A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 318: Seeing red, almost giving birth

After that, Long Sihao returned once every three days, sometimes once a week. The further back he was, the fewer times he returned and the longer the interval.

The only thing that reassured her was that he would call her every two days and send a message every night to let her go to bed early.

She missed him every day, and he didn't spend much time every time he came back.

She sometimes thinks she is like the heroine in a fairy tale. Her prince will only appear at night, but she will not be seen during the day.

In the blink of an eye, more than three months passed. Her belly was like a ball. It was already spring, but it was still cold, and it was snowing today.

At this time, she had been pregnant for nearly nine months. She stood upright, wearing thick and large clothes, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in the bedroom. The clear water eyes flickered in the blinking snow outside the floor-to-ceiling window. It was in a warm room, but her heart was cold.

When there is no Long Sihao around, she speaks little, and besides eating on time every day, she is standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looking down the road that Long Sihao must go back downstairs, but she has been looking for almost a month. The familiar figure of Jun Ting never appeared in her sight.

She gradually reddened her eyes, a clear mist formed a layer of mist, her slender hands were tightly pinched, and her heart was very lost.

Si Hao, what happened to you? Why are you hiding from me? Why only call me and only send me a message but not see me?

The tears couldn't hold back, she dropped one drop at a time, her slender little hands propped up against the floor-to-ceiling windows, her eyebrows raised tightly, and the expression on Qingli's small face was sad and disappointed.

At this time, the bedroom door was pushed open, and footsteps heard behind her.

Upon hearing the sound, she was very happy and turned around immediately, "Si Hao..."

"Mrs. Young, it's me!" The person who came in was Li Xue. When she saw Li Xiaoman calling her Si Hao, she froze for a moment before looking at her and said, "Mrs. Young, Master hasn't come back yet. This is what you want. Honey grapefruit tea."

Li Xue stepped forward and handed the honey citron tea to Li Xiaoman.

Li Xiaoman took the honey citron tea and drank it to his lips to drink slowly. The clear eyes were full of thick loss.

After seeing her drink, Li Xue respectfully took the empty glass, looked at her and said, "Young lady, I'm out."

Li Xiaoman was about to nod, and heard her cell phone on a round bed suddenly ring.

Thinking that it was Long Sihao, she walked towards the round bed anxiously.

Upon seeing this, Li Xue looked at her worriedly, "Young lady, I'll get it for you. Be careful, don't fall."

When the words fell, Li Xue hurried towards the round bed, first Li Xiaoman picked up the phone in one step.

Then he hurried to Li Xiaoman and handed her the phone.

"Young lady, cell phone."

Li Xiaoman took the phone anxiously, but saw that it was not Long Sihao who called the phone but an unfamiliar number.

The overwhelming loss in the clear eyes was even worse, and she took a few seconds before she took it.

Once connected, an old familiar voice came from the phone.

"Manman... Come to Antai Cemetery, your mother's tomb was destroyed, the tombstone was dug out, and it was broken..."

"What? How is it possible?" Li Xiaoman heard the words, his expression changed greatly.

The phone call was made by Huo Yehong, and she heard it when she heard the voice, but how did Huo Yehong know her number?

After a few seconds, she raised her eyebrows tightly, "Okay, I know, I will go immediately."

Hanging up the phone, Li Xiaoman looked at Li Xue with a solemn look, "I'm going to Antai Cemetery immediately and let Uncle Cheng arrange the driver."

Seeing Li Xiaoman's expression dignified, Li Xue looked like something happened, she asked nothing and ran out of the bedroom immediately.

Uncle Guan Cheng heard Li Xue saying that Li Xiaoman was going to the Antai Cemetery, arranged a driver, and asked Li Xue and two bodyguards to follow her.

Uncle Cheng originally wanted to arrange more bodyguards to follow, but Li Xiaoman didn't want too many people to follow her, so he didn't let too many bodyguards follow.

Because the snow was falling, Li Xiaoman was pregnant again, and the driver drove the car very slowly.

Sitting in the back seat, Li Xiaoman was anxious and worried, so he let the driver drive the car faster.

"Young lady, it's snowing heavily, the road is slippery, and it will be dangerous to drive fast."

The driver looked at Li Xiaoman with anxiety and finished, only raising the speed.

Li Xue, who was sitting beside Li Xiaoman, saw her fidgeting, and Qingli's small face seemed worried. She looked at her and asked, "Mrs. Shao, what are you doing at Antai Cemetery?"

Li Xiaoman didn't reply to Li Xue's words, and Xiumei frowned, always thinking about what Huo Yehong said.

Why was her mother’s tomb suddenly destroyed?

Who did this?

Antai cemetery has managers. As usual, if someone destroys her mother’s tomb, the managers of the cemetery will stop it.

But who dares to do this?

With doubts in his heart, Li Xiaoman glanced out of the car window.

At this time, the snow was flying, and the whole world was white, as if wearing a white snow coat.

The Antai Cemetery is in the suburbs, and the road is covered with silver frost trees. The snow scene along the way is very good, but she is not in a mood to see it at this time.

Suddenly, the car seemed to hit something. The driver made an emergency brake. Li Xiaoman's body could not help leaning forward. If Li Xue next to her helped her in time, her stomach will definitely hit the front seat. on.

"Young lady, how are you? Are you okay?" Li Xue, who supported her, looked at her worriedly and asked.

After setting his mind, Li Xiaoman looked at Li Xue, and his slender little hands stroked his swollen belly. "Li Xue, thank you, I'm fine."

Although she said nothing, but she was leaning forward, and when her stomach almost hit the front seat, she was so scared that her heart jumped out, her face was pale, and there was cold sweat on her face.

Until now her heart is still pounding wildly.

The baby in the belly has been almost nine months, and the fetal movement is very obvious.

Every day she can clearly feel that he (she) is making troubles in her stomach.

Just like swimming in her belly, sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right, and sometimes the top of her belly is high.

Although the child has not yet been born, she has established emotions with him (her) in the daily fetal movement.

So she did not want anything to happen to this child, otherwise, she would die in pain and sorrow.

Fortunately, Li Xue helped her in time, but fortunately the child was fine.

For Li Xue at this moment, she is very grateful.

Li Xue saw her and thanked her. She was a little embarrassed. "Young lady, you are too polite. I should help you."

"No matter what, thank you!" Li Xiaoman finished talking, Li Xiaoman looked at the driver who had been unable to hit the car, and asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

The driver turned his head to look at Li Xiaoman, "Young lady, wait a moment, there seems to be something wrong with the car, let me see."

When the words fell, the driver got out.

Due to Xueda, Li Xiaoman and Li Xue have been sitting in the car waiting.

After waiting for a while, the driver did not return to the car.

But Li Xiaoman suddenly felt dizzy and his eyelids were getting heavier and he was inexplicably guilty.

Li Xue, who was sitting beside her, saw that her mental state was not good, and asked worriedly: "Mrs. Shao, what's wrong with you? Is your stomach upset?"

Li Xiaoman stretched out his hand to support his forehead, squinted Li Xue gently shook his head, "I'm fine, why hasn't the driver come yet?"

"Yeah! It's been a long time." Li Xue looked at the car window and then looked at Li Xiaoman again. "Young lady, I get off to see. It's snowing outside. Don't get down with your child."

When the words fell, Li Xue got out of the car and closed the door for Li Xiaoman.

After Li Xiaoman got off the bus in Li Xue, his head became deeper, his eyes blurred, and his vision gradually blurred.

At the last moment she closed her eyes, she saw someone open the door.

She tried hard to see who was pulling the car door, but she couldn't resist the more and more heavy eyelids, and slept dizzy without seeing it.

And all that was engraved in her mind was the sinister arc that provoked the corner of the lips of the man who drove the door.

She was somewhat familiar with that figure, but felt very strange, no matter who she thought, who she was.

When Li Xiaoman woke up again, he woke up in a pain.

And this kind of pain after another, like the feeling of coming soon.

"Um... pain... the stomach hurts... it hurts..."

Li Xiaoman's eyebrows were scowled, his face pale, and sweat was oozing from his forehead to his face, and his trembling lips murmured with pain. When she looked up and saw everything around her, her clear eyes were overflowing. Shocked and puzzled.

She was clearly in the car, on the way to Antai Cemetery. When did she arrive in the house?

And this room looks like a hotel suite.

Why is she here?

Who brought her here?

Li Xiaoman looked at the unfamiliar suite, only to find that she was not only in the room, but also on the bed.

She hadn't figured out what was going on. The door of the bedroom suddenly was pushed open, and an eager Huoyunene walked in quickly.

"Manman, you are really here? Are you okay?"

Huo Yunene went straight to Li Xiaoman's side and sat down, her eyes looked at her worriedly.


It happened so suddenly and so strangely that Li Xiaoman couldn't figure out what was going on, and the bursts of pain in her stomach made her unable to calm down and think about what had happened.

The unbearable severe pain in the abdomen made Li Xiaoman's face pale, frowning tightly, between the forehead, the clear small face was sweating, the slender hands squeezed tightly, and the sharp nails gripped his palm.

Her pale, bloodless lips tremble with pain, and she asked in a weak voice: "Huo...Hoyunene, I...Why are I here?"

Huo Yunene's eyes looked at her puzzledly, "Manman, don't you know why you are here?"

He was originally in the company, but suddenly received a call from the lady at the front desk of the Dihua Hotel, saying that she had something to do with the Dihua Hotel and asked him to pick her up. Because the matter was related to her, he didn't think about anything at the time. He came immediately.

He saw Li Xiaoman's face pale and frowned tightly, his body trembling, and his eyes looked at her worriedly and asked, "Manman, what's wrong with you? Why is his face so bad?"

At this time, Li Xiaoman had no extra thought and energy to think about other problems. She frowned, her lower lip was bitten by her blood, and she said weakly: "I... my stomach hurts... it hurts. ..."

Hearing her stomach pain, Huo Yunene reached out and lifted the quilt. When he saw that there was blood on the bed sheet, he was shocked. His eyes were full of worry, and Li Xiaoman, who was under the sweat and the rain, asked in panic: " Manman, you... you are red, are you almost born?"

The stomach is getting more and more painful, and Li Xiaoman is about to bear it. She stretched out her slender hands and grasped Huo Yunene's arm. The clear eyes looked at him tightly, shaking her head gently, "I...I don't know , Yet... not yet due date... I... ah... it hurts... ah..."

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Xiaoxiao is about to give birth, and Master Long will also come back


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