A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 328: Let her get rich overnight

At this time, Li Xiaoman felt very depressed and wanted to go out to breathe.

It is impossible for her to sit down and talk slowly with Long Sihao.

She raised her eyebrows to Lowry and smiled, "I still have something very important, don't want to waste time here, you talk slowly."

When the words fell, Li Xiaoman stood up and was about to leave. Lorui Jun narrowed his eyes and raised her eyebrows, "Miss Li, it's not too late to drink coffee before I leave! This coffee was made by myself, Ms. Li, won’t you give me a face?

Li Xiaoman glanced at the steaming coffee she put on the coffee table and smiled at Lorry. "Of course I will give Lute's face."

Then she picked up the cup of coffee and drank it in one breath.

As soon as the coffee cup rested, he lifted the bag and left.

Long Sihao saw her leaving without hesitation, the narrow and narrow eyes tightened tighter.

He stood up elegantly, gazing at Li Xiaoman who was about to open the door of the box. His thin lips were pursed and his voice was low and clear. "You want two-thirds of my property, I will get a lot of it. I will give you, in addition, I will let the person directly enter your account.

It is said that Li Xiaoman's slender body trembles, and she tries to keep a smile, turning to stare at Long Sihao, "I'm kidding, you're actually serious? I don't want two thirds of your property, You will be fine for the liquidated damages. I hope that within three days, you can make me rich overnight."

When the words fell, she opened the box door.

Upon seeing this, Long Sihao clenched his big white hands tightly, narrowing his long and narrow eyes, his gloomy and gloomy eyes, and the deep eyes crossed a pain that could not be concealed, but his beautiful face was indifferent.

He gazed sadly at her back, his voice was low, and no emotion could be heard, "Since we won't meet again, I won't say goodbye, take care."

His words made Li Xiaoman's heart suddenly fall into the bottom of the valley, and his eyes suddenly turned red, and tears fell like rain.

She gritted her lower lip and tried to make her own tone sound normal. She whispered back, "Take care too."

As the words fell, she did not move fast or slow, leaving at an elegant and graceful pace with the most normal speed.

And her beautiful face was already soaked in tears.

He didn't even say goodbye, did he really want to see her again?

Does he really not love her?

Are they really like this?

The heart is as painful as a knife, but she knows that she must never look back.

After losing love, she can no longer lose her final dignity.

Si Hao, why should I come to saybyebye after I get so deep?

Why do you want to leave first?

Why are you so ruthless?

Long Sihao stood at the door of the box, watching her leave step by step.

His narrow, long eyes stared tightly at her slender back, until her figure disappeared into his sight. He stood on the same place as a standing mountain. He hadn’t retracted his sight for a long time, and his handsome The face was already wet with tears.

Lori behind him came out with a cup of coffee and frowned, before raising his eyes to him, "President, do you really want to give up Miss Li? I think Miss Li and Huo Yunene..."

Long Sihao didn't wait for Lowry to finish his speech, then withdrew his eyes and turned into the box.

Seeing this, Lowry followed with his coffee. "President, your coffee hasn't been drunk yet. Drink it while it's hot. It won't taste good when it's cold."

Li Xiaoman didn't know how to get out of the Yu Yan Lou, she seemed to be taken away from her soul, and her eyes came out dull.

When she walked out of the Yu Yan Lou, she felt a little dizzy, her eyes dizzy, and her walking was unstable and wobbly.

At this time, her eyes were red and swollen, her small beautiful face was soaked in tears, and her expression was sad and lonely, but her teeth were biting her lower lip, trying not to let her cry.

At this time, the waiter of the Yuyan Building who had previously taken her to the box came out. When she saw her walking, he immediately stepped up to support her and asked worriedly, "Miss Li, what's wrong with you? Your complexion doesn't look very good, is it uncomfortable? Or should I call you a car."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows tightly, raised his eyes to the waiter, said thank you, then reached out and rubbed his eyebrows, only to feel his head sinking.

She couldn't figure out that she was just fine, why was she suddenly dizzy?

She shook her head, her sight was still blurred, her consciousness subsided a little, until she completely lost consciousness...

It was like a fire was set in the body, it was dry and hot.

Very familiar feeling, like being drugged.

"Hot... so hot..."

Li Xiaoman whispered dryly, the beautiful little blushing abnormally, her slender hands tore the clothes on her body.

The long curly hair with elegant hair was scattered, and her dry|hot body kept rolling, but she did not find that she was not outside the Yuyan Building at this time, but a soft big bed.

"It's hot...I want to drink water...Where is the water? I want to drink water..."

The body was uncomfortably hot, and Li Xiaoman rolled up on the big bed and sat up suddenly. The blurred eyes scanned the surroundings, and it was strange to see her.

"Where is this?"

She raised her eyebrows tightly, rubbed her eyebrows, and slowly got out of bed.

She stood up unsteadily and was about to move up, because she kicked something and the whole person fell to the ground.

And her fall restored her consciousness a bit.

There was a thick carpet on the floor, but she didn't hurt.

Frowning tightly, she turned her head to see what she had just kicked, but saw Long Sihao.

Her confused eyes were filled with shock and surprise, and her consciousness was not very clear, and her head began to be confused.

She saw Long Sihao? how could it be possible?

Didn't they meet again?

Didn't she leave the Royal Banquet Building? Where is it? Why hasn't she been here?

How could Long Sihao appear in front of her?

Confused, she had many questions in her head.

Is she dreaming? Dreamed of Long Sihao?

Shaking her head, her consciousness was still unclear, and she couldn't tell whether it was dreaming or reality.

Her blurred eyes fell on Long Sihao again, and saw him sitting on the carpet on the floor, his back leaning on the end of the bed, her beautiful face was a little red, and the narrow and long eyes closed, like she was asleep .

Looking at his handsome, suffocating face, the more dry Li Xiaoman's mouth was, the more fire was burning in his body.

So uncomfortable, so uncomfortable.

Is it a dream?

Si Hao, did I dream of you?

Li Xiaoman gazed at him with blurred eyes, tears flashing at his eyes, but did not step forward.

Will she only see him in a dream in the future?

Despite the death of their daughter and the damage he caused her, she still loved him in her heart.

Why are there so many people and so many things blocked between them?

At this time, Long Sihao, who was leaning on the end of the bed, seemed to wake up, and gradually opened his narrow and long eyes.

When Li Xiaoman's rosy, beautiful face hit his ink-colored pupil, his heart trembles, and he thought he saw an illusion.

He felt his head was heavy, his body was dry, hot and unbearable, and his consciousness was hazy, wondering if he was dreaming.

He raised his eyes again, and looked at Li Xiaoman who was looking at him, seeing her tears dimly, his heart tightened, his eyes filled with distress for her.

Li Xiaoman was not far from him. Suddenly, his long arm stretched out and pulled Li Xiaoman into his arms.

"Hmm..." Li Xiaoman whispered when Long Sihao's strength was not small.

With a delicate body in his arms, the familiar Qin Xiang wraps around his nose, making his body dry|Hot and unbearable, Long Sihao becomes more and more passionate.

His long and narrow eyes were filled with love and fire, and the gaze that seemed to be able to turn Li Xiaoman into ashes stared tightly at her charming and moving.

"Xiaoxiao, I... am I dreaming?"

He gasped softly, whispering in a hoarse and seductive voice, and his hot, white hands gently touched her hot little face, rubbing her small face with her fingertips.

His touch makes the whole body dry|Hot Li Xiaoman feels comfortable, her eagerly leaning tightly in his arms, her body twisting uneasyly in his arms.

The more she twists, the more dry Long Sihao's body|the heat is uncomfortable, just holding Li Xiaoman will not relieve his dryness|heat.

His big white hands rubbed her body, and her burning eyes fell on her pink lips.

He couldn't help but bowed his head, grabbed the tempting pink lips, long tongue driving in, the kiss deep and eager, brave and enthusiastic, like a sudden storm.

There was only one idea in his mind when his consciousness subsided. He wanted her, wanted to kiss her, and wanted to love her as much as possible.

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Who took the medicine? There is no doubt that it is the medicine under Lowry! He wants to match Xiao Xiao and Long Shao.

The little heroines Long Anyan, Long Shao and Xiao Xiao's baby daughter are coming! Thank you for your support!

Xuan Xuan reminded that the babies should not be confused, Long Anyan is the second daughter of Long Shao and Xiao Xiao, not the one who was stolen from Dragon to Phoenix!


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