A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 378: Long Shao, have good benefits

Looking at the embarrassed Li Xiaoman, Long Sihao's narrow and long eyes were full of smiles, and then leaned forward again, his long arms stretched out, and took her into her arms again, lowered her head, and attached her thin lips to her ears. On the side, the voice was low and clear and mixed with a little joking, "Xiao Xiao, listen to the housekeeper saying you think I think it's tight, do you want to... Um..."

Li Xiaoman didn't wait for him to finish his speech, reached over his mouth, glanced at him with a deep smile, and whispered in his ear, "I'm letting you come back to "catch ghosts.""

"Catch the ghost?" Long Sihao narrowed his narrow, narrow eyes, gazing at her with deep eyes, and thin lips bent, "What the **** are you catching? Catch you, this little man."

Seeing Long Sihao being serious, Li Xiaoman reached out and nipped at his waist, and when he was suffering, he raised his eyebrows and looked at him deeply and asked, "Do you believe that there are ghosts in the world?"

Seeing her look seriously, as if something happened, Long Sihao narrowed his narrowed eyes and locked her softly, "I don't believe it."

"I don't believe it either." Li Xiaoman looked at him, and then looked at Zhang Hong, seeing her look more and more panic, she slightly raised her pink lips, "But I heard my mother's voice when I was sleeping today. Now, the voice is very real, I can be sure that it is not auditory."

Because of her words, Long Sihao's narrow narrow eyes flashed unbelievable, and she looked at her deeply and asked, "Xiao Xiao, are you sure you heard your mother's voice?"

When the words fell, he followed Li Xiaoman's gaze to Zhang Hong.

After receiving his deep and sharp eyes, Zhang Hong lowered his head, and grasped the pants on both sides of her own legs with both hands.

At this moment, she was even more flustered than before, and sweat permeated on her forehead.

Because Long Sihao and Li Xiaoman's voice was deliberately lowered, she was still a bit far away from her, and she didn't hear clearly, plus she was so nervous that she didn't even want to listen, let alone know what they were talking about. Too.

Seeing her abnormal look, Long Sihao seemed very nervous. He narrowed his eyes narrowed, then looked down, and then looked at Li Xiaoman and asked, "Xiao Xiao, how do you want to catch ghosts? I must cooperate with it."

Li Xiaoman glanced at Zhang Hong, and then raised his eyebrows to Long Sihao. "You just let her hand it over. As for how you will deal with it later, that's your business."

After hearing it, Long Sihao gave her a deep glance, then the narrow, narrow eyes narrowed tightly toward Zhang Hong, and his voice was cold, "He took what, hand it over."

Long Sihao still believes in what Li Xiaoman just said. Since she said what Zhang Hong took, then Zhang Hong must have taken something.

Zhang Hong was stunned, so he looked at Long Sihao unclearly, "Young... Master, what come out? I didn't take anything?"

Although Long Sihao still doesn't know the whole story, he just believes what Li Xiaoman said.

Seeing Zhang Hong pretending to be silly, Long Sihao's eyes were cold, and he looked at her with a terrifying look, and his voice was cold, "I say it again, take it out, otherwise, you will be at your own risk."

Zhang Hong saw Long Sihao's appalling look, his face was scared, he took a step back, lowered his head and hurriedly said: "Master, what do you want me to come out, I really did not take anything, don't believe you can ask Young lady."

Then she looked at Li Xiaoman again, "Young lady, please testify to the young master for me, I really did not take anything, I really did not."

Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhang Hong. The beautiful face of Qingli had a deep expression on her face, her eyes were dull, and her tone was calm: "I'm useless to testify for you. Since I didn't take anything, I took off my clothes and tried it. "

"Mrs. Young..." Li Xiaoman's words surprised Zhang Hong, his eyes were red, and tears came out, and he immediately fell on his knees on the ground with a crying voice, "Young Master, Madam, what I really do I didn’t take it. You asked me to hand over something!"

Zhang Hong, who was kneeling and grieved, Li Xiaoman almost moved her heart, but when she thought of Zhang Hong's body, there might be evidence that her mother Li Sufang's voice sounded plain and unreasonable. Come down.

She won't be fooled by the palm of her hand as stupidly as she was five years ago. She will surely pull out the person who designed her behind her.

First of all the contraceptive dishes, then her mother’s voice sounded plain and unexplained, she was sure that the two things must be done by the same person, and the purpose of the person doing these two things must be to make her and Ryuji Hao's relationship deteriorated.

Five years ago, she also heard her mother's voice in this bedroom, it must be artificial.

She didn't believe that her mother was killed by Long Sihao, but the mysterious person behind that wanted to confuse her with the voice of her mother Li Sufang again and again, making her use Long Sihao as the murderer who killed her mother.

But the more he did this, the more she determined that her mother Li Sufang was not killed by Long Sihao, someone was framing him.

Glancing at Zhang Hong who was kneeling down, she lifted her eyes to Long Sihao and smiled slightly, "Don't you mean to cooperate with me? Now I want you to take off her clothes, right?"

Long Sihao sniffed her lips and squeezed her lips, her slender fingers gently pinched her jaw, her eyes narrowed and her eyes narrowed, her eyes glanced at her, "Xiao Xiao, OK! You are getting more and more generous Now, let me undress her, so you don’t mind me seeing her body?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows slightly, "Someone has to take it off, don't you let Yanyan go?"

Xiao Yanyan looked at her mummy and smiled at Long Sihao, "Uncle handsome, mommy let you go, just go! Take off the clothes of other women in front of mommy, so good Welfare, handsome uncle, you should steal music."

"It is indeed a good welfare, Xiao Xiao, you are instigating me to touch other women, you should never be jealous." Long Sihao bent his lips and strode to Zhang Hong, the expression on his beautiful face looked It seems very happy.

Zhang Hong knelt on the ground saw him, and he stepped back, looking at Long Sihao with a flustered expression, "Young... Master... Don't..."

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly, gazing at her with a gaze, gazing at her with deep eyes, and an unpredictable smile in the corners of his lips, "Why not?"

Speaking of which, he bent down and narrowed his eyes narrowly with a panicked look of Zhang Hong, his voice was low with a bit of a playful taste: "What are you afraid of? I look at your body once, my body lets you see Ten times, I take off your clothes once, you can take off me ten times, rest assured, the young lady will not mind, she authorized me to come and touch you."

Hearing Long Sihao's words, Li Xiaoman twitched his lips, water eyes glared at his back for a moment, wishing to stare his back out of a hole.

Asshole man, she has never seen a man with such a black belly and **** like him.

Knowing that he was deliberately angry with her, she still couldn't help but want to win.

Seeing Long Sihao's big white hand reaching Zhang Hong's chest, her squinting beautiful eyes widened a bit, still staring at him momentarily, she did not believe he dare to touch it.


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