A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 319: Worried, he is going to return home

Seeing Li Xiaoman's pain, his face became paler and paler, and Huo Yunene's ink eyes were full of worry and distress. "Manman, you will bear with me for a while, I will take you to the hospital immediately."

Because he had never been a dad, nor had he been in contact with women about giving birth to children, he was not sure whether Li Xiaoman was about to have a baby, but when she saw her red, she shouted that she had a stomachache.

He was nervous and flustered before, just about to call, and a large crowd of people came in from the sudden bedroom.

And these people are holding cameras and cameras, and at first glance they are journalists.

Huo Yunene saw that the reporter had rushed in, but even if Li Xiaoman's head was covered with a quilt, the reporter was not allowed to photograph her face.

And Li Xiaoman under the quilt shivered in pain, shouting pain in his mouth.

"It hurts...ah... it hurts..."

The reporter heard Li Xiaoman's painful cry from the quilt, and raised the camera to shoot at Huo Yunene.

Click... click...

"Mr. Huo, I heard that you and your ex-wife regained old feelings. Is this true? Is it your ex-wife in the quilt?"

A reporter raised his camera and slammed into the messy big bed and found blood on the bed and the quilt. His eyes widened and said: "Mr. Huo, is your ex-wife seeing red? Is it about to give birth?"

"Is the child in your ex-wife's belly yours?"

"Mr. Huo, your ex-wife is holding a big belly, you can't help but want..."

"Shut up for me!" Li Xiaoman kept crying in his arms, Huo Yunene was already worried and distressed, and these unconscionable reporters were still shooting and asking, he was angry. With a loud roar, the squinting cold charm eyes stared at the influx of reporters, "Go away...all get out for me..."

"General Huo..."

There was something the reporter wanted to ask. Huo Yunene's eyes were cold, and he shouted, "Go away... no more, don't blame me for being polite, get out..."

The reporter saw Huo Yunene angry, you look at me, I look at you, and then retreated.

Seeing that the reporters were all out, Huo Yunene took the quilt off Li Xiaoman's head.

His eyes looked worried at her with a very bad face, and he said: "Manman, you must be patient, I will take you to the hospital immediately."

When the words fell, he hurriedly picked her up and ran out of the suite.

When the reporter who was staying outside saw him, he was going to surround him again. Huo Yunene's cold and enchanting eyes were extremely red, and he shouted: "Go... who dare to come again and delay Manman's time in the hospital, I will let his family be buried ."

The reporter heard Li Xiaoman in his arms keep shouting in pain, and did not step forward, immediately gave way and helped call the emergency.

Huo Yunene had just left Li Xiaoman and left the hotel, and the ambulance had already arrived.

Several nurses and doctors got out of the car and helped Huo Yunene carry Li Xiaoman into the car.

Huo Yunene also followed the car. He clasped Li Xiaoman's hands tightly. His cold eyes looked worried and pale, and kept shouting the pain of Li Xiaoman, "Manman, I will be in the hospital immediately. ..."

Immediately, he raised his eyes to the doctor who was hanging the needle for Li Xiaoman himself, and asked worriedly: "Doctor, Manman, how is she?"

"Her amniotic fluid is broken and she will be born soon...because it is premature, the situation is critical..."

"Si Hao... Ah... Si Hao..."

Li Xiaoman, who was lying on the hospital bed, shouted in pain, tears in his eyes, and sweat on the pale face.

"Si Hao... Si Hao..."

Huo Yunene saw Li Xiaoman shouting Long Sihao in his mouth, and his cold and charming eyes crossed the thick loss, holding her hand tightly and cheering for her.

Arriving at the hospital, Li Xiaoman was pushed into the maternal rescue room immediately because of the critical condition and premature delivery, while Huo Yunene was anxiously waiting outside.

His handsome face is full of worry and distress. Now he has forgotten that Li Xiaoman is pregnant with Long Sihao's child. At this moment, he only hopes that Li Xiaoman and the child can be safe.

He walked around anxiously outside the rescue room, took out his phone and called Huo Yehong, and then Li Wenbo and Li Zhenhua.

What puzzled him most was that Li Xiaoman was born prematurely, and Long Sihao was not there. He couldn't help feeling angry.

While Long Sihao is far away in the United States at this time, he is receiving treatment.

Because he did not want to worry about Li Xiaoman, he concealed his illness.

And he has to receive chemotherapy every day. The sequelae after chemotherapy is that he can't eat anything and his mental state is very bad. He has to sleep for several hours every day.

But as soon as he wakes up every day, he will be on the phone with his domestic uncle Cheng, no matter whether it is day or midnight when he wakes up.

He wanted to know what Li Xiaoman did every day, how much food he ate, how he was in physical condition, etc.

Only when Li Xiaoman is well, will he be at ease.

As far away as the United States, he cares about and misses her all the time.

Even in a lethargy, he was thinking of her, thinking of her, calling her name again and again in a dream.

But he knew that he wanted to stay with her for life, to protect her, to love her, to love her, to pamper her, to love her all his life, he must insist on receiving various treatments every day.

He must get well soon. Only if he has a healthy body can he qualify and love to love her, hurt her, protect her, protect her, and give her the happy life she wants.

He was afraid that if he left, no one would love her more than he.

Ling Hanye stayed in China to help him sit down and help him hide Li Xiaoman.

Therefore, the information received by Li Xiaoman every night was actually sent by Long Sihao to the editor Ling Hanye, and when Li Xiaoman called in the past, it was also received by Ling Hanye.

In order not to arouse Li Xiaoman's suspicion, he made a phone call every two days, but each call would not exceed five minutes.

The voice of Long Sihao that Li Xiaoman heard was recorded by Long Sihao in advance, but Ling Hanye also used a voice changer to imitate Long Sihao.

He stayed in China to help Long Sihao stabilize Li Xiaoman, Ling Dina, and Lori were all treated with Long Sihao in the United States, and Su Yi returned to China only a few days ago.

Ling Dina stayed in front of his hospital bed every day, almost day and night, almost inseparable.

It is already midnight in American time. She is still awake. Her brown eyes are red and swollen. Because she takes care of Long Sihao every day, her mental state is not very good.

She clasped Long Sihao's cold hands in both hands and whispered: "Brother Si Hao, you must get well soon, okay? If you dare to take a step first, I... I'll **** the corpse."

Her words fell, lying on the bed with her eyes closed, and Long Sihao, pale and haggard, opened her eyes.

"Brother Si Hao, you're awake, so good, I know you're afraid of being raped by me~ corpse." Ling Dina looked at the waking Long Sihao with a delighted expression, lowering her head just to kiss Long Sihao, just right Lowry, who came in, pulled her up.

Ling Dina looked at Lorry who pulled her away with a disgruntled expression, and grunted her mouth dissatisfiedly, "Dead Lorry, what are you doing? Let me kiss Sihao brother, can't I?"

Now she is very dissatisfied with Lowry. Every time she wants to be close to Long Sihao, he will stop her as if he is the patron saint of Long Sihao and Li Xiaoman.

Lorry glanced at her, and said, "Miss Ling Dinah, you are a virion yourself, so don’t kiss the president. The president already has mustard gas toxins in his body, which causes cancer, you..."

Long Sihao, who was lying on the hospital bed, now wanted to know Li Xiaoman's situation today. He waited for Lori to interrupt and interrupted him coldly.

"Give me your phone..."

When he mentioned his mobile phone, the expression on Lowry's face suddenly became dignified. He walked to the hospital bed and looked at Long Sihao, who was not in a good state of mind. Hesitated for a while before saying: "President, you first I am mentally prepared, I just received a call from Ling Shao, Li... Miss Li...

"Xiaoxiao she... what's wrong?" Seeing Lori's expression was wrong, Long Sihao asked anxiously, trying to sit up.

Ling Dina was so excited when she saw that he mentioned Li Xiaoman. She frowned unpleasantly and stepped forward to help him, saying, "Brother Si Hao, can you just lie down for a while and wake up? That Li Xiaoman can she?" What happened, what are you worried about?"

As soon as Ling Dina's words fell, Lowry's eyebrows frowned, and she solemnly said, "Miss Li premature..."

"What? Xiaoxiao...premature delivery?" Long Sihao heard that Lowry said that Li Xiaoman had a premature delivery, pushed Ling Dina away and sat up.

Immediately he pulled out his needle and narrowed his eyes full of worry to Lowry. "I'm going to... return home now."

Ling Dina saw him pull out the needle, and his brown eyes looked at him worriedly, "Brother Si Hao, how can you pull out the needle yourself? You can't leave the hospital now, and your treatment can't be interrupted."

Lorry heard Long Sihao say that he would return to China immediately, and Junmei's frown became tighter, and he knew that their president would be unable to bear it when they knew about it.

However, their president's illness is caused by the mustard gas toxin remaining in the body, and the treatment cannot be interrupted, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The United States is currently one of the most advanced and best countries in cancer treatment technology in the world, so they choose to treat here.

If I go back home, I am afraid...

Now Long Sihao has no extra time and energy to consider other things. He just wants to return to Li Xiaoman at the fastest speed. Even if he delays the treatment, he will not hesitate.

He just guarded her and watched her safe.

When she gave birth to a child, if he was not by her side, this would be the biggest regret in his life, and would make him blame and guilt for a lifetime.

His Xiaoxiao needs him, he must go back.

Lowry insisted on returning home immediately, worried about his treatment being delayed, and was about to speak out, and saw his attending doctor, Taylor, walk in.

"Dr. Taylor, our president has something important to return to immediately. Isn't it OK for his treatment to stop?" Lowry approached Dr. Taylor in a white coat with a very respectful attitude.

Dr. Taylor is the top cancer expert in the United States, and is the attending doctor of Long Sihao. Therefore, Lowry respects him very much, and almost treats him as the savior.


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