Seeing her waking up, Long Sihao stood up, narrowed her eyes, and looked at her coldly, her voice seeming to float from the far North Pole, it was cool and felt light, no tone, "Woke up?" "

The two short words made Li Xiaoman's heart tremble, and lifted his eyes to Long Sihao.

The familiar handsome face, but in those narrow and long eyes she saw a cold, without the tenderness of the past.

"Si... Sihao..."

Li Xiaoman couldn't take care of the others, and suddenly sat up, rushed directly into Long Sihao's arms, slender hands tightly hugged his waist.

And because she sat up hard, the needle on the back of her hand was pulled out again, and blood bleed out, but she couldn't care about it now.

She hugged him, and the crystal tears burst out of her eyes uncontrollably, and she fell.

She hasn’t seen his people for more than three months. At this moment her emotions are very complicated, sad, sad, missing, shocked, guilty, self-blaming...

She said with a crying voice, "Si Hao, you are back, you are finally back, where are you going? I miss you, our child... Si Hao, sorry... sorry..."

At the moment when Long Sihao was hugged by her, Jun Ting's body was stiff, his eyes narrowed slightly, the bottom of his eyes was as deep as a vast lake, and his gloom was disregarding his emotions.

The expression on his handsome face was indifferent, and there was no turmoil because of her words, and two words spit out lightly in her thin lips, "Release."

His tone was very light and he didn't emphasize the tone, but these short words still brought a chill.

Listening to him let go, Li Xiaoman couldn't believe it. She thought she had heard it wrong.

She lifted her stunned gaze towards Long Sihao, and the tears that fell along the corners of her eyes came to an abrupt end, "Si Hao, you... what do you say? You let me go?"

She still held him tightly without letting go.

Long Sihao's eyes were deep and the lines on Junmei's face were cold. He stretched out his hand and pulled Li Xiaoman around his waist.

Li Xiaoman saw that Long Sihao even pulled her hand away, and the tears that stopped stopped flowing out again.

"Si Hao, what... what's wrong?"

Long Sihao gazed at her indifferently with a cold voice, "Why don't we wait a few more weeks? Our child will be born soon, why should we meet Huo Yunene? ​​Why not wait for her to be with Huo Yunene ?You really can't let him go? You are not a qualified mother, you killed our child."

Because Li Xiaoman didn't know about the newspaper, she was confused by Long Sihao's words.

She bit her lower lip tightly, her tears blurred her vision, and she felt a pain in her heart. "Si Hao, I know that I am not a qualified mother because I have no strength to give birth to our children smoothly. She died, but why did you tear me and Huo Yunene together? Why do you say that?"

Without strength to give birth to the child smoothly, she was already very sad, guilty and guilty. She loved her and loved her. Why did Long Sihao say so?

He is blaming her, blaming her for killing their children.

"Si Hao, are you blaming me?" She looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

Drop by drop fell on the back of her hand that was bleeding because she had pulled the needle.

Every tear like a corrosive weak water corroded her heart.

He loved her so much, so forgiving her, never blamed her, but now...

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at her with a sharp cold eye. The beautiful face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost. "You went to kill my her with the love and love of other men with my child, do you think Shouldn’t I blame you?”

His words made Li Xiaoman stunned, and a pair of crying tears gazed at him in disbelief, and he felt an unspeakable pain, "Si Hao, when did I love and love other men? You? Why do you say that? Have you misunderstood something?"

How can he talk about her like this, how can he hurt her self-esteem like this, how can he defame and insult her like this?

Where did he love her, where did he take care of her, where did he spoil her tenderness?

What happened? Why did he change suddenly?

She lost her child, and she was also miserable, but why did he say her this way? Does this still love her Long Sihao?

Her tearful eyes gazed sadly at him, "Si Hao, what are you talking about? Can you make it clear? Don't let me be unclear? Si Hao..."

She was about to reach out to touch him, but Long Sihao took a step back and stared at her dumbly, "You killed my daughter, I won't forgive you."

"Daughter? I was born a daughter?"

Li Xiaoman passed out after giving birth, so she still doesn't know whether she gave birth to a son or a daughter.

The previous pregnancy test can know the boys and girls in advance, but she and Long Sihao did not deliberately ask because boys and girls are the same for them.

She had seen red during pregnancy except in the first trimester, and the child in her mid-to-late pregnancy was normal in all aspects in her stomach. During the six-month birth inspection, there was no abnormal fetal position that usually occurs in pregnant women, or the umbilical cord was around the neck for a week Case.

When Long Sihao is not around her, she will measure the number of fetal movements of her baby every day.

Fetal heart, fetal movement, everything is normal, she did not expect that she would suddenly give birth prematurely.

The child was born prematurely and died of suffocation without oxygen before she was born.

He knew that Long Sihao had always been looking forward to this child, but the child was gone, not what she wanted, but she didn't understand that he loved her so much that she would blame her.

She glanced at him in tears, and her clear eyes were filled with sorrow and disappointment, "Si Hao, do you think that the child is gone, I will not be sad? Do you think I am willing? Is it my fault to premature delivery? Am I not killing her with other men? You have no evidence and why do you want to defame me like this?"

"Hehe..." Long Sihao's eyes dropped, his lips sneered, his big white hands suddenly tore apart the blue striped medical clothes on Li Xiaoman's body.

The buttons of the sick suit collapsed because of his tears.

Li Xiaoman's tearful eyes looked at him because of his sudden move. His slender hands were about to tighten the collar of his clothes. Long Sihao's big white hand caught her wrist.

He tightened his long, narrow, cold eyes, his cold white eyes narrowed her empty white neck, and his voice asked coldly: "You said I slander you, tell me, where did I send your necklace?"

After hearing him mention the necklace, Li Xiaoman recovered and slowly lowered his eyes, his unfocused eyes fell on her own body, but did not see the 12-carat powder she had been wearing inseparably. Diamond necklace.

Her clear eyes were overflowing with puzzles and doubts. Yesterday the necklace was still worn on her neck, but today it is gone. When did the necklace disappear, and how did she disappear? She was not at all clear.

She appeared inexplicably in the hotel. The baby in her belly had a premature birth without warning. Long Sihao suddenly changed and kept wearing the necklace around her neck...

All of this happened so suddenly, she had no idea what was going on?

Why only one day later, the whole world seems to have changed?

Long Sihao saw her silent, gazing at her coldly, "Why? Can't remember where the necklace went? Do I need to remind you?"

After a while, he let go of her, gazing at her indifferently, and his low voice could not hear any emotion, "The child is gone, our relationship will be over, and I will not force you again from now on. Stay with me, Li Xiaoman, you are free."

When the words fell, he turned around, and the tears of heartache couldn't help but slip down when he turned around.

He squeezed his big white hands, trying to suppress the urge to turn around.

In the words just now, he made a great deal of determination before saying it. He couldn't fail and lose his heart.

He was sorry for her, he hurt her by saying that, his heart was more painful than hers.

He knew he was a jerk. He was not a human being. When she lost a child, he should have comforted her and distressed her, but he said something that hurt her.

If he can live longer, if he is not sick, if he can stay with her for a lifetime, he will not hurt her, he will not give up on her, even if he says a heavy word to her, he will not bear it.

But now, he can only apologize for her, and can only be cruel.

She lost her mother, lost her daughter, she did not want her to lose him next.

She will definitely not be able to bear the blow. Instead of letting her suffer the loss of the loved one again, he would rather hurt her heartlessly, so that she will only hate him and blame him, even if he left this world, She will not survive because of his scum, nor will she be sad or painful.

As long as she can live well in this world, it is his greatest happiness. He only needs her to live well.

Long Sihao's words freeing Li Xiaoman made her seem to be struck by thunder, stunned, staring back at him turning back.

He even said she was free? He even said that their relationship is over?

Her tears swelled in the red eyes, and she shook her head in disbelief, crying, "Si Hao, what do you mean? Do you want to be separated from me? Do you not want me? Just because there are no children Don't you want me? What do you think of me? Don't you love me anymore?"

The words fell, she ignored the pain in her body, jumped out of bed, hugged Long Sihao from behind, the tears of sorrow fell, "Si Hao, the child is gone, I know you are sad, I know that I have no strength I’m sorry, I’m useless, but you don’t want to leave me, okay? I have no mother, no daughter, I can’t have you anymore.”

Hearing her approximate prayer, Long Sihao's heart hurt like a knife, and his tears soaked his handsome face. He squeezed his big white hand and hesitated for a long time before breaking her hand heartily.

He didn't turn to look at her, his voice was cold as frost, "Li Xiaoman, where is your self-esteem? Haven't you always been tough and proud? You can tell if you pray..."

When he got here, he turned around, her red eyes staring coldly at her with tears under her eyes, "Put up your tears, and once hurt, how can you not learn well? In front of a man who doesn't cherish you Is it worth crying? Don’t think that tears can make a man soft, it will only make a man look down on you more.”

Li Xiaoman's tear-filled clear eyes looked at the strange and unfamiliar Long Sihao in front of him, the spasm of heart pain, as if he would suffocate in the next second.

She looked straight at Leng Sihao, who was so cold and enchanted, as if she had been taken away, like a puppet, like a broken doll, without any words.

The child was gone, his attitude towards her instantly changed, and she began to wonder if he really loved her?

How much is his love for her true or false?

After a long time, her bright white shell teeth clenched her trembling lower lip, her voice looked very hoarse with a crying tone, and asked sadly: "Long Sihao, have you ever loved me?"

"Hehe..." Long Sihao sneered, and looked at her indifferently, "Is it important? Have I ever loved you? Is it important? Since you want to know, I will tell you the truth, I have never loved you , I have been playing with you all the time, I just use you as a tool for me to give birth to children, you killed my daughter, I will not forgive you, and never will."

His relentless words made Li Xiaoman's heart tingle, like her soul, her meridians, to strip her body, the unspeakable heartache made her unbearable, the whole person It seemed to collapse, and fell to the ground helplessly.

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

The last few chapters are a bit of abuse! The babies must hold on, the sunshine always stays behind the wind and rain, and the moon is the best. The most abused text is here, and it will not be abused later, there will be a lot of sweet ha! Just pass through these chapters, just don’t give up on Xuan Xuan! Life is always unsatisfactory. After experiencing these things, Xiao Xiao will grow up, and her relationship with Long Shao will be stronger. A cheerful plot will be posted behind to warm the hearts of the babies.


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