A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 329: Last night, she and Si Hao

Li Xiaoman's head that he kissed was suddenly blank, and he was unconscious. This would be kissed by him fanatically, and the kiss was even more dizzy and the direction was unclear.

She was like gunpowder, lit by him.

His kiss made her feel very comfortable, as if to relieve the dryness of her body|heat.

Consciousness is becoming less and less clear, and can only follow the senses.

Her slender hands wrapped around his neck, and he responded deeply and eagerly with his kiss.

Since it was a dream, let her leave everything behind and indulge once.

The two kissed more and more fiercely, breathing gradually, and the ambiguous breath fainted in the room.

Even if the kiss was breathless, Li Xiaoman did not want to push away Long Sihao, but wanted more.

When the clothes on both of them were washed away, Long Sihao held her sideways and overwhelmed him on the soft bed|.

A fiery kiss slides down her brows and lips.

He kissed very hard and very hard, and her delicate and jade-like skin was imprinted with large and small red marks on him.

When he was about to enter her, he stopped abruptly, his narrow, narrow eyes staring tightly at her, as if to determine whether the woman under him was Li Xiaoman.

"Xiaoxiao..." His voice was low and hoarse, as if murmuring, as if whispering.

The unconscious Li Xiaoman saw Long Sihao staring tightly at her, her slender hands clasped his neck tightly, and whispered, "Si Hao..."

Long Sihao is completely unconscious, he once again grabbed her pink and attractive lips...

When the wood has become a boat, Li Xiaoman's consciousness is awake for a moment, but only for a moment, because of the crazy recruitment of Long Sihao on her body, the consciousness of returning has disappeared and her brain is blank.

The whole world seems to be spinning and shaking.

Long Sihao was like a fierce beast imprisoned for a long time, and was suddenly released, ferocious and wild plunder.

Time and time again, he plundered her in various ways.

The unconscious two sink in the sea of ​​love, arouse | love, and struggle with death.


Next day

The sunlight penetrated into the bedroom little by little through the floor curtains of the tulle, warming the two people who were hugging each other on the soft bed.

On the floor covered with thick carpets, the clothes of men and women were scattered, adding a thick and ambiguous atmosphere to the bedroom.

The air seems to be lingering with excitement|love|love after joy|desire.

Li Xiaoman, who was severely overstretched and woke up with a headache, opened his eyes, and a familiar and beautiful face broke into her bright eyes.

She gasped, her clear eyes overflowed with shock and doubt, and she couldn't believe she would wake up to see Long Sihao.

She looked around and found that they were in a strange room, and she and Long Sihao were lying on a bed.

She was slender and strong with his light | naked arms tightly wrapped in his arms.

She unconsciously reached out and lifted the quilt, and found that she and Long Sihao were both naked.

What's terrible is that she is full of traces of love, and Yin Hong's kiss marks are all over her body, especially the most on her chest.

She and Long Sihao last night, they even...

How could this be?

What happened? Why did she have no impression of what happened last night?

She only remembered that she seemed to be dreaming. She dreamed of Long Sihao. How did she wake up and become a reality?

She couldn't remember how she came here.

She had a complex gaze and slept very calmly, Long Sihao, raised her slender hands to caress his handsome face, but when she was about to touch him, she stopped, her eyebrows deep and her heart dripping. Pained like blood.

She tried three times before taking away the hand that Long Sihao wrapped around her waist.

Sitting up, she looked at Long Sihao thinking about how they would appear here.

She was obviously drugged last night, but she can be sure that the person who took the drug was definitely not Long Sihao.

With his character, he really wanted to treat her, and he didn't need medicine at all. He used force.

Since they are separated, he will not do so.

So, if she guessed right, not only was she drugged, Long Sihao must also be drugged.

And who will this person who prescribes?

She suddenly thought of the coffee that Lori had given her yesterday, and immediately understood that it must be Lori's medicine. He wanted to match them.

But Long Sihao didn't want her anymore, they all said they didn't love her anymore, they all said that she was just used as a tool for him to give birth to children, is his matching useful?

She reddened her eyes and felt grief in her heart. After staring at Long Sihao for a while, she endured the severe pain after her fierce battle and slowly got out of bed.

Then she picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on, before Long Sihao woke up and fled.

Since it was Lori who matched them, it was not his willingness.

If he woke up and saw her beside him, she would be unsure of his attitude, and in a sober situation, she did not know how to face him for the time being.

After all, he told her personally that their relationship was over and paid her liquidated damages. With such a punishment, he did not leave a trace of turmoil. If she was cheeky and waited for him to wake up, it would be humiliating.

As soon as she left, a black figure hidden in a secret place entered the room.

The black figure struck a long black trench coat and wore a pair of black sunglasses covering most of his face.

The black figure entered the bedroom and saw Long Sihao's clothes scattered on the floor. A cold light flashed in the eyes under the black figure sunglasses. Then he walked to Long Sihao's bed and saw that he had not yet awakened. Raised the corner of one side of the lip, the arc of the arc is strange and strange.

Immediately, the black figure left the bedroom, and when he came back, he brought back a comatose woman.

The unconscious woman was stripped of her black figure and threw it on the bed|.

The woman glanced coldly at the woman, and the black figure walked to Long Sihao who had not yet awakened. The smile was strange and weird.

Si Hao, I will not let you know that the woman who was with you last night was Li Xiaoman.

After staying in the bedroom for a while, the black figure left without knowing it.


After Li Xiaoman ran out of the room, she realized that she was in the Dihua International Hotel.

She frowned tightly, rubbing her eyebrows as she walked towards the elevator, bearing the pain somewhere in her lower body.

She kept walking in the direction of the elevator because she was thinking about things with her head down, and she didn’t notice that someone on the corridor was approaching quickly, and the oncoming people didn’t mean to avoid her. As a result, she ran into People's chest.

Because of regular exercise, men have strong muscles, strong chests, and strength.

She was hurt by the nose and took a step back to reach out to touch the nose. The man's low, mellow voice passed into her ears with a thin angry voice.

"Where did you put your eyes?"

Hearing this, Li Xiaoman raised his head, and his clear eyes met a pair of faint blue eyes.

Looking at the handsome face of the man, Li Xiaoman was startled, his eyes flashed with surprise, "You... Han... Han Jinxi, why are you here?"

The man who was hit by her was Han Jinxi. His charming blue eyes narrowed slightly, his lazy gaze struck his woman with a sharp eye, and she recognized her at a glance.

The thin anger at the bottom of the eyes faded away because of seeing her, and was replaced by surprise and surprise.

He ticked the corners of Yan Yan's flaming lips, his lips still rippling with a magnificent smile, and his voice was mellow and beautiful, "Is the earth your home?"

I don't understand why he asked this question. Li Xiaoman looked at the cool and beautiful man with a smile but a cool and beautiful man with pink lips sullenly, "No."

Han Jinxi leaned down, blue eyes narrowed, her lazy eyes stared at her rosy, cherry-like face, her lips and lips smiled a little, a little deeper, "You think I can't Does it appear here?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at him, just about to make a sound, Yu Guang glanced at the elevator door not far behind Han Jinxi opened, and three people came out.

These three people are Lowry, Ling Hanye, and Ling Dina.

Fearing to be seen by the three of them, a flash of panic flashed through her eyes, and she pulled Han Jinxi unconsciously and turned around, using his body to block her from being discovered by Lowry.

Luo Rui, Ling Hanye, and Ling Dina, who came out of the elevator, did not find her because of their thoughts on Long Sihao.

Li Xiaoman was relieved to see that they did not find her.

Han Xixi’s assistant Missy took the first two steps, and the expression on Jun’s face was ruthless, “boss, the commencement ceremony of Yudao was about to begin.”

Han Jinxi stared at Li Xiaoman, his blue eyes swaying in a slightly unknown light, and his voice was low and mellow, and asked, "Are you afraid of seeing someone?"

"Where is it?" Li Xiaoman glanced at him, and then let go of him, "I'm sorry to just hit you, you have to be busy, I won't delay your time, bye."

When the words fell, she turned around and walked towards the elevator. Before entering, Han Jinxi heard a magnetic voice behind her.

"Remember the plan you made for me?"

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman turned to look at him, and the squinted water eyes were somewhat puzzled. "Of course I remember, is there anything wrong with that planning case?"

She remembered that he was very satisfied at the time, and wouldn’t tell her now that she had a problem planning the case.

Han Jinxi closed his eyes slightly, and looked at her with a meaningful look, but he only said a few words, "I just went to Yudao today."

When the words fell, he turned around, only gestured to Missy, without saying a word, went straight forward.

Missy walked to Li Xiaoman and extended his right hand coldly, "Please."

Li Xiaoman glanced at Missi's outstretched hand, with a puzzled expression, "What do you mean? Where?"

Mi Xijun's face is still cold, and the words are like gold, "Tiantai."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman became more and more puzzled, "What do you do on the rooftop?"

"Flying on the plane." Missy still uttered these three words coldly.

His tone was serious and ruthless, as if he were describing a thing, without any hint of joking.

Li Xiaoman was about to ask him what plane he was going to take, and he was forced to walk forward.

Because she experienced a fierce battle last night, she was uncomfortable with every step she took.

She raised her eyebrows tightly, frowning at Missy, who was holding her wrist, and struggling and asked, "Which plane to go to the rooftop? Am I not going?"

Missy stopped, squinting and walking a little abnormally, her voice was cold and cold, "You have problems with your feet?"

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman blushed. She had a problem with her feet. She was too indulgent with Long Sihao last night.

Missy did not wait for her to speak, and continued her cold voice: "Boss doesn't like to wait for too long."

Before Li Xiaoman fully understood the meaning of Missy's words, Missy let go of her hand, then leaned down suddenly, hugged her sideways, and strode meteor forward.

Li Xiaoman was stunned because of his behavior, and immediately reached out and patted his chest, "Hey! What are you doing? You let me down? Where are you going to take me? Are we familiar? Hello... You let me go Come down, the man and the woman don’t love... let me down..."

She found that Han Jinxi and the people around him were all aliens, and it was inexplicable to speak and do things.

The roof of Dihua International Hotel has a helipad where Han Jinxi’s private jet is parked.

Of course, there is more than one private jet on the roof.

Going to the rooftop is another exclusive elevator. Missy took Li Xiaoman directly into Han Jinxi's private plane on the rooftop.

The interior of the aircraft is very spacious and the decoration is extremely luxurious, like the presidential suite of a star hotel.

Han Jinxi has entered his private plane while sitting on a luxurious queen-size sofa bed.

When he saw Missy come in holding Li Xiaoman, he almost frowned, and the charming blue eyes tightened a little.

Missi's keen eyes noticed Han Jinxi's undetectable behavior, and immediately put Li Xiaoman down, standing side by side as a puppet, with a ruthless expression and no words.

Li Xiaoman, who was put down, did not think about the internal structure of the aircraft, but narrowed his eyes to Han Jinxi who was sitting at the end, and asked his lips, "What do you mean? Where are you taking me?"


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