A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 347: Mommy, be careful about getting fat

Ji Xinqing saw that Long Sihao took the Bondi sticker from the medicine box. She frowned lightly and lowered her eyes, saying, "Mr. Long, let me..."

Before her words fell, Long Sihao picked up her finger and put a Bondi sticker on her.

Upon seeing this, Ji Xinqing frowned more tightly, and hesitated for a while before asking: "Mr. Long, why do you treat me so well?"

In fact, she already wanted to ask this question.

Five years ago, when she met Long Sihao, she was only 17 years old. She was still a nurse intern and happened to intern in the hospital he was treating...

She settled in the United States with her mother when she was five years old.

When she was ten years old, her mother married a Chinese American.

At first her stepfather was okay with her, and then his stepfather divorced her mother and married another woman because the business failed.

When her mother was fifteen at the age of fifteen, she was forced to remarry because of life, but she did not take her anymore. As a result, she became an orphan.

Without Long Sihao's subsidies, she could not finish her studies at all...

Long Sihao didn't expect that she would suddenly ask this question. He narrowed his eyes narrowly, gazing at her deeply, the expression on her beautiful face was unfathomable, her thin lips were light, and she didn't reply to her.

In general, the question that Long Sihao does not answer, Ji Yuqing will not ask again, but today she wants to know the answer.

She lowered her eyes, "Mr. Long, can you tell me why?"

She raised her eyes and summoned the courage to look at his beautiful and confusing face, "Why are you helping me?"

Long Sihao looked at Ji Yuqing, who had never been so firm as before. The narrow and narrow eyes narrowed a little, and his voice was low. He could not hear any tone. "I never felt that I was helping you. Don't ask such questions again in the future."

When the words fell, Long Sihao passed her and strode away.

Upon seeing this, Ji Yuqing frowned deeply, and turned to look at Long Sihao, who strode away. He wanted to ask something, but when it came to his mouth, he swallowed it back.


The first thing Li Xiaoman got up this morning was to read the newspaper.

Because Li Zhenhua has the habit of reading newspapers, she does not have to go out to buy.

When she saw that Long Sihao really made headlines, she smiled and hooked her lips. Long Sihao should have seen the newspaper now, he must be very angry to strangle her.

Afterwards, Xiao Yanyan saw that her mother’s face was not washed, her teeth were not brushed, her hair was not combed, she was wearing pajamas, sitting on the sofa in the living room with a newspaper, and she was smiling treacherously. She walked over curiously. Her mother took the newspaper in her hand.

"Mummy, what do you think?"

Li Xiaoman took the newspaper back from Xiao Yanyan's hand, and looked down at her with a gentle voice, "Go wash your face and brush your teeth. After breakfast, we will go back to H city."

After hearing the words, Xiao Yanyan flattened her mouth and glared at her dissatisfiedly, "Mommy, why are you doing this? Can you lie to swindle the kid? You said you will be staying for a few more days this time, but you just stayed One night, you said you would go back."

Li Zhenhua, who came out of the kitchen, heard Xiao Yanyan's words, looked at Li Xiaoman with a dignified look and asked, "Manman, did something happen? Didn't you say that you should stay a few days longer when you come back? Why?" Suddenly leaving?"

Li Xiaoman looked at Xiao Yanyan, and then looked at Li Zhenhua, and her eyebrows fell lightly, "I'm afraid I can't stay for a few more days this time. I want to go to the New York Jewelry Show six days later. I have to go back in advance and prepare ."

Li Zhenhua listened to her saying that it was a matter of work, and it was not easy to keep it. His eyes asked with expectation: "When will you come back?"

Li Xiaoman looked forward to seeing Li Zhenhua, and she couldn't bear it. She hadn't lived with Mayor K for the past five years, and she should return.

After making up her mind, she looked up at Li Zhenhua and smiled with a smile on her lips. "Uncle, I will move back when I finish this New York Jewellery Show."

"Really? Great, I can live with my uncle and grandpa." Xiao Yanyan clapped her hands happily.

Li Xiaoman looked down at Xiao Yanyan with a soft gaze, and smiled. "Of course it is true. Since Yanyan likes k-city, we will move back to k-city."

"Huh!" Xiao Yanyan nodded heavily, and then collapsed her small face again, "But my mom and I moved to K City, and Daddy was alone in H City! I want to see Daddy in the future. It's difficult."

Seeing Xiao Yanyan will be happy for a while, her face will be broken for a while, Li Xiaoman asked with a helpless smile: "So what do you want? Do you want to live with your uncle and grandpa? Or live in city H?"

Xiao Yanyan frowned, then smiled brightly, smiled sweetly, and said in a childish voice: "I have a solution, I will discuss with Daddy."

When the words fell, she trot into the bedroom again and called Han Jinxi.

Li Xiaoman turned to the bathroom after Xiao Yanyan went to the bedroom, and Li Zhenhua's voice rang behind her.

"Manman, what time do you and Yanyan return to H city today? I called to let Wenbo come back to send you."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman turned to look at Li Zhenhua and smiled, "Uncle, Wen Bo must be very busy in the company, don't bother him."

When the words fell, she entered the bathroom.

From city k to city h, it takes about an hour by plane, and the ticket is not difficult to buy.

After eating breakfast, she took Xiao Yanyan back to h city.

Because there will be a jewelry opening dinner the day before the New York Jewellery Show, she took Xiao Yanyan to Han Jinxi's private plane and flew to New York one day in advance.

The jewelry opening dinner was held at a five-star hotel in Manhattan, New York, and began at five in the afternoon.

This time, there are celebrities from all walks of life, celebrities at home and abroad, business counsellors, business elites, cultural celebrities, performing stars and so on.

Li Xiaoman, with Xiao Yanyan and Han Jinxi who specially accompanied her to the exhibition, set off from the hotel where they stayed at 4:30.

When it reached its destination, it was less than five o'clock, but it was already full of merchants.

This jewellery fair is international and very formal, and there are many procedures to be carried out.

Because the red carpet is laid out in front of the hotel and down to the hotel lobby, every participant will be escorted through the red carpet when they arrive at the hotel.

After Xiao Yanyan got out of the car, she held Li Xiaoman in one hand and Han Jinxi in one hand, and smiled sweetly, "Wow! There is a red carpet! Daddy, Mommy, it's on the red carpet."

Immediately, her cherry-colored mouth opened slightly and hummed her wedding march, "Dangdang Dangdang...Dangdang Dangdang Dangdang..."

Hearing Xiao Yanyan's childish song, Li Xiaoman twitched her lips and glared at her, "Yan Yan, no mischief."

Xiao Yanyan turned her head and threw her tongue mischievously towards her, just about to make a sound, Yu Guang glanced at some familiar figures.

After seeing the faces familiar with the figure, a little surprise flashed in her small eyes, and then released her mummy's hand, pointing to her mum's back, the voice said naively: "Mummy, we and Those uncles are so lucky!"

Xiao Yanyan did not make it clear who the uncles were. Li Xiaoman turned his head out of curiosity, but saw Long Sihao, Ling Hanye, Su Yi, Lowry, and Ji Yuqing.

Long Sihao's high-end custom handmade black slim suit, elegant and elegant, noble and extraordinary.

Walking with him was Ji Yuqing in a pale yellow tube top dress.

She is still a soft black straight hair shawl, with a light makeup, delicate appearance, elegant temperament, giving a sense of quietness and purity.

The unique design of the colorful diamond necklace worn on her neck made her feel familiar. The design of the necklace is very similar to hers.

She frowned slightly and moved her gaze back from Ji Yuqing's body. She deliberately did not look at Long Sihao, turned her head back as if she hadn't seen anything, and led Xiao Yanyan into the hotel lobby with her head high.

The signing place was set for the evening banquet of the jewelry exhibition. Guests should enter the signing place and sign with a golden marker. The

At this time Li Xiaoman was in the cocktail party area, and Han Jinxi met an acquaintance as soon as he entered the room, and communicated with the acquaintances on the side.

Xiao Yanyan saw her mum standing in front of the dining table and was eating dessert. She opened her small mouth and stared at the pure star-like eyes. The voice was tender and asked: "Mom, are you hungry?" ? But you eat a lot today too! Be careful about getting fat, nobody dares to ask you."

Xiao Yanyan's words fell, and Lowry's voice rang behind her.

"Do not be too small. Everyone wants your mom to be fat."

Hearing the sound, Li Xiaoman was stunned and turned to see a blue slim suit. Very handsome and handsome Lori was standing behind her. His mature face was full of smiles.

"Luo Tezhu..." She raised her eyebrows slightly, and the subtle eyebrows of water and moving eyes subconsciously glanced behind him, but did not see Long Sihao. While she was relieved, she felt a little lost in her heart. .

Lori raised his eyebrows and smiled at the increasingly beautiful Li Xiaoman, with a smile on the corner of his lips, "I haven't seen you in five years, Miss Li is getting more and more beautiful."

Li Xiaoman smiled at Lori's polite, elegant and charming temperament, "Lote Zhu is getting more and more handsome."

At this time, Xiao Yanyan's childish and sweet voice sounded, "The age is getting older."

Hearing the words, Lowry slightly twitched the corner of his lower lip, his face crying, and his heart, liver, spleen and stomach hurt.

He knew he was getting older, but why was this little girl so honest!

He squinted at Xiao Yanyan and asked, pleased, "Little, tell your uncle, what's your name?"

Xiao Yanyan looked at Lori, and then looked at her mummy. She thought her mum and her uncle knew each other. After thinking deeply, she raised her small face and looked at Lori. Just about to say her name, Li Xiaoman interrupted her aloud.

"Yanyan, go to your daddy first. I have something to say with this uncle."

Xiao Yanyan has always listened to her mummy. When Li Xiaoman said this, she smiled sweetly and agreed, “Then I’ll go to Daddy’s, and don’t disturb Mummy and the older one. 'S uncle chatted!"

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

I wish the babies a happy Dragon Boat Festival!


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