A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 324: I want to see my daughter

Suddenly, she lifted her head, her eyes staring at Long Sihao very much, crying and smiling, "Hehe...you don't love me...hehe...you don't love me...how could you not love me? You don't Why should love me be so good to me? Why?"

Long Sihao didn't dare to look at her grief, he was afraid of softening his heart.

He turned around again, his eyes narrowed with tears of sorrow, and his tone was as light as a feather, "I am just for the sake of children, you have no doubt why I only called you and sent you messages during this time. Don’t you come back to see you? Why are you not alert at all once you have been betrayed? Have you ever doubted that I have no other woman than you?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at her sadly, "What do you mean?"

"I betrayed you."

The short five words made Li Xiaoman fall from heaven to hell.

She was heartbroken, and her red and swollen eyes looked at him a bit, shouting, "I don't believe it."

She didn't believe he would betray her, she didn't.

He loves her so much, how could she betray her, he must be cheating her, must be.

"Believe it or not." Long Sihao's tone is still very light.

When the words fell, his throat was itchy and his head was dizzy. He tried his best to hold back and forced himself not to fall in front of Li Xiaoman.

Then he squeezed his fist with one hand against his thin lips, preventing him from coughing.

"You hate me, never forgive me, I am a scum, I am a jerk, I am not worth your mind, I am sorry you, I should not provoke you, all I can say to you is sorry, you take care ."

When the words fell, he strode away. He was afraid that he would fall the next second.

Li Xiaoman was anxious to see him go, crying and shouting at him, "Si Hao..."

Upon hearing the sound, Long Sihao shook all over and stopped. His white big hand almost fell on the door.

His brow furrowed, his eyes began to blur a little, and bright red liquid came out of his nose.

He held on, trying to make his tone sound normal.

"What else?"

Li Xiaoman's red, swollen eyes full of tears looked at him sadly, with a crying voice and a hoarse voice, crying: "Si Hao, you said, never let me go, never leave me, you said After we lived together and died together, you said that you want to take care of me forever, and you want me to be your wife for life, you said that love for me will not change in this life, you said that you can wait for me, no matter how long, you said I’m afraid I’ll leave you without living with you forever. You said that even if people all over the world betray me, you won’t betray me, let alone me... But now, are you leaving me? ?"

At the moment, Li Xiaoman was crying and weeping. Although Long Sihao's previous words hurt her deeply, her heart was cold and even desperate.

But when she saw that he was leaving, she panicked, her heart ached, and she was sad.

Thinking of the absence of him in her life in the future, she was in pain.

This pain is like her heart was poached, her body broke a big hole, making her desperate.

If he really left her, all that remained of her world would be endless sorrow and heartache.

How can she live without his world?

Her tenacity, her arrogance, disappeared without a trace in front of love.

She doesn't want any self-esteem or dignity. She just needs to leave this man.

As long as he is still in her world, even if it is painful, it is sweet.

She knew she was useless like this, even she looked down on herself, but at this moment she just wanted him to stay.

Gazing at his handsome back, she burst into tears, her voice cried, and her voice was hoarse, "Si Hao...you can blame me, hate me, and make me atonement. I just ask you not to leave me."

Hearing her words, Long Sihao was heartbroken and wanted to turn around to hug her and tell her that he would not leave.

But he didn't have much time left. He wanted to leave her after all. He couldn't stay with her for life.

He closed his scarlet eyes, and the tears of his distressed tears couldn't help but slide down, and wet his beautiful face.

Heart, he was about to suffocate.

"Forget me, those words are lying to you, take care."

When the words fell, he opened the door of the ward and strode away.

"Si Hao..." Seeing him leave, Li Xiaoman hurled up from the ground and ran out of the ward door, but only saw Long Sihao's back.

Li Zhenhua, Li Wenbo, Huo Yunene and Huo Yehong, who were outside the ward, saw her tears all over her face and were about to ask her what was wrong. She hurried to chase Long Sihao despite her pain.

But her body was very weak, and she cried for so long, before she had chased Long Sihao, she collapsed on the ground.




Three or four worries sounded, and Li Wenbo and Li Zhenhua saw several people and immediately stepped forward to support her.

Li Xiaoman passed out and had a long dream.

She dreamed that Long Sihao gently said to her in the dream the words that he once said that made her heart moved, every sentence was so sincere, shaking her whole heart.

"Xiaoxiao, I have been thinking of being kind to you for a long time, not because I pity you, but because--I love you."

"Silly girl, you are irreplaceable in my heart."

"Xiaoxiao, let me be the shoulder you can rely on, let me hold up a sky for you, open your heart door, and let me live in."

"Xiaoxiao, you are the woman I want most in my life and life, and the woman I want to exchange for the whole world. From now on, I will be by your side."

"Xiaoxiao, the blood of me and you flows from each of our children. It is our crystallization and the only treasure in the world that can connect us closely."

"Xiaoxiao, I will not leave you, no matter life or death, I will never leave you."

"Xiaoxiao, do you know what I'm most afraid of? I'm most afraid that you will leave me before you have been with me for a lifetime."

"Silly girl, good to you, is the most wanted thing in my life, and the happiest thing in my life." <irl, I want to marry you, I want you to marry me, I want to take care of you all my life, I want to You are my wife for life. "

"Xiao Xiao, forgive my selfishness, I will never let you go, and I will not allow you to be separated from me. You will be where I am, in this life and this world, we live together and die together."

"Xiaoxiao, I don't force you, I can wait for you, no matter how long."

"Xiaoxiao, do you know how much I want you to be my wife? Do you want to hear you call my husband? Do you know how much I want to live with you?"

"As long as it is you, Li Xiaoman, no matter who you are or your personality, I love it. This life will remain the same."

"Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry! I don't want to hurt you, let alone threaten you, I just don't want you to leave."

Xiaoxiao, believe me no matter when, my love for you is always the same.


Every word of his sincerity was deeply engraved in her mind. He made her move again and again, and felt that she was the happiest woman in the world.

She once thought that Long Sihao would be the person who loves her most in this world, who cares most about her, who loves her most, and who cares most about her.

She thought he was her lucky angel, thinking that only he could bring her happiness in this world, and that the most unlikely person in the world to hurt her was him.

But it turned out she was wrong, wrong.

It was him who hurt her most in the world.

In the dream, every touching words of him seemed to be a sharp edge, and Ling Ling lags her heart.

It hurt her heart.

Let her fall from heaven into hell.

He left, his heart seemed to be swept away by him, so painful...

What would she be like without him in her future life?

She knew that she would not be happy in her life, and she would not love her in this life.

Because, she no longer believes in love.

Because, the happiness that Long Sihao gave, no one can give it.

Because, she has been spoiled, and no one can catch her eyes.

She fell asleep all day and night, and was discharged the next day.

She did not go back to Shuilu Lake, but went directly to her uncle Li Zhenhua’s residence, and then stayed alone in the room without eating, drinking, or crying, just like a soulless person, sitting blankly. With.

Seeing this, Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo felt both worried and distressed.

The two took turns to console her.

Because Li Xiaoman was still in his confinement period, Li Zhenhua stewed chicken soup for her and walked into her room. When she saw her sitting silently, he frowned tightly and placed the chicken soup on the bedside table before sitting down. Beside her.

"Manman, uncle boiled chicken soup, you drink some, you just had a baby, you need to make up."

As for Li Zhenhua's words, Li Xiaoman didn't seem to hear it. He sat still blankly, without any response.

Upon seeing this, Li Zhenhua sighed deeply, "Ah! Manman, uncle can't speak, and he doesn't know how to persuade you? Uncle hopes you want to open things up in all things, and you must cheer up, you are still young, and you can go without children Don’t be too sad to regenerate, Uncle just doesn’t know what you and Dragon always do? You..."

Listening to Li Zhenhua mentioning the child, Li Xiaoman, who had not shed tears, instantly wet his eyes, and the tears were raining.

From the birth of the child to her discharge from the hospital, she failed to look at the child.

In September of pregnancy, it was a piece of flesh that fell from her, connected with her blood, and her bones, but she didn't have time to look at her, she went to another world.

As soon as she thought of the child's disappearance, her heart was in pain.

Before leaving the hospital, she went to ask the doctor. The child has been taken away by Long Sihao. It should be buried now!

I just don’t know where her little princess was buried?

Suddenly, she stood up and walked outside the door.

"Manman, where are you going? You are still in confinement and can't go out to see the wind."

Li Zhenhua saw her suddenly got up and went out of the room, chased out in anxiety.

When Li Wenbo saw it in the living room, when Li Xiaoman was about to open the door, he grabbed her.

"Manman, where are you going?" His handsome brow furrowed, her eyes full of worry worriedly looked at her.

Li Xiaoman's eyes were a bit dull, turned to look at Li Wenbo, suddenly grabbed his big hand, and pleaded, "Brother Wen Bo, I'm going to see my daughter, will you take me?"

"Manman..." Li Wenbo held her cold little hand instead, and wiped the tears in her eyes with the other hand. Her eyes looked at her with pain, "Manman, where are you going to see? You know the dragon Where did Si Hao take her?"

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman frowned deeply, his eyes were thick with mist, and the tears of sadness could not stop falling, drop by drop, as if flowing into her heart, burning her heart, making Her heartache is choking.

Li Wenbo saw her crying, and his heart seemed to be hurt like a knife. At the moment, he hated him for failing to protect her.

She is so good, so kind, why Huo Yunene and Long Sihao both hurt her?

He thought she would be very happy when she met Long Sihao, but it was him who hurt her most deeply.

He knew the headlines with Huo Yunene, but he believed her and believed she would never do anything to harm the child in her stomach.

There must be something wrong with this matter.

He looked at her distressedly, his voice was clear and gentle, and his words were concerned, "Manman, father is right, you are still in confinement, you can't go out to see the wind."

"No..." Li Xiaoman raised his eyes to Li Wenbo, shaking his head stubbornly, with tears in his eyes, "Brother Wenbo, I'm going to find her, I want to know where her tomb is, I'm going to confess to her, I Not a good mother, I failed to protect her, it was my harm that she hadn’t had time to take a look at this world..."

At the end, Li Xiaoman was crying.

When Li Wenbo saw this, Jun Mei frowned deeply, knowing that once she decided something would be difficult to change, he no longer persuaded her to do anything else, but looked at her and said, "Okay, I will go with you, but you can't just Go like this."


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