Chapter 870 Looking for the whereabouts of Xiao Duli!

“Dong Kui, you can take someone to the Mo family, and you must keep the Mo family well-rounded.”

Dong He didn’t hesitate, and directly instructed Dong Kui.

More than ten years ago.

Because of a big battle, Dong He left a hidden wound in his body, and Cultivation Base has been stagnant in the Third Stage of the Soul.

Over the years, Dong He has finally solved the hidden injuries in his body through hard work.

But helplessly, this hidden injury delayed Dong He too much time.

He had just resolved the hidden injuries in his body, and he felt that his time was about to come.

Dong He was naturally very unwilling in his heart, and was always looking for a way to continue his life.

But since the Shenwu Continent experienced great changes thousands of years ago, Medicine Pill, the treasure that can last for life in this world, is almost unattainable.

Just when Dong He was about to despair in his heart.

The mysterious young man in front of him appeared in front of him, and threatened to refine the sixth rank ancient life pill to continue his life for three years.

If he can extend his life for three years, he will be able to use these three years to break through the third stage of the soul and gain more lifespan!

How could Dong He refuse such a big temptation?


Dong Kui heard Dong He’s instructions and directly saluted Dong He respectfully, then strode back and walked out of the Great Hall.

“Little guy, go ahead, what else do you have?”

After Dong Kui left, Dong He couldn’t help but focus on Jiang Chen again.

“The second thing I want to do is to ask Elder about someone.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and looked at Dong He slowly and said, “I don’t know if Elder knows the news about the Burning Heaven Sword Emperor Xiao Duli?”

“Are you looking for the Burning Sword Emperor Xiao Duli?”

Seeing Jiang Chen asking about the Fentian Sword Emperor Xiao Duli, Dong He Lao also showed a shocked look on his face.

He stared at Jiang Chen for a while before shook his head and said, “Sword Emperor Burning Heaven Xiao Duli has disappeared in the Zhongzhou mainland for many years. I can’t answer your question.”

Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

The few years that Master disappeared in the Zhongzhou mainland should be the period when he appeared in the Northern Wilderness.

But now that Master has been back to the Zhongzhou mainland for half a year, why hasn’t there been any news about him in the Zhongzhou mainland?

“Elder tell me about the situation in the Xiao family in Beiming City.”

Jiang Chen pondered for a moment.

It seems that not many people know about Master’s return to the mainland of Zhongzhou. Perhaps only contact with the Xiao family can get news of him.

“If you want to find out about Xiao Duli from the Xiao family in Beiming City, I advise you to give up this idea.”

Dong He seemed to see through Jiang Chen’s thoughts and poured a basin of cold water directly on Jiang Chen’s heart.

Jiang Chen was shocked: “Why?”

“The Xiao Family in Yandi City is powerful, but the situation in the Xiao Family is also very complicated.”

“Although I don’t know what your relationship is with the Burning Sword Emperor Xiao Duli, you’d better not go to the Xiao Family in Beiming City to inquire about Xiao Duli’s whereabouts.”

“I can only tell you that Xiao Duli’s disappearance from the Zhongzhou mainland back then has something to do with them.”

Dong He said slowly.

Jiang Chen’s heart was shocked. It seems that Xiao Duli appeared in the Northern Wilderness Continent at the beginning, and this is probably not simple at all.

Fortunately, he did not go directly to the Xiao Family in Beiming City to inquire about the whereabouts of Master Xiao Duli, otherwise he would be in danger.

“Little guy, if you want to find Xiao Duli’s whereabouts, you can only go directly to the Xiao Family Master in Yandi City.”

“I can give you a chance to directly enter the Xiao family in Yandi City.”

Just when Jiang Chen was shocked, Dong He’s voice rang again.

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