Hearing this, Li Xiaoman raised his eyes to Lorry, frowned slightly, "Lot, why are you doing this?"

Lorry smiled as Li Xiaoman raised an eyebrow. "Miss Li, I suspect that the little one is the president's daughter. Are you right?"

Before Li Xiaoman responded, he looked back at Long Sihao, who was looking at the DNA paternity test report, and asked with a smile, "How is the president? Yeon Yeon is your daughter?"

Long Sihao did not return to Luo Rui's words, but narrowed his narrow narrow eyes, his beautiful face was tight, and he tightly looked at the deformed DNA paternity test report he pinched by his hand. A piece of paper saw a hole, and his eyes looked like a sharp sword with a sharp edge.

Lorry saw Long Sihao's expression wrong, and asked in doubt: "President, what's wrong? Make sure it's your daughter who doesn't have to be excited to be so abnormal."

Immediately, he leaned forward and his eyes fell on the piece of paper that was deformed by Long Sihao. When he saw that the result shown above was Long Sihao's biological father, Xiao Yanyan's eyes widened.

Immediately he took the paper from Long Sihao's hand and stared at it for a while, then screamed in shock: "oh! no! How is this possible? How could Xiaoding be not The president’s biological daughter? Why is there no blood relationship? Is it wrong? How is this possible?"

Li Xiaoman, sitting on Long Sihao's legs, was shocked to see Lowry's face. She raised her eyes and looked at Long Sihao with doubtful eyes. She immediately got off his leg and walked to Lowry. , Took the DNA paternity test report from his hands.

When the result showed that Long Sihao was not Xiao Yanyan's biological father, she also expanded her pupils, her bright and clear eyes overflowed with shock and disbelief.

How could Yanyan not be Long Sihao's daughter?

Is the paternity test report wrong?

She took a closer look and determined that the appraisers were Long Sihao and Xiao Yanyan. Both the paternal and child samples were hair.

It stands to reason that the hair paternity test for DNA is very accurate, and it is the same as the blood test result. It is impossible to make mistakes, but why the result is displayed negates the father-daughter relationship between Yanyan and Long Sihao.

Yanyan is the daughter of Long Sihao. There is something wrong with this dna paternity test report. It is very likely that someone has moved.

Because of this, she suddenly remembered the dishes that had the contraceptive effect the day before yesterday.

It was clear that someone had set the bureau that day, and the next set let her get in.

The purpose of the next set of people is self-evident, that is, to make Long Sihao think that she does not want to conceive Long Sihao's children, so that their relationship continues to deteriorate.

If she didn't guess wrong, this dna paternity test report may also be the same hands and feet, the purpose is to worsen her relationship with Long Sihao.

Who is this person? Can you actually do something on the DNA paternity test report?

Long Sihao, who was sitting on a luxurious leather seat, narrowed his eyes narrowly and looked at Li Xiaoman, who was holding the DNA paternity test report. His eyes looked deep toward Lorry, and he said, "Go out."

Seeing Long Sihao's face was not very good, Lowry looked at him, and then looked at Li Xiaoman, sighed, and then frowned and left the study solemnly, and closed the study door intimately.

After Long Rui left the study, Long Sihao got up and walked to Li Xiaoman's back and forth, reached out to **** the DNA paternity test report in her hand, and tore it into pieces of paper.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman looked at her with complex emotions, "Long Sihao..."

Long Sihao tossed the scraps of paper at random, and the powerful big hand caught her slender wrist and pulled her into his arms. The narrow and narrow eyes looked at her beautiful and moving face, and her eyes were gentle, " Xiaoxiao, I don’t believe in science. I only believe in you. Tell me, is Yanyan my daughter, as long as you say yes, I believe it."

Hearing his words, Li Xiaoman's shining eyes stared at him stunnedly. If there was no trace of shock in his heart, it was false.

Don't believe in science, just believe in her, anyone who hears this sentence will be passive!

In fact, apart from the ruthless words he told her five years ago, he had never done anything that actually hurt her.

And she has always been wayward in front of him, always saying something to hurt him.

He wanted his daughter so much, but she did not tell him selfishly that Yanyan was his daughter. By comparison, she was more cruel to him than he was to her.

She did not directly deny it, but looked at him deeply, her eyes complex, "Long Sihao, I ask you a question, you answered me truthfully, and I will tell you Yan Yan's life experience."

Hearing the words, Long Sihao's tight narrow eyes looked at her deeply, her thin lips pursed softly, and spit out a word, "OK."

Seeing him saying yes, Li Xiaoman glanced at his eyes softly, "Where have you been in these five years?"

Long Sihao didn't expect her first question would be to ask this, he frowned slightly, and didn't want to tell her about his illness.

He hugged her, lowered his head and printed a kiss on her lips, "Xiao Xiao, is it okay to change the question?"

The less he said, the more Li Xiaoman felt that things were not simple.

She raised an eyebrow at him, "Okay, I changed the question I asked you before, where was the last time we met five years ago?"

Long Sihao looked at her with a smile, her lips light and her voice low and clear, "Dihua International Hotel."

Seeing him guess, Li Xiaoman was a little surprised, "Do you remember?"

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly and gazed at her with a deep thought. He wanted to remember what he wanted to ask, but he didn't ask, because he knew he was exposed when he asked. He said that the Dihua Hotel was completely blinded.

"Xiaoxiao, can you tell me who Yanyan's daughter is now?"

Who is the daughter of Xiao Yanyan, in fact, he already has the answer in his heart, the reason why he continues to ask her, just want to hear her say it.

Before, he suspected that Yanyan was his daughter, but after a while, he was not only doubtful, but determined.

When Xiaoxiao had just seen his dna paternity test report denying his father-daughter relationship with Yanyan, a small expression appeared on his small face, which was enough to prove that the result of the dna paternity test report was wrong. Otherwise, his Xiaoxiao will not be a shocked and unbelievable expression.

Her unabashed shock expression is the most authentic portrayal of her heart.

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at him tenderly, slightly tickled the corner of his lower lip. "Although you answered my second question correctly, you didn't answer me the first question."

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes and looked at her tenderly. He found it really difficult for her to admit that Yan Yan was his daughter.

But he has a way for her to admit it.

His strong arms encircled her tightly, and no longer asked Yanyan if it was his daughter's question, but looked at her affectionately with a soft smile on her lips and a low voice. "Xiaoxiao, we Would you like to start over again? Let's throw away everything before and start over."


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