Xiaoman kindly. "If Manman thinks about cooperating with grandpa, he can always contact grandpa."

After a few more conversations with Huo Yehong, she politely said that she was out of company and led Xiao Yanyan to the rest area.

She had just sat down, but her **** was still hot, and a handsome figure stood in front of her again.


Upon hearing the sound, Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at the handsome man standing in front of her. After seeing the other person's appearance, she looked away and did not want to take care of the people in front of her.

The handsome man is Huo Yunene. He saw Li Xiaoman and didn't want to ignore him. His handsome eyebrow twitched, and he gently smiled at her, "Manman, I didn't expect you to be a famous many designer, Congratulations."

"Thank you! I have something to do. I'm out of company." Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and said thank you indifferently. He stood up and took Xiao Yanyan about to leave, and was pulled by Huo Yunene.

He squinted at Qingli's charming and charming woman, with a hint of pleading, "Manman, we haven't seen you in five years, I want to talk to you, can you?"

Li Xiaoman was about to say no. Xiaoyanyan, who was led by her, raised her eyebrows and looked at her and said, "Mommy, I won't disturb your chat with your uncle. I'm going to eat something, so hungry!"

When the words fell, Xiao Yanyan took a small step towards the buffet table.

Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiao Yanyan who had left straight. The clear eyes flashed a little puzzled. She was more and more impenetrable to this little girl, she was more and more like her Laozi Longsi Hao.

When she thought of Long Sihao, she thought of his being treated by Yanyan and Yiyi. Although a police officer came, she believed that with his status and strength behind her, she should not be taken to the police station. You should leave the hotel.

Huo Yunene frowned when she saw her, not knowing what he was thinking. He squinted at her, and asked with inquiry, "Manman, what are you thinking?"

Huo Yunene's voice came from his ear, Li Xiaoman recovered and looked at him, alienated and smiled, "I still have something, I'm out of company."

Huo Yunene saw that she was leaving again, and a glance of loss between her eyebrows, "Manman, it's been five years, you still hate me so much, don't you want to say more to me?"

Regarding Huo Yunene's hidden sorrow, Li Xiaoman's expression was still calm, and he did not stir up a little turmoil in his heart. He smiled slightly, "General Huo, will you not hate mice after five years?"

Huo Yunene didn't understand her, puzzled her and asked, "Manman, what do you mean?"

Li Xiaoman gazed at him indifferently, pink lips raised a bit, "The mouse is annoying, even after another hundred years, it is just as annoying. I really have nothing to say to you and you are out of tune."


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