A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 346: President, great figure

Li Xiaoman's lips twitched lightly, walked to the bed, took her mobile phone, looked down at her, and settled her face, "Yan Yan, go to bed, do not play with the mobile phone more than eleven o'clock."

Xiao Yanyan was lying on the bed, her mouth flattened, "Mommy is fierce. If you don't play, you won't play."

Immediately she pulled the quilt and leaned on her side, not looking at her mummy.

After turning off the light, Li Xiaoman lay beside her and reached out to hug her little into her arms, lowered her head and kissed her little forehead, gazing softly at her, "I Look, is my little Yanyan angry? Where is Mummy fierce? Isn't it gentle? Yanyan, Mummy is good for you. Good morning, good morning, ok?"

Xiao Yanyan raised her head in the arms of her dear mother, blinked her eyes, and smiled sweetly, "I'm not angry! I'm not so stingy, I know mommy is good, I will I’m not going to play on my cell phone so late, can that mommy tell me, what is mommy going to do tonight? Why is there a photo of the handsome uncle on Mommy’s cellphone?"

Li Xiaoman frowned slightly, softly gazing at her with a bit of temptation and asked, "Yan Yan, what do you think of that handsome uncle? Hi... Do you like him?"

She wanted to know how Xiao Yanyan's impression of Long Sihao, after all, Long Sihao is her...

Xiao Yanyan looked at her mom curiously, "Mommy, I am not familiar with that handsome uncle, I don't know if I like it or not! Why does Mommy ask so?"

Li Xiaoman gazed at her, smiled softly, and said softly: "Mommy just asks casually, it's late, go to bed."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan responded, closing her small eyes obediently.

Li Xiaoman gazed at her softly and smiled from the corners of her lips. After she lost so much, God sent Yanyan, a wise and clever little angel, to her. She felt very lucky and happy.

A kiss was printed on Xiao Yanyan's small forehead, and she picked up her phone and called Han Jinxi to tell him something.

Next day

Lake Heron Villa.

Long Sihao, who had not slept all night after returning to the villa, was sitting in his study room, holding a newspaper in his hand, his narrow narrow eyes staring at the headline above, his beautiful face sharply and weakly. Gloomy and horrifying look.

Also in his study were Lowry and Su Yi.

Lowry's shoulders shuddered, biting the lower lip tightly, and kept smiling, the handsome face was almost deformed.

Su Yi next to him frowned slightly, no expression on his face.

Luo Rui saw Long Sihao's eyes since he saw the newspaper. He smiled and said, "President, I didn't realize until today that your figure is so good..."

Speaking of which, he gave a thumbs-up and raised a handsome eyebrow. "It's awesome, really, it's awesome."

Seeing Long Sihao's face grows darker and more terrifying, he continued without fear of death: "Shibe don't treat each other on the 3rd, Ms. Li really has the ability, she can even pick up the president's clothes and tie it to the light pole. Publish your photo of the president, and make the president’s car ruin badly. By the way, the president, because Miss Li parked your car on a road that shouldn’t stop, it was covered with fines. President, you The second car was lost, **, there are so many tickets, and a lot of losses! I didn’t expect it! Miss Li has become so black and so whole, if it wasn’t last night..."

Seeing Lori chattering endlessly, Long Sihao narrowed his narrowed eyes, staring at him sharply, "Shut up."

Lori's words weren't finished yet, and some unwillingly closed his mouth, and then raised his index finger, Jun squinted into a line, "President, I say one more word, your car has been completely scrapped."

Hearing that his car was scrapped, Long Sihao's mood did not fluctuate much.

His eyes narrowed, and his eyes fell on the newspaper in his hand again. There were two photos on it, one of which was the new shape of his Rolls-Royce under Li Xiaoman's "mutilation" and the other. It was a picture of him stripped off her body and tied to a light pole.

The title above is actually "The rich master was robbed in the middle of the night, and the best animal is a big man".

The title did not state his identity, nor did he mention the three characters of his name Long Sihao. In addition, the photo was taken at night, and the clarity was naturally no less than during the day.

When Li Xiaoman took photos last night, he didn't take the front of the camera, but the side, so he couldn't see his face.

Even his Rolls-Royce, which was unbearable, did not capture the license plate number.

Obviously, Li Xiaoman is defending him and showing mercy to his men.

Although she published the photo, although she smashed her car, she minimized the damage to him.

After all, she still loved him.

In addition to Lori, Su Yi and others who are familiar with Long Sihao, others cannot recognize him with only two photos and a title.

When Long Sihao saw the newspaper at first, he was really angry, but when he found out that she had maintained his small details, a smile appeared in his long narrow eyes, and the gloomy look on his beautiful face gradually Replaced by a touch of soft color, it turns out she still cares about him.

Lorry saw a smile in Long Shihao's eyebrows. Some of his monks were puzzled. Wasn't their president angry? Why did you laugh suddenly?

Is it the mental disorder stimulated by Miss Li?

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Su Yi with some puzzled eyes.

Su Yi was still expressionless, but his slender black eyebrows curled slightly.

Long Sihao folded the newspaper in his hand and placed it on the red sandalwood desk. The narrowed eyes narrowed slightly and turned to Lorry. Shen Sheng asked: "How did I let you investigate? Alright?"

After hearing this, Lowry came back to him and smirked at him with a raised eyebrow, "President, you can be considered normal again, I thought your nerves stimulated by Miss Li were abnormal..."

Long Sihao's eyes were gloomy and his expression gloomy. "Would you like to say one more nonsense?"

Seeing Long Sihao change his face again, Lowry immediately put away his laughing expression, stood straight, and said seriously: "President, things have finally been clarified. Miss Li did indeed have a child five years ago, just in k city. Was born in the maternity hospital, and Ms. Li also requested a caesarean section."

Hearing the words, Long Sihao tightened his narrow eyes, his deep eyes turned into complex emotions, and his big white hands clenched tightly, Shen Sheng asked, "Who is the child's biological father?"

Luo Rui glanced at him with a gloomy expression, frowned and said, "When Miss Li gave birth to a child five years ago, Han Jinxi was with her. On the child's birth certificate, the registered father was also Han Jinxi, and Miss Li was in A jewelry design studio was established in City H. A few days ago, a well-known chief jewelry designer named many held a personal jewelry exhibition. However, the whereabouts of this many designer’s whereabouts are mysterious and I have never appeared in public. I doubt this The chief jewelry designer named many is likely to be Miss Li, and there are six days later at the New York Jewelry Show. Does the president intend to participate? I heard that there are 2,000 international jewelry merchants participating in this exhibition and 20,000 buyers.

many designers?

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes narrowly, temporarily suppressing the complex emotions in his heart, and thin Mei's lips lightened, "Give you three days, be sure to investigate the exact identity of this many designer."

"Yes." Lowry responded and raised his eyes to Long Sihao. "I will investigate as soon as possible. Will the president of the New York Jewellery Show participate?"

Long Sihao slightly raised his lips, gazing at Lori with deep eyes, and asked, "What do you think?"

Long Sihao does not have to say clearly, and Lowry also understood what he meant, and responded: "I will arrange it immediately."

When the words fell, Lowry turned and left the study.

Su Yi, who remained in his study, frowned, raised his eyes, and asked him, "Si Hao, are you going to exhibit? Use her work?"

Long Sihao looked at Su Yi and nodded. The expression on Junmei's face was deep. "This surprise, I started preparing five years ago, and now is a good opportunity."

It is said that Su Yi's brows are tighter, and there is a complex look in the black and white pupils under the lens, and the expression is puzzled and asked: "Si Hao, I can't understand you, you were not five years ago Blame her for killing your daughter? Don't you hate her?"

Long Sihao's eyes glanced deeply at Su Yi, his thin lips lightly pursed, "I never hated her."

After listening to what he said, Su Yi pondered for a moment before raising his eyes and asking him, "Ji Yuqing is her substitute! Because Ji Yuqing has the same temperament as her."

When he said this, Ji Yuqing just came to the door of the study with a cup of coffee. When he heard his words, Ji Yuqing lost his mind, and the coffee in his hand fell to the ground. The coffee cup shattered and made a "bang" sound. , Shocked Long Sihao and Su Yi.

When hearing the sound of Long Sihao and Su Yituo toward the study door, Ji Yuqing was squatting on the ground to pick up the broken coffee cup.

Because the coffee was freshly brewed and still hot, her delicate fingers were accidentally burned. She endured the pain and hurriedly picked up the broken coffee cup, but accidentally scratched her finger with sharp pieces.

Seeing the bright red blood oozing from the wound, she frowned slightly and continued to pick up the debris regardless.

Suddenly, a pair of Berluti leather shoes appeared under her eyes, and a big white and powerful hand caught her wrist.

She lifted her eyes and met Long Sihao's long and narrow eyes. For a moment, she immediately lowered her eyes again, "Mr. Long, I'm sorry, I cleaned up immediately."

Long Sihao's sharp eyes fell on her bleeding fingers, her thin lips pursed, "Treat the wound first."

As the words fell, he pulled her straight and pulled her into his bedroom.

The first time I came to this amazing king-level luxury bedroom, Ji Xinqing's eyes shivered slightly, but still stunned.

After Long Sihao released her, she went straight to get the medicine chest.

All the medicines inside were prepared for Li Xiaoman. Even if he was not in the past five years, the housekeeper would replace the medicines in the medicine box as soon as they expired.


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