A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 373: Joke, relationship between men and women

To meet his expectant gaze, Li Xiaoman's heart shivered and lowered his eyes, "Can we still start again? Don't you blame me for killing your daughter? You didn't say you never forgive... Well……"

Long Sihao didn't wait for her to finish, lowering her head to seal her ruddy lure|Human lips, he didn't retreat until she kissed her quickly.

His eyes were hot, and narrow eyes fixed on her, "Xiao Xiao, I don't blame you, I never really blamed you, I'm sorry, I gave up you five years ago, left you, and hurt you, it's my fault , Damn you, you give me another chance to atone for five years ago."

Li Xiaoman raised his head and stared at him for a while, then he smiled and said, "Okay..."

Listen to her and say, Long Sihao's dark black eyes are filled with a little smile, "Xiaoxiao..."

With a low voice, he was about to kiss her again, but Li Xiaoman turned his head away.

He narrowed his eyes narrowly, staring at her quietly, whispering, "Xiaoxiao."

Seeing his displeasure, Li Xiaoman raised her eyebrows lightly and raised her pink lips to the side. "I haven't finished speaking. I can promise you and you to start again, but before that, you have to do one thing. "

Long Sihao's narrow eyes looked at her with a trace of doubt, "What's the matter?"

Li Xiaoman's eyes narrowed a little bit, a slight flash of coldness flickered at the bottom of his eyes, and said lightly: "It's related to the contraceptives the day before yesterday. I must tell you that those contraceptives weren't made by me. I suspect someone is there. Secretly frame me, the purpose is to deteriorate our relationship..."

Speaking of which, she raised her eyes to Long Sihao, the smile on the corner of her lips with a bit of chill, "I don't like being framed by people's designs, so this matter must be investigated."

Long Sihao narrowed his narrowed eyes and gazed at her deeply, "You want me to find out who is framing you before I promise to start again with me?"

Li Xiaoman raised an eyebrow at him, smiled softly, and nodded, "Well."

Long Sihao hugged her into her arms again, rubbing her jaw against her forehead gently, her voice soft and low, "Xiao Xiao, even if you don't say it, I will find out about it."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows to him, his eyes softened. "Then I will give you three days. If you find out who is framing me within three days, I promise to start again with you. If you can't find out, I... um..."

Before Li Xiaoman finished speaking, Long Sihao's slender fingers covered her lips, and the affectionate Rumo Yu eyes locked her, and her voice was soft and firm, "Xiao Xiao, I will not give you up again, Even if I cannot find out within three days, I will not give up on you, and I will not allow you to leave."

Li Xiaoman glared at him, "Then what I just said does not mean nonsense."

Long Sihao bent his lips and hugged her, and her thin lips printed a heavy kiss on her forehead. "It's not nonsense. The task Xiao Xiao gave me, I will do my best to make it on time... "

Speaking of which, his warm palm held her beautiful face, her eyes glowing with affectionate glances at her, "Xiao Xiao, don't think about leaving me, I won't allow it, nor will I give you this opportunity, this life No one can separate us from anything."

From his words, Li Xiaoman felt his deep and strong love for her. She lowered her eyes and moved her heart.

Thinking of Ji Yuqing, she looked up at him again. Che Liang's beautiful eyes narrowed a little, "What is your relationship with that Miss Ji?"

Seeing her asking about Ji Yuqing, Long Sihao remembered that she was out of control because of Ji Yuqing.

His handsome eyebrows were light, his deep eyes were full of smiles, his thin lips joked, and he spit out four words ambiguously, "men and women relationship."

Li Xiaoman stared at him angrily, "Long Sihao, please tell me seriously what is your relationship?"

Long Sihao glanced at her and bent his lips, smiling, "Then tell me seriously what is your relationship with Han Jinxi?"

Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes and smiled, saying, "Like you, male~female~off~."

After a pause, she gave him a disgruntled look, "You don't have to say anything, I won't ask."

When the words fell, she pushed him away and turned to walk outside the study.

Upon seeing this, Long Sihao stepped forward, hugged her sideways, and strode toward the luxurious sofa bed in the study, squinting her eyes gently: "Xiaoxiao, you are capricious again, okay, I said, I told you carefully, I have nothing to do with Qingqing..."

"Qing Qing? Is it really intimate?" The two began to speak, and Li Xiaoman no longer hid his feelings for him. She squinted, staring at him with unpleasant eyes, and there was obviously vinegar in the words. taste.

Looking at her jealous, the smile in the narrow eyes of Long Sihao's eyes narrowed a little bit more, he just called it on purpose.

He spoiled her tipped nose gently, and said in a low voice: "Stupid girl, in my eyes, only when she is a poor person."

As the words fell, he placed Li Xiaoman's movements gently on the luxurious sofa bed, gently covering her, taking off her clothes, and said, "I only treat her as a child who needs help. "

Helping others is okay, but Li Xiaoman does not understand why Long Sihao will help her?

Because her mind was on Ji Yuqing's body, she didn't realize that Long Sihao was having a touch of carelessness|touching her and taking off her clothes.

She narrowed her eyes and looked at him, "Are you sure she was only a child?"

Li Xiaoman gazed at the vinegar, Long Sihao was in a good mood, and looked at her tenderly and softly, "Xiao Xiao, I'm sure."

Li Xiaoman was still uncomfortable. "Why do you take her with you everywhere? Can't you be without her?"

Long Sihao smiled at her, not afraid to add fuel to the fire and said, "I can't do without her."

"Long Sihao..." Li Xiaoman looked at him, his eyes burning with anger.

Long Sihao smiled and feasted on her, who was about to run away. "Xiao Xiao, anger, I haven't finished my words. Without her, how can I verify how much you love me."

Li Xiaoman glared at him, and wanted to say that the ghost loves you, but she held back.

She stopped ignoring him and squeezed her pink lips and said nothing.

Long Sihao saw that she did not say anything. The dark black eyes were filled with petting smiles, and her thin lips were attached to her ears, gently biting her earlobe, "Still angry?"

Li Xiaoman lowered his eyes and ignored him.

Upon seeing this, Long Sihao smiled, reaching for her hair and touching her hair behind her ears, revealing her white as jade auricles.

He hugged her jade ears and licked and kissed her ear sockets, causing her to tremble.

Satisfied with her reaction, he narrowed his eyes narrowly, his eyes were hot, his emotions swelled, and his voice was a little hoarse, "Xiao Xiao, do you hate the tickle of my hate now?"

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Babies: Xuan Xuan was delayed again today. In order to compensate the babe, Xuan Xuan burst even more today! By the way, some babies said that the hard work of serialized articles is so profound. Xuan Xuan has a deep experience. Xuan Xuan also chases the essays. He also chases the serial articles. Long Shao can wait for Xiaoxiao fifteen years, and the babies wait for Xuan Xuan one day There is a problem with the wood. Xuan Xuan will also have a sudden situation. Xuan Xuan still has a few final articles. Those who are interested can read it. Xuan Xuan will report the title after a while!


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