A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 367: Young lady, need a drug test?

Seeing Xiao Yanyan’s condition at her young age, Long Sihao narrowed her long narrow eyes, remembering her outstanding performance on the stage at the New York Jewelry Opening Dinner, she couldn’t help but treat her younger age more A little appreciation.

It’s rare to be so smart at such a young age and so sensible.

Then he stood up from the sofa, strode toward the entrance of the study, and opened the study door.

Li Xiaoman, who had been standing outside the door of the study, saw Long Sihao opening the door of the study, narrowed his eyes and looked at Long Sihao, and hurried into the study.



Seeing her mother come in, Xiao Yanyan got up from the sofa and took a small step towards her.

Li Xiaoman was relieved to see her all right.

Long Sihao narrowed his narrowed eyes because of the obvious worry on her face and a sigh of relief, and the lines on Junmei's face were a bit cold.

In her heart, what kind of heinous person did he regard his Long Sihao?

Will he start with a little girl over four years old?

His Xiaoxiao hurt his heart too much.

He walked to the entrance of the study and looked at Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan with a deep gaze, and left the study without saying anything.

Since Li Xiaoman was facing away from the study door, and Xiao Yanyan was facing the study door, she naturally discovered that Long Sihao had left.

She looked up at her mummy and blinked her small eyes and said, "Mommy, the handsome uncle is gone, he looks like he is very unhappy. By the way, mommy, the handsome uncle said that he has a leg with you Not really?"

Li Xiaoman heard the words and turned to stare at the door of the study. When Long Sihao left, she frowned slightly and was about to take back her sight. Then she saw maid Li Xue walking in from outside the study.

"Young lady, the meals are ready and delivered to your bedroom."

Xiao Yanyan saw that the maid in front of her was Mrs. Li Xiaoman. She was a little puzzled and raised her head. She asked, "Mummy, why did that sister call you Mrs. Young?"

Li Xiaoman didn't want Xiao Yanyan to know the involvement between her and Long Sihao, and looked down at her with soft eyes, and said softly, "They screamed."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan frowned lightly, looked at the maid Li Xue suspiciously, and then looked at her mum, pulled her slender hands to shake, collapsed her small face, flattened her small mouth, and her tears were shining Said: "Mommy, I'm really hungry."

Without the permission of Li Xiaoman, she will not eat other people's food, so she is now asking for Li Xiaoman's consent.

She was very distressed and distressed at this time, but Li Xiaoman was very distressed.

She reached out her hand gently and touched her little head. She smiled and said, "Okay, let's eat now."

When the words fell, she took Xiao Yanyan's little hand out of the study and returned to the master bedroom.

In the luxurious and magnificent bedroom, there is a round luxury dining table, which is full of delicious food.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan smelled the smell of the tangy food.

Xiao Yanyan sucked her nose, and her pure little eyes glowed with light, "Mommy, so fragrant, it looks delicious."

Immediately she stepped forward, pulled the seat off, and sat up first.

Li Xiaoman stepped forward and sat beside her. At night, she only ate a bowl of noodles. She was actually hungry. When she saw the food on the table, she was naturally appetite.

Xiao Yanyan blinked her eyes and looked at the various shapes on the table. She looked delicious. She almost drooled. Instead of moving her chopsticks immediately, she looked up at her mummy and tried. Sexually asked: "Mommy, can I use chopsticks?"

Li Xiaoman was about to speak out, and as they came in, Li Xue stepped forward. She held a silver needle in her hand and handed the silver needle to Li Xiaoman, said respectfully: " Young lady, do you need to try the poison? These dishes are all ordered by the young master to let them cook. The young master said that if the young lady is not at ease, you can try the poison."

After hearing the words, Li Xiaoman's eyes narrowed, his eyes fell on the silver needle in Li Xue's hand, and his lips could not help twitching.

Long Sihao must have been deliberate. He came to her intentionally.

He must have implied that she was the gentleman's belly with the heart of the villain. It seems that he was angry about her just worrying about Xiao Yanyan's thing, and he deliberately made this out.

He is desperate for her.

Really a soulless man.

In ancient times, silver needles can be tested for poison, but in modern times, this is simply unscientific.

For example, egg yolk, which was originally non-toxic but contains a lot of sulfur, will turn black when the silver needle is inserted.

On the contrary, some are very toxic items, but do not contain sulfur, such as toadstools, nitrite, pesticides, rat poison, cyanide, etc., if the silver needle comes into contact with them, there will be no black reaction.

Therefore, the silver needle cannot identify poisons, nor can it be used as a tool for drug testing.

It is impossible for Long Sihao to know these common senses. He deliberately asked the maid to take a silver needle to test her poison, which must be intentionally angry with her.

He was declaring his dissatisfaction and anger.

Guessing Long Sihao's thoughts, Li Xiaoman's eyebrows fell deep. She just worried about Yanyan too much before ignoring Long Sihao's feelings.

At the moment she felt guilty.

Then she lifted her eyes to Li Xue, "No need to test."

She didn't take the silver needle that Li Xue handed over, raised her eyebrows to Xiao Yanyan, who had been waiting for a long time, smiled softly, and nodded gently, indicating that she could move the chopsticks.

With the consent of her mommy, Xiao Yanyan, who was already hungry with her front chest attached to her back, devoured.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman was afraid that she would choke on it, and Shui Yan looked at her worriedly, "Yan Yan, eat slowly, be careful to choke on."

"Huh!" Xiao Yanyan nodded, and obediently slowed down her meal.

Li Xue, who was waiting by the side, looked at Xiao Yanyan and then looked at Li Xiaoman, and said with a smile: "Young lady, your daughter looks really like you."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and smiled politely at Li Xue, "How do you know that Yanyan is my daughter?"

Li Xue smiled and looked at Xiao Yanyan before looking at Li Xiaoman again, "Young lady, the young master said, and the young master just came downstairs and told him that we must take good care of young lady and your daughter. Miss Yanyan..."

After a pause, Li Xue continued to ask, "Mrs. Young, is Miss Yanyan the daughter of you and the young master?"

Li Xiaoman frowned and looked at Li Xue only with a smile, neither saying yes nor no.

Li Xue saw that Li Xiaoman didn't answer, and she didn't ask any more, and said respectfully: "Young lady, I'm going out first. If you and Miss Yanyan eat well, call me inside."

When the words fell, she respectfully left the bedroom.

After eating for a while, Xiao Yanyan felt less hungry, so she chewed slowly like a little lady.


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