A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 390: President, who is adjusting you

The reporters who recognized him were playing their "questioning" spirit.

"Mr. Long, someone reported that you were in the hotel room. Prostitute, what is your relationship with the woman on the ground?"

The reporter's voice fell, and the woman who was crying on the ground with a pear flower and a rain shouted: "What prostitute | prostitute? Drag me here forcibly, intend to force me, woo... I'm not alive..."

Since Long Sihao was also disheveled at this time, several reporters heard the woman on the ground and believed it was true, and then asked her questions.

"Miss, may I ask how Dragon always intends to force you? Is it convenient for you to disclose?"

"Ah... is this process still to be described so clearly?"


The whole room was in a mess, Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes and glanced at the situation in the room, then took Xiao Yanyan to leave the room.

Now she has a little regret, knowing that she will not book a room in this hotel today. She intended to change her dress in the room. When the invited guests were almost there, she only appeared, but she did not expect to be in front of her. Long Sihao, who has "disappeared" for a month, will come today.

Long Sihao directly ignored the others in the room after Li Xiaoman left the room and went straight to the bathroom.

Two minutes later, Lowry brought a few people in. After learning about the situation, he "invited" everyone in the room, including reporters and police.

When Long Sihao came out of the bathroom, Lowry was waiting outside.

When he saw Long Sihao's gloomy look, he couldn't help laughing. "Haha... President, I didn't expect it! You'll be treated for a whole day, who are the reporters and the police?" Called? And who was the crying woman with the pear flower and rain? She just said that the president you intend to force x her? And the two policemen, are their eyes blind? They don’t even know the president. You have to catch the president and you go to the police station. The president reveals who is arranging you? Is it Miss Li? Isn’t this the room that Miss Li ordered? Why didn’t I see her when I came in?"

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes narrowly, and swept his face with a stern glance, and his smiling face was rapidly deformed. He sat down on the bed elegantly, and Shen Sheng asked: "Who are there at the reception?"

Lowry immediately put away the smile on his face, and looked at Long Sihao seriously, "In addition to those specially invited by Miss Li, the vice president of Enli Jewelry, vi also sent representatives, and..."

Seeing Luo Rui stop talking, Long Sihao stared at him dumbly and asked, "Who else?"

Lorry raised her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes to Long Sihao. "And your half-brother Huo Yunene, your grandfather Huo Huo also came."

"My grandfather?" Long Sihao narrowed his narrowed eyes, and a sneer was drawn from the corners of his lips.

With his thin lips tight, he said nothing, got up, and strode out of the room.

Reception hall on the third floor

I don’t know who revealed in advance that she is the many designer. She and Xiao Yanyan just entered the reception hall. A group of reporters swarmed in and surrounded her for interviews, and questions came one after another.

Some reporters first praised her beautiful, elegant temperament, self-cultivation, etc., and then asked some relatively professional questions.

"Many designer, what is the design concept of your work? Where did your inspiration come from?"

In the face of the reporter who surrounded her, Li Xiaoman's beautiful face maintained a gentle smile, an extraordinary temperament, and returned to the reporter's questions, emotions, and tone were very good, not slow, showing A confident beauty.

"For designers, design is not just drawing, it is necessary to cultivate the mind, the calendar, the so-called "calendar" is the experience, the "heart" is to cultivate, see more, listen more, can allow the body and mind to be cultivated and enrich their own Works, my design inspiration comes from nature, art comes from life, so designers should pay more attention to the things and things around them."

"Many designer, what do you think you need to be a good jewelry designer?"

Li Xiaoman's touching face still maintained a decent smile, and at this moment she became the highlight of the audience, like a shining star, attracting everyone's attention.

Her voice is clear and beautiful, and slowly flows into everyone’s ears like a clear spring. Innovative awareness, have a certain understanding of the design and production of jewelry and various materials that may be involved, and grasp the consumer needs and mentality of jewelry products."

"Many designer, what is your design philosophy?"

Li Xiaoman looked at the reporter who asked the question and smiled. "First of all, it is originality. This is what every designer will pay attention to, and I have always insisted. Second, of course, it must have its own style characteristics."

"Many designer, what do you think is the difference between design, art and business? Why did you choose the jewelry design industry?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and dazzled his smile with clear eyes. "Jewellery is a very tempting word for every woman. First of all, I am also a fan of jewelry. Becoming a jewelry designer is My dream, I like to design, make, and sculpt them. I really enjoy the process of making beautiful ones more beautiful. As for the difference between design and art, I think art is just a dream, business is just reality, but Design is a combination of dream and design."


Her answer won enthusiastic applause from the audience.

She was surrounded by reporters and interviewed for nearly an hour before she was "liberated."

After speaking for so long, she had a dry mouth and walked straight to the drinking area. She picked up a glass of red wine and took a sip, followed by an old familiar familiar voice.


Upon hearing the sound, Li Xiaoman was shocked. After a moment, he turned around, and Qingli's face maintained an elegant smile.

As she expected, it was Huo Yehong who stood behind her and called her Manman.

Five years later, apart from his white hair, eyebrows, and beards, he has not changed much. His body looks very tough and ruddy, and he seems to be much more energetic than five years ago.

Looking at Huo Yehong, Li Xiaoman's expression was calm, and he greeted with a smile, "Grandpa Huo, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The smile on her face was somewhat alienated and polite, much less gracious than five years ago.


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