A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 368: Mommy, like handsome uncle

She looked up at her mummy and asked questioningly: "Mummy, who was the elder sister who the younger sister said just now? And mommy, you haven't told me, how did you come here? I thought Mummy was abducted by the handsome uncle, but to see that Mummy eats well, dresses well, lives well, and is called the young lady, it doesn’t look like she was abducted! Mummy, aren’t you? Come voluntarily? Mommy, do you like that handsome uncle?"

Hearing Xiao Yanyan's crackling series of questions, Li Xiaoman picked up a piece of fish and stuffed it into her small mouth, and gazed at her tenderly, "I will tell you if you eat first and eat."

Xiao Yanyan chewed the fish in her mouth twice and said vaguely: "Mommy, I want to know now, what do you say!"

Li Xiaoman's eyes narrowed slightly, and her eyes looked at her gently, with a faint smile on her lips, "Baby, you can't sleep without food, you know?"

Her voice is very gentle, and her lips are also smiling, but Xiao Yanyan knows that if she is disobedient, her mum will be soaring.

She didn't like to make her mum angry, so she stopped asking, and lowered her head to concentrate on eating, but a cunning light flashed in those pure little eyes.

After eating, Li Xiaoman called Li Xue from inside to clean up the tableware, and then pulled Xiao Yanyan to take a shower in the bathroom.

Because Xiao Yanyan didn't bring anything when she came, and after taking a shower, Li Xiaoman was thinking about what clothes to wear for her, and Li Xue brought several sets of skirts, shoes and stockings worn by the little girl.

These clothes were recognized by Li Xiaoman at first glance. When she was pregnant with her first daughter five years ago, Long Sihao specially bought them for their first daughter.

At the beginning, I only bought clothes that I had to wear when I was one or two years old. Later, Long Sihao went to the age of sixteen, but it was a pity that their first daughter had no chance to wear them.

Li Xue cannot send clothes for no reason, unless he has followed Long Sihao's order, and without Long Sihao's orders, Li Xue dares not belong to their first daughter's clothing, because that is Long Sihao Taboo.

But she really didn't expect that Long Sihao even asked Li Xue to wear the clothes he bought for their first daughter for Yanyan. Shouldn't he be very repulsive and hate Yanyan?

The emotions in her heart were very complicated, there was doubt, and there was a touch of emotion. To hide these emotions, she took a beautiful princess dress and entered the bathroom to let Xiao Yanyan put it on.

After wearing it, Xiao Yanyan turned a few laps happily before she smiled and looked at her dear mommy and asked, "Mommy, who bought this skirt? Very discerning, so beautiful!"

Li Xiaoman smiled at her, but did not tell her that it was bought by Long Sihao. She took her little hand out of the bathroom, walked to the luxurious round bed | Sit down, and then looked at it in doubt She asked: "Yanyan, tell Mommy, how did you find here? How do you know Mommy is here?"

Seeing her own dear mommy, Xiao Yanyan told her how she came here.

After listening, Li Xiaoman's eyes were red and moist, and Xiao Yanyan was hugged into her arms. The clear eyes were filled with tears, and she said guilt and self-blame. "Yanyan, I'm sorry! It's mommy. Worried you, it’s mommy, you’re hungry outside the te building for a whole day, baby, you’re great, but you won’t be allowed to do such dangerous things in the future, you won’t be allowed to take a taxi alone, let alone Lie again."

Xiao Yanyan raised her pink face and saw her mum crying. She reached out her hand and wiped the tears on her face, obediently said, "Mom, I'm sorry! I made you cry, I It was because I wanted to see Mommy so much that I did this. I assured Mommy that I would never lie anymore, and that Mommy should not cry anymore."

Li Xiaoman reached out and wiped the tears in the corners of his eyes, and looked at Xiao Yanyan with a smile, hugged her tightly, "Mom doesn't cry anymore, Yanyan, Mommy misses you too, Mommy is useless, Mommy didn’t think of a way to go out to meet you early, and Yan Yan who was in danger was looking for Mommy alone."

Xiao Yanyan's delicate little hands held Li Xiaoman's neck intimately, raised a small eyebrow, and smiled at her sweetly, "Mummy is not useless, Mummy is a very powerful chief jewelry designer, New York jewelry Mummy is not here, Mummy didn’t see how many people like the jewelry works designed by Mummy, by the way, Mummy’s private jewelry design studio has many more orders! According to Sister Yiyi’s call, the studio took orders It's soft now!"

Jiang Yiyi is Li Xiaoman's assistant and a very good jewelry designer in her private jewelry design studio.

Although Li Xiaoman is the person in charge of the studio, other than Jiang Yiyi, other people in the studio do not know.

Other people only know that she is the design director of the studio, but she does not know that she is a many designer.

Generally, when she is not in the studio, Jiang Yiyi handles everything in the studio on her behalf.

Because she has to take care of Yanyan, she rarely goes to the studio. Only when she occasionally encounters some difficult clients, she will go to the studio in person.

Moreover, the studio was established in the name of many chief designers. With the fame of many designers, the studio is now naturally taking orders and getting soft.

Li Xiaoman was naturally pleased to hear that the studio she had set up had more orders, and all she had to do now was to find a way to leave here.

It was difficult for her to leave alone, and it was even more difficult to bring Xiaoyanyan.

After hearing Xiaoyanyan say that she was hiding in Lowry's car, she was suspecting that Yanyan could enter the villa smoothly, maybe Lowry deliberately brought her here.

If the reason is that Long Sihao did not let Lowry come to the villa, he could not come here for no reason, or even come here at night, so he probably knew that Yan Yan was hiding in his car, intentionally Brought her to the villa.

Especially Yanyan also said that Lowry sang a lot of songs in the car. If Lowry sang other songs, she wouldn’t think he was intentional, but he also deliberately sang the children’s song "Xi Yang Yang", which is enough to prove He did it on purpose.

Another reason was that when Lowry arrived at the villa, the housekeeper called the maid and bodyguards away from the main building, and also told Yanyan where she and Long Sihao were. Obviously, he was intentionally supporting those people and letting Yanyan came to her.

All the signs prove that Lowry deliberately brought Yanyan here, but what made her a little confused is why Lowry did this?

It is impossible for Long Sihao to order him to bring Yanyan here, so he must have done so privately.

Xiao Yanyan saw that her mummy didn’t know what she was thinking. She yawned with her delicate little hands and covered her mouth. She said sleepily, "Mommy, I'm so sleepy! I want to sleep."

After hearing that, Li Xiaoman put away all his thoughts, and looked at her gently, "Okay, Yanyan sleeps first."

"Well! That mummy is good night, mum also goes to bed early." Xiao Yanyan smiled at her sweetly and lay down.


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