A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 336: Airport, father and daughter meet


Suddenly, a young and sweet voice sounded, making Li Xiaoman startled, and when he lifted his eyes, he saw that Xiao Yanyan in pajamas came out of her bedroom.

"Yanyan, you..." Li Xiaoman put down the glass goblet and reached out to wipe away the tears in his eyes. The expression on Qingli's moving face was a little serious, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Seeing her own dear mommy face upset, Xiao Yanyan frowned and walked in front of Li Xiaoman with a small step, her small eyes also turned red, "Mom, are you again? Thinking about the bad guy? He has been so cruel to abandon us for so long, why does mommy miss him?"

Xiao Yanyan always knew that Han Jinxi was not her pro-baba. She called him Daddy because her uncle Han Jinxi was very good to her, just like her pro-baba.

Li Xiaoman saw Xiao Yanyan red eyes, she pulled her into her arms distressed, reached out to wipe the tears on her small eyes for her, and looked at her with a solemn look, "Yan Yan, I don't have Thinking of him, he didn’t abandon us, but he didn’t know your existence at all.”

She said that instead of talking for Long Sihao, she didn't want Xiao Yanyan to be too sad, and she didn't want her to think she was abandoned by her father.

"Mommy, you didn't think it's strange, don't think I'm fooling me when I'm young." Xiao Yanyan pursed her cherry-colored mouth, staring at her small eyes, and glared at her dear mother. Reached out to help her mother tears.

"Mummy, even if the bad guy Baba doesn't know about Yanyan's existence, then he always knows the existence of Mummy, why doesn't he come to find Mummy?, every time I see Mummy cry so sad for Baba, I'm good Mummy distressed."

Li Xiaoman lowered his eyebrows deeply, concealing the complex grief emotions in the clear eyes, trying to push back the tears that were about to rush out, and looked down at Xiao Yanyan with a smile, soft words, "Yan Yan, I'm sorry! It's mommy, you became a single child, but me and..."

She bit her lower lip tightly, and she said flatly: "It's impossible for me and him. He may be married. He won't come to us because..."

She thought of what Long Sihao said five years ago. He said that she had killed his daughter. He said that he had never loved her. He said that she just used her as a tool for giving birth.

At that time, she had doubts about the truthfulness of his remarks, and she also thought that he was arrogant and false.

But for five years, if he really loves her, why hasn't he ever found her?

Why did he disappear like this?

In the past five years, she had contacted him, but there was no news at all.

Regardless of whether his love for her was true or false, she could not believe that he would be so cruel.

Her heart was grieved, and she wanted to cry a bit. In order not to worry Xiao Yanyan, she suppressed all the grief.

Xiao Yanyan frowned tightly. She looked at her mom, who really wanted to cry, but she couldn’t cry. She felt very distressed. "Is there something wrong between mom and the bad guy? Thing? Why doesn't mommy go to him? I think mommy misses him obviously, and it's amazing."

Not looking for it, but not finding it, she was almost desperate.

Li Xiaoman put away tears and grief thoughts, smiled at Xiao Yanyan, her voice was soft, "Yan Yan, it was late, she went to bed, Mum will sleep with you tonight."

Xiao Yanyan came out of her mummy's arms and raised her eyebrows aggressively, "Mommy, I'm not the little slug in our class. I also want my mom to go to school and sleep, I want to learn Independent, I don't want mommy to sleep with me, good night mommy!"

When the words fell, Xiao Yanyan walked to her own bedroom. As she approached the bedroom, she stopped her small steps and turned to look at the bottle of wine on the coffee table. The voice said sweetly: "Mommy, no. Drink again! If I see Mommy drinking again, I will secretly drink it with my mom ten times, and I will tell Daddy about Mummy drinking and let Daddy "educate" Mummy..."

Speaking of which, Xiao Yanyan paused and blinked her stary eyes, "Mommy, in fact, Daddy is very good, and it hurts me, and cares about Mommy, and he is handsome, and rich, and Don't bother, since Baba doesn't come to see us and doesn't want us anymore, Mommy thinks about Daddy?"

Li Xiaoman frowned, not directly answering Xiao Yanyan's words, but looked at her tenderly and asked her, "Does Yan Yan really like Uncle Han?"

"Of course I like it." Xiao Yanyan smiled and looked at her mummy. "My father and I are in good harmony, mummy good night!"

When the words fell, she turned and entered the bedroom. After lying on her bed, she hid in the quilt and called Han Jinxi.

"Daddy, mommy is not good, mommy is drinking again."

Han Jinxi's deep and mellow voice came over the phone, "Have you told me what I taught you?"

"Yes!" Xiao Yanyan lowered her voice. "I told Daddy to teach me as I told him. If I said that if Mummy drank again, I would secretly drink it ten times. Mummy hurts me so much. Drink again, Daddy is awesome and smart! But Daddy is so smart, why can't he still catch up with Mummy?"

"Who said I'm chasing your mommy?" Han Jinxi's deep, mellow voice couldn't hear any tone.

"Huh!" Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows, "Did Daddy secretly help Mummy, Mummy is sick, Daddy secretly takes care of Mummy, every time Mummy is sad, Daddy is coaxing, not Because you like mommy?"

"No!" Han Jinxi answered the words very simply.

Xiao Yanyan pouted her lips, "Daddy, amber seriously despise you, you obviously like mommy and say no."

"I don't like it." It's very simple and straightforward.

Xiao Yanyan rolled her eyes, "Come on, Daddy, you just pretend, you can't keep up with Mommy in your life, it's too late, I'm sleeping! Daddy good night!"

When Xiao Yanyan hung up the phone and was about to put the phone up, Li Xiaoman came in.

Seeing that Xiao Yanyan hadn't slept yet, she frowned slightly, and looked a little harsher, "Yanyan, why haven't you slept yet? Who are you calling?"

"Sleep right away." Xiao Yanyan put her phone away and watched her mummy playfully stick out her tongue, blinking starry eyes. "Why isn't mommy asleep yet? I said no mommy." Stay with me, Mommy! Go to bed later, Mommy will wrinkle."

"Mummy wants to sleep with you tonight." Li Xiaoman walked to Xiao Yanyan's bed and sat down, her eyes running softly and gazing at her gently.

Xiao Yanyan moved her position, and Xiao Xiao raised her eyebrows, "Okay! Since Mommy had to squeeze with me, I will sacrifice a little tonight and divide the bed half of Mommy."

Seeing Xiao Yanyan move out of place, Li Xiaoman smirked Xiao Yanyan's lips and lay beside Xiao Yanyan.

Xiao Yanyan said in her mouth not to accompany her mom, but Li Xiaoman just lay down, her little body was glued over, her tiny arms embraced her neck, and she plucked a cherry-like mouth. Xiaoman's lips sighed, and a sweet smile appeared on her pink and tender face, "Mummy, good night."

"Yanyan, good night." Li Xiaoman's clear eyes were filled with the gentle smile of the mother, and she lowered her head and kissed Xiaoyanyan's mouth, then closed her eyes.

Xiao Yanyan closed her small eyes and slept for a while, then suddenly opened her eyes, and looked at her dear mommy and asked, "Mommy, after a few days it will be the grandmother's death day, will mommy go back to k-city?" It’s been a long time since I saw my uncle and grandpa, I miss them."

Hearing Xiao Yanyan mentioned Li Sufang, Li Xiaoman's eyebrows were deep, and there was a deep sadness in his eyes.

Xiao Yanyan was sad when she saw Li Xiaoman's expression. She frowned, and the tender voice was mixed with guilt. "Sorry Mommy, I shouldn't mention Grandma's, it makes you sad again."

Every time she accidentally mentioned grandma, Li Xiaoman would be very sad.

Seeing Xiao Yanyan's small face carved with powder and jade was full of guilt, Li Xiaoman put away the sadness, and looked at her tenderly, with a gentle voice, "Of course, we will go back."

Every year, Li Xiaofang will take Xiao Yanyan back to the k city with Li Yanfang. After Li Sufang is worshipped, he will leave Xiao Yanyan after staying at Li Zhenhua's house for a few days.

Because K City has too many painful memories, she doesn’t want to stay there.

Xiao Yanyan raised her head and blinked her eyes, "Mommy, can we stay longer at the uncle's house this time?"

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman frowned slightly, then smiled at Xiao Yanyan, "Okay, we can stay a few days longer and sleep fast."

"Hmm!" Xiao Yanyan nodded with a smile, nestled in her mother's arms, and slept on the pink face with a sweet smile.

Five days later k city airport

Li Xiaoman did not inform Han Jinxi that he took Xiao Yanyan back to the K city by plane.

Because Xiao Yanyan drank too much water on the plane, and when she was about to get off the plane, the toilet on the plane was temporarily suspended. So after getting off the plane, Xiao Yanyan ran to the airport toilet.

Li Xiaoman originally wanted to follow her, but she was able to prevent Li Xiaoman from following, saying that she was more than four years old, so she didn't need an adult to follow the toilet.

At a young age, she insisted that Li Xiaoman not follow her, and Li Xiaoman was very fond of her. When she insisted, she gave her mobile phone so that she could not call her and called her, and pointed her to the bathroom. Direction, just looked at her with confidence.

But the result of Xiaoyanyan's success was that she walked in the direction of her dear mom and saw the men's bathroom, but did not see where the women's bathroom was.

The little she stood outside the men's bathroom, with her small face carved in pink and jade, and her cherry-colored mouth pouted, very unhappy.

Why are men's and women's toilets not together? Why?

If I go back to find Mommy now, it’s a shame!

She just wanted to show her dear mommy that she has grown up and can go to the toilet herself.

But... where are the restrooms for girls?

Since she was pretty and cute, she was very flattering. She puckered her mouth at this time, and it was so cute that it caused a lot of people's attention.

Whether it is a little boy or an uncle-level adult man, he will look at her more.

"Little sister, why are you standing here? Are you waiting for your father?"

A man saw her when he entered the bathroom, and when she came out, she asked.

The word "daddy" is a bomb buried in Xiao Yanyan's heart. When someone mentions it, it will detonate the bomb.

Her small brow was tighter, and she looked up at the uncle who was questioning, and the tender voice was thick with loss, "I don't have a father."

Her words fell, and a handsome, handsome man came out of the men's bathroom.

A high-end custom handmade Armani black suit, elegant and elegant, magnificent, noble and elegant, it is Long Sihao who returned to K City today.

He frowned slightly when he heard the little girl's words, and the subconsciously looked towards the little girl who pouted her mouth.

When his gloomy and deep gaze fell on Xiaoyanyan's small face with pink carvings and jade, he looked surprised, narrowed his eyes wide, and narrowly looked at Xiaoyanyan's small face.

Her small face, especially the small cherubic eyes, resembled Li Xiaoman, making him seem to see a reduced version of Li Xiaoman.

He approached Xiao Yanyan, his narrow, narrow eyes gazing at her tightly, just about to speak, Xiao Yanyan stepped out first.

"Uncle handsome, why do you stare at me without blinking your eyes?"

The younger she looked at the handsome uncle in front of her, the more she knew his handsome face was familiar, much like the handsome little boy she saw in h city a few days ago.

Xiao Yanyan's sweet and sweet voice made Long Sihao feel like she had heard it somewhere.

Much like the voice of a very cute little girl chatting with him on msn.

It was an accident to know the little girl.

Half a year ago, he woke up in a coma for a long time before he woke up and had not fully recovered. He needed to stay in hospital to continue treatment. Lowry and Ling Hanye were afraid that he could not stay in the hospital, so he used msn to chat.

At this moment, Lori's voice came behind him.

"President, who are you looking at without blinking your eyes? Is it a super beauty, let me take a look?"


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