Xiao Longyi saw the beautiful aunt in front of him and asked him his name. He wanted to tell her that his surname was Long, and he was called Long Yi, but he thought that his mum had said that he could not tell others what his surname was, only to tell others. His English name.

So he raised his eyes to Li Xiaoman again, smiled gracefully, his voice was clear and pleasant, and his tone was cordial, "Aunty, my name is allen! I am five years old."

His elegant smile was like Long Sihao. Li Xiaoman was a little stunned. After staring at him for a while, he thought he said he was allen and was five years old, and Long Sihao left for five years. Allen is definitely not a child born with other women after Long Sihao left.

If Long Sihao was married to another woman and had children after being separated from her, the child should be more than four years old except for the time of pregnancy in October.

But he is so like Long Sihao, and is five years old, is it a coincidence? Is there such a coincidence in the world?

What is the problem?

Xiao Yanyan, held by Han Jinxi, saw her mum staring at Xiaolong Yi, her pure and bright little eyes looked at her puzzledly and asked, "Mum, what's wrong with you? Why are your eyes red? Why?" Keep looking at this brother? Do you know him?"

Han Jinxi saw Li Xiaoman's red eyes, his charming blue eyes tightened tightly, a thin anger flashed at the bottom of his eyes, and a slightly cold arc was drawn from the corners of his lips, "Li Xiaoman, if you like it Standing here as a statue, I can fulfill you."

When the words fell, he looked at Missy with a cold gaze, "Call now and let people transport ice from the North Pole."

"Daddy, what did Yunbing do over here?" Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows and asked Han Jinxi, who was not very happy.

Han Jinxi exhaled the eyes of the blue light, and his eyes were cold and cold, "Your mother wants to be an ice sculpture."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan's voice responded immensely, and then her eyes brightened. "Daddy, don't have to be so troublesome, you can just throw Mummy into the frost!"

Hearing the conversation between Han Jinxi and Xiao Yanyan, the two “fathers and daughters”, Li Xiaoman drew the corner of his lower lip, and a few black lines appeared on his forehead.

After glaring at them, she squinted at Xiao Longyi, unconsciously in her tone with concern, "allen, are you here alone?"

If he is a person, she is a little worried about him, after all, he is a five-year-old child.

If it was another child, she might not care so much, but the little boy in front of her inexplicably gave her a sense of intimacy, making her unable to help caring for him.

Xiao Longyi's heart also gave birth to a little warmth because of Li Xiaoman's concern. He looked at Li Xiaoman's gentle and elegant smile. His little finger pointed to a tall and tall woman in a white long dress, elegant and gentle, "Auntie, I came with my mommy, my mommy is there."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked in the direction of his little finger. Because the woman was facing away from her, she couldn't see the woman's face, but the woman's gentle and moving temperament and back gave her a sense of familiarity.

Sophie flashed in her mind.

Xiumei frowned, she drew back her gaze, gazing at Xiao Longyi with a soft tone, "allen, what's your mother's name?"

Without knowing why, she wanted to know about allen, especially to determine who his parents were.

She always feels that the appearance of allen is not that simple, especially if he is so like Long Sihao, not like a coincidence.

Xiao Longyi looked at him curiously and seemed to care about his aunt. He smiled politely and said, "Aunt, my mom's name is Aisha."


Xiaolong glanced at Li Xiaoman and nodded, "Auntie, I went to my mum's side."

When the words fell, Xiaolong Yi turned and walked towards his mummy.

Li Xiaoman looked closely at Xiao Longyi's little back, and there were many questions in his heart.

Xiao Yanyan saw that her mum kept staring at Xiao Longyi's direction of turning away, and she realized that her mum was so concerned about that brother!

She pouted her mouth, "Mommy, I'm hungry."

Li Xiaoman heard the words and looked back at Xiao Yanyan. The clear eyes were full of pampering, and he smiled softly, "sorry! It's mommy who delays Yanyan's lunch time. Punish mommy for feeding today. How is Yanyan?"

"This is what Mommy said." Xiao Yanyan smiled sweetly and came down from Han Jinxi's arms. One hand held Li Xiaoman and the other hand held Han Jinxi, looking up at the two, "Daddy , Mommy, have dinner."

Before leaving the exhibition hall, Li Xiaoman glanced back at the direction that Xiao Longyi walked before frowning out of the exhibition hall.

Xiao Longyi, who was originally walking towards his mummy, turned around after Li Xiaoman left the exhibition hall. A pair of narrow and narrow eyes looked closely at the direction of Li Xiaoman's departure outside the exhibition hall. Some are lost.

"Allen!" At this moment, a soft voice came from behind him.

Hearing the sound, Xiaolong Yi put away the loss of her face and turned to look at the gentle woman in a white skirt and elegant temperament standing behind him. The tender and clear voice could not hear any tone, "Mommy."

Wen Wan woman looked at Xiao Long, who was as calm and elegant as an adult, she frowned slightly, and then a gentle smile appeared on the beautiful and gentle face, "allen, you just looking at what?"

Xiao Longyi looked at his mum and saw her smile at him, but he felt that he was not as warm as when the aunt just smiled at him.

He scowled Xiaojian's eyebrows almost undetectably, with a handsome smile on his beautiful and handsome face, "Mommy, when are we going to the United States? Didn't you say you want to take me to find Daddy?"

Wen Wan woman heard Xiao Longyi mention his father's land, her light brown eyes flashed a sad color, her complex eyes looked at Xiao Longyi's little face very similar to his father's, but her heart was full of hate Intention and pain.

Every time I saw Xiao Longyi's face, it would make her extremely painful and also make her very contradictory.

Her heart will be full of resentment, full of hatred, even thick jealousy.

Sometimes she would go crazy because of the jealousy in her heart, hoping that Xiaolong Yi would disappear, and sometimes she didn't want to lose him.

Xiao Longyi saw that her mummy looked wrong. He took a small step forward and took his mum's hand. His narrow, narrow eyes looked at her with some concern, "Mom, unhappy thing." Don’t even think about it. If wrinkles grow and Daddy doesn’t like it, doesn’t Mommy want to cry?”

After hearing this, the gentle woman looked at Xiao Long with a smile, crouched down, and looked at him with complicated eyes. People, no matter when, no matter what mommy did wrong, even if mommy hit you and scold you, don’t allen leave mommy?"

Xiao Longyi didn't understand why his mom always told him not to leave her, but he didn't ask much.

He looked at his mum and nodded, smiling gracefully, "Mum, don't worry, allen won't leave you."

"It's really my good son." Wen Wan woman smiled and looked at Xiao Longyi, then lowered her head and kissed his white forehead before taking him away.


Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan were accompanied by Han Jinxi, ate lunch at a Western restaurant in H city, and went to the playground. When it was getting dark, Han Jinxi personally drove Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan back to them. Where the apartment is.

After sending them back to the apartment, Han Jinxi left because of a phone call.

Li Xiaoman went to the bathroom to take a shower and then cooked dinner, and Xiao Yanyan returned to her room, took out her new mother and gave her a new ipad to lie on the bed for a while.

Thinking that I haven't chatted with an uncle for a long time, I took out the newly purchased Apple 6plus that Han Jinxi bought to log in to msn and chat, and found the uncle whose nickname is "g" in the contact.

Because she is still young, even if she is smart, typing is a problem, so she uses voice, and her nickname is her English name "amber".

Xiao Yanyan held her phone, and her voice was sweet and sweet.

"Is Uncle g here? Uncle ambercallg, amber has good news to share with uncle g."

The other party's "g" responded immediately with a low voice, full of magnetism, and a man's voice. "Amber has any good news to share with Uncle G?"

amber: "Amber's mommy's first personal jewelry show was very successful! Uncle g, is amber's mommy awesome?"

g: "It's great to teach amber. Amber's mom must be great. Amber's mom also likes jewelry design?"

After g said this, he was silent, as if he was caught in some kind of sad emotion that he couldn't extricate himself from.

amber: "Uncle g, how is your health? Will you still cough?"

The other party did not return, Xiao Yanyan stared at the phone screen and waited for a while.

Li Xiaoman, who was ready for dinner, entered her room and saw her lying on the bed and holding her cell phone to watch. She tapped on the door of her room, "Amber, are you chatting with that uncle g again? ."

"How does mom know?" Xiao Yanyan put down her phone and got out of bed to walk to Li Xiaoman. "Is there any food I like?"

"Everything you like to eat." Li Xiaoman raised her eyebrows and said Xiao Yanyan with a smile, picked her up, and left her bedroom to go to the dining room.

As soon as they left the bedroom, "g" replied.

"Thanks for Amber's concern, Uncle G will not cough anymore, it's all right."

After dinner, Xiao Yanyan, who was just over four years old, didn't have trouble with her dear mother, went to take a bath herself, and then went to bed early.

Although she is small, she is very obedient and sensible, and rarely makes her mom worry about it, and it hurts Ms. Li Xiaoman.

Li Xiaoman entered Xiao Yanyan's room only after Xiao Yanyan fell asleep. Seeing her sleeping sweetly and calmly, her clear eyes were filled with a gentle and indulgent smile.

It is said that her daughter is a mummy's little cotton-padded jacket, and she is very heart-warming.

For the past five years, fortunately, Xiao Yanyan, she is the driving force for her survival, otherwise, she does not know how to get through these five years.

After gazing at Xiao Yanyan for a while, she lowered her head and printed a kiss on her little forehead, tucked the quilt for her before she got up and left her bedroom.

After she left for a while, Xiao Yanyan, who was sleeping with her eyes closed, woke up with the sweet and steady sleep.

In fact, she didn't fall asleep at all, just didn't want her mum to do so much during the day, and coax her to sleep at night.

She didn't want her mum to be too tired, and didn't want her mum to worry too much for her.

After Li Xiaoman came out, instead of going back to bed, he took a bottle of wine and sat on the sofa.

Since separating from Long Sihao, she has never slept well.

She often has nightmares. Sometimes she dreams about her mother. Sometimes she dreams about her dead daughter. More often, she dreams about the words that Long Sihao said to her that made her sad and painful.

Occasionally I would dream of the sweetness and happiness that she and Long Sihao used to have.

But no matter what she dreamed of was sweet or painful, after she woke up, her pillow was soggy.

Five years ago, she had a certain amount of alcohol without dripping alcohol. This is because she always wanted to use alcohol to paralyze herself when she was in a low mood and suffering.

Over time, the amount of wine was practiced.

However, she worked out the amount of wine, which is very helpful for her career.

While in the UK, she set up a personal jewelry design studio.

Sometimes you need to socialize, such as meeting customers, or talking about cooperation, there will be dinner, more or less will drink some wine.

Tonight, she poured several glasses and drank, her eyes burst into tears, and her stomach was very uncomfortable. She did not stop and continued to drink.

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Baby: Who is this uncle g, baby should be able to guess it, the next chapter Xiao Yanyan and Long Shao will meet, yes, Xuan Xuan reminded, baby not to be misled by the name Aisha ha !


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