Zhang Hong was already panicked, seeing Long Sihao's hand reaching her chest, ready to unbutton her button, she failed to hold back, crying and said: "Young... Master, I... I pay ...I hand it over..."

Although Long Sihao is handsome, rich, and noble, she is the goddess in the hearts of women all over the world, and she admires him very much, but she also has dignity. If she is stripped of her clothes by Long Sihao, It is equivalent to being humiliated.

Such humiliation will make her look up for life.

But she didn't know that Long Sihao couldn't really take off her clothes. He just wanted to be angry with Li Xiaoman, and she even asked him to take off clothes for other women.

Long Sihao saw her saying that Ken had handed it over, his deep eyes flashed a little appreciation of Li Xiaoman, and he straightened up.

Zhang Hong tearfully glanced at Long Sihao, who was terrified, and scared not to hesitate any more, immediately took out the micro recorder with her own playback function and regular recording that she hid on her body.

Upon seeing this, Long Sihao's eyes were cold, and he immediately took it from her hand, and narrowed her eyes narrowly and scowled at her, "You are not guilty, how dare you take this on your body? Do you want to die?"

Zhang Hong saw Long Sihao's face getting more and more terrifying, she immediately cried and begged for mercy: "Young... Young Master, I... I don't know, I really don't know..."

Xiao Yanyan looked at the miniature recorder in Long Sihao's hand and took a small step forward, curiously saying: "Hey! Handsome Uncle, is this a recording pen? Is there a recording in it?"

Li Xiaoman glanced at the aggrieved Zhang Hong on the ground, then stepped forward, took the miniature recorder from Long Sihao's hand, and found the recording inside.

As soon as she pressed play, Li Sufang's voice sounded in the bedroom, exactly the same as she had heard before.

"Manman... Manman... Why don't you listen to your mother? Why give birth to Long Sihao? Why don't you avenge your mother? Unfilial daughter, you unfilial daughter, I have raised you for so many years, unfilial daughter... ...Unfilial daughter...unfilial daughter..."

"You are an unfilial daughter. You gave birth to Long Sihao's daughter as an unfilial daughter. Yanyan is Long Sihao's daughter. I'm going to kill her."

After hearing the recording, Xiao Yanyan blinked her eyes, curiously looked at her dear mommy and asked, "Mommy, whose voice is this? Why does she say you are an unfilial daughter?"

In the recording, "Yanyan is the daughter of Long Sihao", but Xiaoyanyan heard clearly.

Blinking her small eyes, she looked up at Long Sihao, "Uncle handsome, are you called Long Sihao?"

Long Sihao looked down at Xiao Yanyan and nodded, "Yes!"

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan responded softly, understanding what she knew, and also determined something.

Li Xiaoman turned off the recording, and looked at Long Sihao and Xiao Yanyan, and then looked at Zhang Hong with a cold look.

At this moment, she no longer has the slightest heart for Zhang Hong, the poor must have hateful things.

Zhang Hong is really hateful, her mother is dead, she even uses her mother's voice to pretend to be a ghost, it is really hateful.

Although he knew that Zhang Hong was never the mastermind, the accomplices were just as hateful.

She asked in a cold voice: "Who made you put this under the bed|?"

Zhang Hong shook his head with tears on his face, "I don't know, Mrs. Young, Master, please believe me, I really don't know..."

"I don't know?" Long Sihao's narrow and narrow eyes narrowed dangerously, gazing at her with a dark eye, "I will let you pay for your ignorance."

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

This chapter is especially for the [leaf] baby. Thank you very much for the three leaves of the [leaf] baby. Xuan Xuan just saw a baby vote for Xuan Xuan**. He went to the home page to check it. Leaf] baby, very happy, really happy, Xuan Xuan bowed ninety degrees, thank you [leaf] baby.


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